

Research on Optimal Design and Microscopic Simulation of Isolated Signalized Intersection

【作者】 马建明

【导师】 任福田; 刘小明;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究了城市道路信号交叉口的优化设计方法,具体的研究过程是:利用专家系统技术,从几何设计、交通组织设计以及信号配时等三方面对信号交叉口进行优化设计,然后利用微观计算机仿真技术对优化方案进行评价。 在我国,由于近年机动车保有量迅速增加、交通基础设施建设滞后以及管理措施不够完善等原因,致使平面交叉路口的交通拥堵日趋严重,进而影响到城市路网通行能力的发挥。对于任何一个城市,加强道路基础设施建设、改善城市快速干道系统是必要的,但做好平面交叉路口的规划、设计、治理和管理工作无疑具有极其重要的意义。本文选择信号交叉口优化设计研究的空白领域,以在城市道路网中具有重要作用的信号交叉口作为研究对象,该选题具有重大的理论意义和实用价值。 讨论了信号交叉口优化专家系统。交叉口优化专家系统包括交叉口的几何设计专家子系统、信号设计专家子系统、交通组织设计专家子系统三方面的内容。并且详细阐述了构建几何设计专家子系统与交通组织设计专家子系统过程涉及到的一些技术问题。信号交叉口优化专家系统开创了道路交通管理研究的新领域,为充分发挥交叉口的时、空资源提供了新的理论框架。 提出了信号设计专家子系统。文中指出信号相位设计在信号设计模型中的重要性,并明确提出了相位设计和配时设计之间定性与定量的相关关系;对于多相位方案的设计结合专家系统进行了全面研究,提出了基于知识的专家信号设计系统理论体系框架,并建立了全面系统的相位设计知识库;针对多相位信号交叉口时空资源的最佳利用目标建立相位优化设计模型,同时结合各种交通流在信号交叉口的不同特性,建立了相位次序生成模型。然后利用以关键相位为基础的配时模型进行研究,最终保证多相位信号方案的科学性和准确性。 以我国城市道路信号交叉口交通流特性为背景,在借鉴国外成熟模型的基础上,详细分析了仿真模型细节,建立了用于评价信号交叉口运行优劣的微观计算机仿真模型SIMSIO(信号交叉口运行的仿真模型),该模型可再现信号交叉口车辆及行人在特定道路交通条件下的运行状况。SIMSIO从车辆的动力特性、发车模型、期望车速、减速度、加速度、车辆的跟驰行为以及可接受间隙等七个方面剖析了交叉口的仿真机理。在以上仿真模型的基础上,提出SIMSIO仿真系统面向对象的软件设计方法、系统设计、系统实现、数据输入以及仿真结果的输出等内容,利用实测数据与SIMSIO的仿真结果进行对比发现,SIMSIO的仿真交通流与实际交通流在交叉口的交通运行描述上基本一致。SIMSIO在预测信号交叉口交通延误时具有较好的效果。可以认为,SIMSIO具有较高精度,能较好地对现实进行仿真. 文中的结尾部分,展望了SIMsIO系统面向ITS的应用。提出面向ITS的应用是目前交通仿真技术的最新发展趋势。提出了现阶段正处于研究和开发适应常规交叉口设计需求的信号交叉口优化专家系统及其仿真评价系统,未来的交叉口设计、控制、管理的发展方向是智能型、集成化的。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly describes the optimal design of isolated signalized intersection. It includes geometric design, traffic organization design and signal timing of signalized intersection. The techniques of expert system and computer-based simulation are employed. Several schemes that are generated from expert system of signalized intersection design are inputted into microscopic simulation system, and then optimal scheme is put forth.Firstly, the research history of signalized intersection is reviewed. Several popular and classical traffic control systems, such as TRANSYT, SCATS and SCOOT are analyzed. Moreover, some achievements in research of signalized intersection are earned in China. However, the start of studying signalized intersection is too late. Most of works we have done are only drawing lessons from foreign advanced experiences. Based on the situation of optimal design of signalized intersection, a System of Optimal Design of Signalized Intersection was put forth. The system consists of two sub-systems: the Expert System of Signalized Intersection and the Simulation System of Signalized Intersection.Secondly, the Expert System of Signalized Intersection is introduced. The system includes sub-system of geometric design, sub-system of signal timing and sub-system of traffic organization. Several techniques are discussed, when establishing this system. The Expert System of Signalized Intersection initiates a new research field of urban road traffic management.Thirdly, the sub-system of signal timing is presented. It is pointed out clearly that the design of signal phase plays an important role in signal timing. There is a strong relationship between the phase design and signal timing. The paper pays much attention to the expert system of multiphase design. The system frame of knowledge-based signal timing theory is put forward. At the same time, a comprehensive knowledge database has been created. According to the traffic flow characteristics of signalized intersection, phase order generation model and optimal phase design model are established. Then on thebasis of critical phase, signal timing model is established to guarantee the rationality of multiphase signal timing scheme.Fourthly, a microscopic computer simulation model, SIMSIO (Simulation Model of Signalized Intersection Operations) is established on the basis of some advanced sub-models for traffic simulation in order to simulate the characteristics of traffic flow in our country.. The various ways of modeling traffic behavior are discussed and the selection and calibration of these mechanisms with field observations are described. Validation studies show that SIMSIO provides a good representation of actual conditions. SIMSIO can provide a flexible and efficient experiment analysis tool that can be used to evaluate signal timing, geometry design and traffic management of signalized intersections, as well to test as new techniques and concepts.Finally, application of SIMSIQ in Intelligent Transportation System Is viewed as a prospective trend. It is pointed out that the future development of expert system and simulation system are intelligent and integrated.

  • 【分类号】U491.51
  • 【被引频次】64
  • 【下载频次】3077