

【作者】 邓峰

【导师】 崔丕;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界历史, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本论文遵循历史唯物主义的基本原理,以多国档案文件的比较研究和多学科研究方法为基本研究手段,运用历史学、国际政治学、国际经济学以及国际经济法学等多学科理论知识,深入研究了以推动日本加入关贸总协定为核心的美国对日经济复兴政策。 本论文不仅从总体上考察了美国对日经济复兴政策,尤其论证了推动日本加入关贸总协定是美国对日经济复兴政策的重心所在。论文重点研究美国政府推动日本加入关贸总协定的外交政策。在国内和国际两个层面上充分阐述美国为推动日本入关做出的努力。一方面,美国在国内千方百计排除国会中的贸易保护主义势力对日本入关设置的障碍;另一方面,在国际上竭力与以英国为首的反对日本入关势力作斗争,最终美日双方完成了至关重要的关税谈判。通过上述诸方面的探讨,旨在强调美国冷战战略和美国对日经济复兴政策之间、日本入关和美国对日经济复兴政策之间的内在关系,以及日本经济复兴的国际因素之复杂性。同时,也揭示出国内政治和国际政治之间的联系、集团利益和国家利益之间的矛盾。 全文共六部分。第一部分是绪论,概括介绍学术界对“美国与战后日本经济复兴问题”的研究现状,指出到目前为止,研究战后日本经济发展的专著、论文大多数都忽略美国对日本经济成长所发挥的重要作用,一些著作即使谈到这一点,也没有深入研究以推动日本加入关贸总协定为核心的美国对日经济复兴政策。此外,这一部分还介绍本项研究的学术价值、理论和现实意义。第二部分(第一章)至第五部分(第四章)是论文的主体部分,首先论述美国对日经济复兴政策的演变历程,提出美国对日本的经济复兴政策是美国推行全球冷战战略的必然结果,随着国际形势和日本经济状况的变化,美国逐渐将推动日本入关视为对日经济复兴政策的最重要目标;其次详细阐述为了获得《互惠贸易协定法》的授权,以便与日本进行重要的关税谈判,美国政府和国会保守派持续不断地作斗争,重点强调,鉴于国内贸易保护主义势力的强大,行政部门不得不寻求国内利益和海外利益的平衡,但同时出于冷战战略的考虑,又尽量使对外经济政策向后者倾斜;第三,扼要分析美日关税谈判的基本内容,并总结关税谈判的结果,.认为美国政府在谈判中对日本政府所做的大幅度让步,使得日本人能够将美国的政治、战略利益转化为日本的商贸利益,从而成为谈判的最大赢家;第四,重点研究英国对日本入关的外交政策和美国对该政策的反应、施加的影响,在国际斗争中美国为日本入关而发挥的作用以及日本人自己做出的努力,指出虽然在美国施加的强大压力下,英国政府最终同意日本成为关贸总协定的成员国,但是它依然以国家利益为重,对日本援引关贸总协定第35条,不给予其商品最惠国待遇。”第六部分(第五章)是论文的最后一部分,主要对美国政策作深层次的思考,谈及该政策对美国自身、日本及资本主义世界秩序造成的影响,主要突出它对美国自身造成的影响是消极面大于积极面。

【Abstract】 According to the fundamental tenets of historical materialism, using comparative method on archive files in many countries and research method concerning multi-subject as basic means, and making use of multi-subject knowledge on History, International Politics, International Economics and International Economics Law, this dissertation researches American economic recovery policy toward Japan centering around pushing for Japan’ s accession to GATT in a thorough-going way.This dissertation explores American economic recovery policy toward Japan as a whole, especially, demonstrates that the main emphasis of American economic recovery policy toward Japan lies in propelling Japanese accession to GATT. The dissertation focuses mainly on American diplomatic policy toward Japan’ s accession to GATT and expounds that the U.S. made efforts with the purpose of promoting Japan’ s accession to GATT on domestic and international sides. On the one hand, the U.S. removed the obstacles made by the protectionism group in the Congress by all means; on the other hand, it stubbornly struggled with the international opposing forces led by U.K., the U.S. and Japan finished the crucial tariff negotiations ultimately. The purpose of these discussions is to emphasize the internal relations between American Cold War Strategies and American economic recovery policy toward Japan and between Japanese accession to GATT and American economic recovery policy toward Japan, and the complexity of the international factors on Japan’s economic recovery. At the same time, it gives prominence to the relations between domestic politics and international politics and the conflict between the bloc interest and the national interest.This dissertation is composed of six sections. The first section is the introduction, which describes the present situation of the academic research about "the problem of America and Japan postwar economicrecovery" briefly and indicates that the important role of the U.S. playing in Japanese economic growing is nearly neglected in the monographs and theses which research Japan Postwar economic development up to now. Although discussing the problem, some books do not research American economic recovery policy toward Japan centering around pushing for Japan’ s accession to GATT thoroughly. Furthermore, the academic value, theoretic and realistic roles of the study are introduced in this section. The main body of the dissertation is from the second section (the first chapter) to the fifth section (the fourth chapter), which firstly discusses the evolvement of American economic recovery policy toward Japan and argues that the economic recovery policy toward Japan was the inevitable result which the United States pursued her global containment strategies, with the changes of the international situation and the economic conditions in Japan, the U.S. regarded Japan’ s accession to GATT gradually as the most important objective of the economic recovery policy toward Japan; secondly explains in detail that the U.S. fought up against the Old Guard in Congress persistently in order to win the authorization from Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act (RTAA) so as to conduct the crucial tariff negotiations with Japan, and emphasizes mainly that the Executive had to seek for the balance between the national interest and oversea interest because of the strong forces of the domestic protectionism group, but made efforts to make foreign economic policy which is favourable to the latter because of the need of the Cold War strategies; thirdly analyzes the basic contents of U.S.-Japanese tariff negotiations briefly and summarizes the results of the negotiations, and considers that under a large number of concession which the U.S. made in the negotiations, the Japanese could change American political and strategical interest into the Japanese trade interest and became the main winner; fourthly researches mainly British diplomatic policy towards Japan’ s accession to GATT and American reaction to the policy and influence on it, and American ro

  • 【分类号】F119
  • 【被引频次】5
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