

Study on the Coupling Relation between Eco-environment and Geotectonics in Shaanxi Province

【作者】 黄建军

【导师】 王战;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 构造地质学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 生态环境是人类赖以生存的客观条件,随着全球和区域经济的发展和人类活动的加强,自然生态系统越来越多地受到人类的干扰,全球和区域生态环境日益恶化,并成为社会经济进一步发展的障碍。在地学领域,探索人类社会与自然生态环境之间的关系是一个永恒的主题,而生态整体结构和功能研究的开展,将有助于深入理解人类社会与自然生态环境之间的关系,从而为协调人地关系,提供科学依据。本文以陕西生态环境以及生态环境与构造的关系为研究对象,综合运用野外调查、遥感GIS手段、历史文献分析等,系统论述了陕西各种生态环境特征、危害及其成因;在此基础上,应用第四纪地质学、地质构造学、以及自然地理学的基本方法分析了陕西生态环境特征和问题形成的构造机制,运用耗散结构理论和波浪镶嵌构造学说从理论与实践的结合上,探讨了生态环境整体性与构造的耦合关系。 (1)明确了生态环境与构造关系的概念 以耗散结构理论为依据,认为生态环境是发生学上相互联系的多级耗散结构的一个环节。并对生态环境进行了较为严格的定义,即生态环境是以人类种群为主体的,以物质、能量和信息等有机联系维持人类生态系统正常运转的天然生态系统。对生态环境的内涵和外延重新进行了阐释。阐述了生态环境整体性、生态环境整体结构和整体功能的概念内涵,从生态学范畴对地质构造给予了定义,认为地质构造代表着生态环境的另一大能量来源—地球内能,即地质构造运动是地球大循环的动力起源,也是天然生态系统生物小循环的物质基础。同时认为地球内能给天然生态系统输入负熵,是维持地球表面生态环境有序结构的两大能量来源之一,它使地球表面的太阳能进行了再分配,地质构造是通过影响和控制生态环境的整体结构和功能来控制生态环境因子的区域分异。重新分析了生态环境脆弱性的内涵。 (2)系统研究了陕西生态环境特征和问题 分析了陕西生态环境特征及陕西水土流失、沙质荒漠化、资源性缺水、主要生态系统生态功能降低等生态环境问题,运用替代市场价值法等方法估算了陕西环境问题所造成的经济损失,并估算了现阶段各种生态环境造成的经济损失,经分析认为陕西的生态环境使省域生态环境受到严重威胁,也影响着华北平原等周边地区的生态安全。由此引出了迫切和深入研究陕西生态环境的重要意义。 (3)综合分析了陕西生态环境形成的原因 运用现状调查分析了人为破坏造成陕西生态环境问题的现实性和严重性,同时通过历史文献对比方法,提出各种自然因素是影响陕西生态环境的内因,人类影响是量变过程,而不是质的变化。通过对造成陕西生态环境问题的气候、地貌、地表组成等因素的综合分析,认为形成陕西生态环境特征和生态环境问题的各种因素都程度不同地受到地质构造的控制,从而说明从构造角度研究生态环境的必要性。 (4)系统分析了陕西生态环境形成的构造机制 应用第四纪地质学、地质构造学和自然地理学等方法分析了陕西生态环境形成的构造机制,提出构造控制了区域生态环境演化的总体趋势、构造造就了各种侵蚀地貌和侵蚀物质的来源并决定了侵蚀规律,认为构造是诱发陕西荒漠化的根本因素,并详细分析了构造格局对陕西生态环境因子分异规律的影响。 6)探讨了生态环境与构造的耦尸关系 首次以构造理论为基础,探讨了生态环境整体性和构造的耦合关系,即波浪镶嵌构造波密带生态系统的有序化程度高,维持生态环境有序结构的整体功能的稳定性高,脆弱性低,生态系统处于低局域稳定、高全局稳定状态,而波疏带生态系统有序化程度低,维持生态环境有序结构的整体功能的稳定性低,脆弱性强,处于局域稳定而全局低稳定状态;各生态环境因素及其整体性是沿波密带走向延伸,沿波密带倾向更替,其更替过程不是单一方向的过渡,而是由波密带向波疏带阻尼波式波浪状变化趋势,其总趋势是越往稳定地块内部维持生态环境有序结构的整体功能的稳定性越低,生态环境越脆弱,但在向稳定地块内部变化中,山于次级和更次级波浪运动的控制,而呈现出相对脆弱和相对良好的相间变化;波密带振幅越大、频率越高,其内能辐射影响的波疏带有序化结构范围越广,山于稳定地块周围构造带运动时间上的 互且波动性(即不同地质时期,不同方向的构造强弱主次关系在更替),地块内的生态环境最脆弱区并不在地块几何中心,而是偏向构造带活动性相对较弱的一方;根据波浪镶嵌构造学说的波浪级级相套原理,即高级的构造波浪控制低级构造波浪的运动趋势,由构造所控制的生态环境整体性也表现出类似的规律。通过对陕西生态环境脆弱度的评价以及有关的分析得出,构造决定的生态环境整体功能衰退是形成脆弱中心和造成区域生态环境问题的根本因素。

【Abstract】 Eco-environment, which is the most fundamental existing condition of human-beings, has been getting more and more serious with the development of human society. It is and will be a long-term topic to study eco-environment problems in geological fields. Through the comprehensive ways of field investigation, remote sense & GIS, analysis of historical information, the ecological features and problems in Shaanxi Province has been systematically studied in this article. Furthermore, through the way of Quaternary Geology, Tectonic Geology and Geography, the coupling relation between eco-environment and geotectonics has been discussed based on the Theory of Dissipative Structure and the Hypothesis of Wavy Mosaic Structure.(1) Clear-cut of related ideas. Based on the Theory of Dissipative Structure, it is pointed out that eco-environment is one grade of dissipative structures, and that eco-environment is a compound and organic system of materials, energy, information and their connections, with human system as the principal part. Secondly, ecological meaning of geotectonics is provided based on the rule of geotectonics being one of the energy source of eco-environment. In addition, it is considered that geotectonic is controlling the entirety of eco-environment through the way of adjusting solar energy once more.(2) The ecological features and problems such as soil erosion, desertification, lack of water, degradation of ecological function in Shaanxi Province, which is threatening the environmental safety both of Shaanxi Province and periphery areas, are systematically studied, including the initial calculation of the economic loss of problems by the methods of substitution of market value, and so on..(3) Through the way of field investigation, remote sense & GIS, analysis of historical information, the influence of climate, landform, surface materials and human activities on eco-environment is comprehensively studied, which is leading to the conclusion that natural factors but of human activities are the main onesinfluencing the eco-environment, however, most of the natural factors are influenced or controlled by geotectonics in different degree.(4) The mechanism of the influence of geotectonics on eco-environment are analysized including the violent movement of Tibet Plateau and Qinling Mountains on the evolution of climate, weather and eco-environment, geotectonic movement on soil development, soil erosion and desertification. Especially, the control of X-type structure of Qinling Tectonic Knot on rainfall and temperature is emphasizedly studied. Concludedly, it is pointed out that geotectonic is deeply influencing the erosion rule and is the decisive factor of desertification and lack of water in Huanghe River Valley in Shaanxi Province.(5) Based on the Theory of Dissipative Structure and the Hypothesis of Wavy Mosaic Structure, the coupling relation between eco-environment and geotectonics is theoretically discussed, and the main points are:i) Degree of the order of eco-environment is higher in tectonic wave-dense belt than in tectonic wave-scatted belt. The ecological system in tectonic wave-dense belt is particially non-stable but stable in whole while the ecological system in tectonic wave-scatted belt is particially stable but non-stable in whole.ii) Degree of the order of eco-environment extends in the direction of tectonic range while alters in the direction of tectonic tip.iii) Degree of the order of eco-environment is getting lower in wave-type from tectonic wave-dense belt to tectonic wave-scatted belt.iv)The influence of tectonic wave-dense belt on the degree of the order of eco-environment in tectonic wave-scatted belt depends on the degree of intensity of tectonic wave-dense belt.v )The most ecologically fragile area of a block is not in the geometrical core of the block but near the tectonic zone with weaker tectonic intensity.Based on the above rules of the coupling relation between eco-environment and geotectonics, the coupling relation between the en

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】X171
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】759