

Analysis of Delay at Urban Signalized Intersections

【作者】 邵长桥

【导师】 杨振海; 任福田;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 概率论与数理统计, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 信号交叉口延误是评价信号交叉口的运行效率和服务水平的重要度量,它不仅反映了司机不舒适和受阻程度以及油耗和行驶时间损失,还反映了信号控制、设计的合理性。因此,延误分析对评价信号交叉口的服务水平、信控方案和信号规划、设计有着很大的意义。本论文针对平面信号控制交叉口的延误问题进行了分析,在实测数据分析的基础上,探讨了车辆到达过程和离开过程的运行特性,给出信号交叉口排队离散车头时距分布模型,提出饱和流率的测量应从第六个离开的排队车辆算起;运用随机过程理论和计算机模拟的方法得到了信号交叉口排队长度分布模型,在此基础上运用协调变换的方法改进了车辆延误模型。由于左转车流和直行车流的运行特性不同,本文还对左转车辆的延误作了专门的讨论。为了充分刻画延误特征,本文给出延误方差分析模型;之后给出了相应的应用展望。对停车延误、引道延误和控制延误之间的关系作了探讨,运用回归分析的方法建立了三者之间的关系式。具体的说本论文共有七部分构成。第一部分为绪论,简要论述了论文研究背景和研究内容以及有关的概念。第二部分则主要介绍了国内外研究的历史和现状,侧重于已有的方法和模型的介绍及存在的问题,这对本论文给出的延误模型中变量、参数的选择和标定起到了借鉴作用。第三部分则根据实测数据,对交叉口车辆的到达过程和服务过程作了详细的分析,特别分析了车辆的受阻过程,并用对数正态分布拟合排队车头时距的分布,为模型的建立和车辆延误过程的模拟奠定了基础。第四部分讨论了车辆在信号交叉口的延误。根据车辆的到达过程和服务过程特性,在理论分析基础上,得到了理论排队模型和延误模型,并根据模拟数据对模型进行了修正和参数标定;对延误的部分影响因素作了分析的同时还考虑了与其他模型的比较,同时还简单地讨论了左转延误。论文的第五部分讨论了延误的特征,给出了延误方差估计模型,并对模型的应用前景作了简单的讨论。在论文的第六部分主要讨论了停车延误和控制延误的关系。最后总结了论文研究内容和研究成果,并对未来的研究工作做了简要的前瞻。

【Abstract】 Vehicle delay at signalized intersections is the important measure of running efficiency and server quality. It reflects not only the drivers discomfort, restrain, oil consume, time lose, but also reflects the logical of signal control and design. This paper mainly analyzes control delay at urban signalized intersections. Based on the survey data, this paper talks about vehicles movement characteristics of arrival and depart process, then the queueing headway distribution is obtained, and the suggestion that saturated flow should be measured from the sixth queuing vehicle is offered. Using random process theory analysis and computer simulation, the queuing length distribution model is obtained. By using coordinate transform technique, new control delay model is put forward. Because the left turn movement is different from the straight movement, the left turn movement delay is also mentioned. The variance of delay, another important statistics model is studied. Then the potential application is argued. At last, The relationship among stopped delay, approach delay and control delay are studied and linear model are building. Concretely, This paper constitutes of seven parts. The first part is a summary, which simply introduces the study background, contents and some concepts. The second part mainly reviewed the study history, actualities and existinbg problem. This is helpful for the model building, variables selecting and parameter estimating, hi the third part, the arrival process and serve process are studied based on the survey data, especially the delay process is mainly analyzed including the dispersion vehicle headway time distribution. The forth part analyzes the vehicle delay at signalized intersections. Based on the queuing theory is, new delay model is brought forward. Then the model is modified and parameters are estimated by simulated data. After talking about the effect factors, the model is compared with existing famous models. The left turn vehicle delay model is simply studied too. hi the fifth chapter, the delay distribution characters are discussed. Delay variance models are obtained. Models applications are talked about. The sixth part focuses on the relationship among stopped delay, approach delay and control delay. At last, the paper work and findings are summarized. The future work is also suggested.
