

Experimental study for anaphylactic shock models and mechanisms in sheep induced by Echinococcus Granulosus

【作者】 郑宏

【导师】 汪师贞; 温浩;

【作者基本信息】 新疆医科大学 , 心血管内科学, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 目的:在建立长爪沙鼠棘球蚴感染的基础上,诱发棘球蚴感染长爪沙鼠过敏反应。方法:人工腹腔接种感染细粒棘球蚴(Echinococcus granulosus,E.g.)56只沙鼠,泡状棘球蚴(Echinococcus multilocularis,E.m.)48只沙鼠。3个月后分别用羊源E.g.新鲜囊液、羊源E.g.粗制囊液抗原及沙鼠E.m.组织抗原经腹腔注射攻击发敏,观察过敏反应症状。在攻击发敏前后,监测IgE抗体水平和嗜酸性粒细胞直接计数(Direct Eosinophilic Leukocyte Count,DELC)。发敏后,对发生可逆性和不可逆性休克的沙鼠取肺组织行病理检查和电镜观察。结果:沙鼠E.g.和E.m.感染率分别为89.3%、97.9%。各组过敏反应发生率62.5%、100%。过敏性休克发生率12.5%、16.7%。沙鼠感染E.g.和E.m.后,IgE抗体和DELC水平逐渐增高,但攻击发敏后IgE抗体水平显著降低,DELC显著增多。发生休克或死亡的沙鼠可见肺水肿、肺淤血。多数发生过敏反应的沙鼠光镜下可见微血栓形成及嗜酸性粒细胞增多和肺泡膜的透明变性。超微结构改变在不可逆性休克沙鼠淋巴管内皮细胞高度空泡化,质膜断裂,核染色质固缩边集管腔内可见细胞碎片;可逆性休克沙鼠受损较轻,内皮细胞吞饮泡增多,有的进入管腔形成烧瓶状凹陷,管腔富含细粒沙状内容物。两者的肥大细胞均有脱颗粒现象。结论:E.g.和E.m.感染沙鼠后,采用不同抗原攻击均可出现过敏反应或休克;不同抗原引起过敏反应的发生率和程度不同,但在感染E.g.与E.m.沙鼠之间无显著性差异。休克导致淋巴管内皮细胞严重受损,影响了淋巴管的重吸收、自主收缩及转运功能,淋巴系统难以发挥其代偿能力,可能是促进休克死亡的重要因素之一。

【Abstract】 Experimental Study on Anaphylaxis induced by Echinococcus Infection in Meriones Unguiculatus Abstract Objective This study was to induce anaphylaxis in Meriones unguiculatus (gerbils) infected by Echinococcus.granulosus or Echinococcus. multi/ocularis (E.g. and F.m.) meanwhile, to observe the change of lymphatic microcirculation with electron microscopy. Methods 56 and 48 gerbils were intraperitoneally inoculated by E.g. protoscoleces and E.m. tissues homogenate. After three months, anaphylactic responses were initiated by intra- peritoneal challenging injection with E.g. cystic fluids and partially purified antigen or F.m. metacestode homogenate antigen . IgE antibody level and eosinophilic leukocyte numbers were detected by ELISA and DELC between pre-postchallenge. Meantime, in the reversible and irreversible shock gerbils ,we removed lymph gland of th gerbils for observing the change by eiectro- microscopy. Results The infection rates was 89.3% for E.g. and 97.9% for E.m. . Among those groups, anaphylaxis between 62.5% and 100%, anaphylactic shock between 12.5% and 16.7%. After infection with E.g. and E.m. in gerbils, both tgE antibody levels and DELC showed significantly increased. At 60 minutes post challenge, IgE antibody level were significantly decreased, in contrast, DELC showed a sharp increase. Ultrastructure of endothelial cells showed serious injuring in both irreversible and reversible shocked gerbils. Conclution Anaphylaxis could be induced in gerbils with Echinococcus infection material by challenging injection. Different antigens lead to different incidences and degrees those gerbils with anaphylaxis responses . However there were no significant differences between E.g. and E.m. infections. The function of lymphatic microcirculation plays an important role in the development and overcome of anaphylactic shock.

【关键词】 棘球蚴长爪沙鼠抗原过敏反应
【Key words】 EchinococcusMeriones unguiculatusAuaphylaxis