

【作者】 赖观荣

【导师】 邱华炳;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 财政学, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 人类迈入了崭新的世纪,思想敏锐的人们已经感受到汹涌澎湃的网络经济浪潮向我们迎面涌来。计算机网络和信息技术的发展,引导人类社会从工业经济时代跨入网络经济时代。从游牧经济、农业经济到工业经济,再到网络经济,每一经济形态的变化,都给我们带来了观念上、理论上和实践上的巨大冲击,同时又对人类社会产生巨大的推动作用,使生活在地球上的人们无论是物质上还是精神上都越来越富有。 就如工业经济给我们带来巨大变化一样,网络经济已经对我们的工作、生活产生了不可低估的影响,并将改变人类的工作、生活、学习和思维方式,即改变人类的生存方式。从网络通信到信息搜寻,从电子报刊到网络教学,从网上购物到上网炒股,从政府工程招标到企业电子商务……,这一切已经在不知不觉中来到我们的身边。不论是否感觉到或是否接受,网络经济时代的黎明已经悄悄到来。 网络经济正在带来观念、理念的嬗变,并将产生新的经济模式、组织模式,也必将产生网络经济时代的经济理论。作为一名学习经济学的研究生,应当有敏锐的嗅觉,有一定的洞察力,能够把握时代发展的脉搏。自己长期从事证券工作,客户乐于在网上进行证券交易的事实也不容许我视而不见。这些主客观原因,使得我对网络经济这一崭新的课题产生浓厚的兴趣。 网络经济这一课题极为宽泛、深奥,考虑到自己的研究方向(投资理论与政策)和能力局限,在征得导师邱华炳教授同意的基础上,决定把《网络经济时代的投资选择与管理》作为我的博士论文题目。 网络经济作为一种全新的经济形态,已成为一种不可逆转的潮流,区别于传统经济的运行方式和发展趋势,将引起经济社会的深刻变革,这个时代的企业也必然有自己独特的运作方式和特征。经济环境的变化,对经济活动的重要形式投资,必将产生极为深远的影响,投资理念的嬗变带来投资行为的变化,要求在投资选择与管理上、投资风险控制上都要有与之相适应的方法、措施。投资存量——传统的企业,要在新的经济形态中生存和发展,就要进行观念的更新和企业再造。世界如此, 网络经济时代的投资选择与管理中国别无选择,尤其在即将加入叮 的今天,在融入一体化国际经济的时刻,抓住网络经济时代来临带来世界经济重新“洗牌”的历史机遇,发挥后发优势,实现中华民族的强国梦。 本文运用比较与借鉴相结合、理论分析与实证分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,并以马克思辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,运用马克思主义经济学原理,充分借鉴和吸收信息经济学、制度经济学的研究成果,对网络经济时代的投资选择与管理进行了初步的分析和探讨,并提出了基本的思路。 本文共分七章,框架结构和主要观点如下: 第一章 网络经济的理论认识。主要论述网络经济的内涵、作用和价值源泉。第一节揭示网络经济的内涵,在分析其他学者对网络经济认识的基础上,提出本文所指的网络经济是一种以网络技术和信息资源为基础的新的经济形态,并阐述了其内涵。第二节介绍网络经济的发展状况,包括互联网的起源和发展、世界网络经济和中国网络经济的发展情况,从中可以看出网络经济是人类社会自然发展的结果。第三节分析网络经济的价值源泉,一是网络经济为传统产业价值链中的每个环节增加价值;二是网络技术创造出新的消费市场需求,同时为其他产品构建全球的虚拟市场,为市场参与者提供新的交易场所;三是从信息经济学的角度分析网络技术对加快信息传递、减少市场不确定性、提高市场有效性及优化资源配置的作用;四是从制度经济学上看,网络经济是一种直接经济,通过减少中间环节,降低了交易成本。 第二章 网络经济时代的投资理念。揭示网络经济时代的宏观经济发展趋势和微观企业特征,及其导致的投资理念的变化。第一节分析网络经济时代的经济发展趋势,本文认为网络经济是全球化经济、是直接经济,具有信息型、服务型、创新型的特征,网络经济时代出现新的发展趋势的主要原因是网络技术改变信息传递的质量、速度和范围。第二节探讨网络经济时代企业的微观经济特征,如企业的创新特征、全球经营和专业化经营、企业的服务价值突显及企业财务特征等。第三节在(分析网络经济的宏观、微观特征的基础上,提出在网络经济时代获取理想投资收益必须具有新的投资理念。本文认为新的投资理念主要体现为注重企业的创新能力、强化风险控制、全球化与股权化投资和充分惜助中介机构,概括起来网络经济时代的投资理念是利用中介机构的作用,在充分掌握、分析各种信息的基础上,以股权 且且 绪 言(含内容摘要) 的方式投资于全球范围的创新能力强、成长潜力大的企业。 第三章 网络经济时代的投资行为。分析网络经济时代政府、企业、个人和投 资中介等不同投资主?

【Abstract】 (Including contents)As the new century arrives, innovative people have realized the power of the new waves of the internet economy. The development in computer network and information technology has transfonned the human society from the industrial-economy age to the information age. Major changes in the economic structures ?from nomad economy, to agricultural economy, to industrial economy, to information economy - have greatly impacted our beliefs, theories, and practice. Meanwhile, such changes push the human society forward, and improve the material lives and the spiritual lives of the human race.Just as the way the industrial revolution changed the world, the internet economy has profound influence on our life, changing the way we work, live, study, and think. You can do all kind of things on the net: reading news, searching for information, making comments, purchasing supplies, selling goods, and bidding projects... Whether you have felt it or not, the dawn of the internet age has arrived.The internet economy is bound to change our viewpoints, create new economic models and organizational models, and induce new economic theories of the internet age. As a graduate student of economics, I am very interested in the new development of the world. As a long-time practitioner in the securities industry, the fact that clients are trading securities online also increases my interest in this topic. These are the reasons why I am fascinated by the internet economy.The internet economy is an extensive and sophisticated topic. Considering my research focus (investment theory and practice), with the permission of my tutor professor Huabing Qiu, I decided to adopt "Investment selection and management in the internet age" as my Ph.D. dissertation title.As a whole new economic structure with unique features, the internet economy has become an irresistible trend that will deeply reformed the economic operation and organization. Enterprises of the internet age will have their unique operational approaches and characteristics. Changes in the economic environment will profoundly impact investment, which by itself is an important economic activity. Changes in investment theories will bring to changes in investment behaviors. Such changes require corresponding changes in the methods of investment management and risk control. In order to adapt to the new economic structure, traditional enterprises must adopt new philosophy and reorganize operation. Given the world environment, China has no other choice. Particularly, as we join the WTO and melt into the international economy, we have to seize the opportunity brought by the internet age, and realize our dream of a strong China.This dissertation combines the comparison method and the contrast method, theoretic analysis and empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Under the guidance of Marxism materialism and historical materialism, using Marxism economic principles, based on research fruits of the information economics and system economics, this dissertation analyzes and discusses the investment selection and management of the information age, and proposes a basic thought framework.This dissertation consists of seven chapters. The organization and main points are as follows:Chapter 1, theoretic analysis of the internet economy. This chapter focuses on the definition, function, and value of the internet economy. Section 1, the definition of the internet economy, summarizes other scholars’ definition of the internet economy, and points out that the definition of the internet economy in the paper is extensive in the sense that it is an economic form that contrast to agricultural economy and industrial economy. Section 2 introduces the development of the internet economy, including the origination and development of the internet, the worldwide internet economy, and the development of the internet economy hi China. This shows that the development of the internet economy is market-oriented, rather than center-planned. Section 3 analy

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】F062.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】699