

【作者】 马海霞

【导师】 邹东涛; 鲍敦全;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 政治经济学, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 二战以来,多数发展中国家始终面对如何实现空间平等和总体经济效率兼容的严峻考验,其所具有的共同的区域经济特征是国民经济在空间上分为两极:一极是少数地区持续的经济高涨;另一极则是多数地区持续的经济落后与停滞。研究如何促进发达地区持续高涨的经济向落后地区有效传递,实现区域经济协调发展就成为当前区域经济理论研究的焦点问题。本论文正是立足于此,运用经济学的基本原理,借鉴了地理学、人口学与系统论等相关学科的交叉优势,对一国区域间的经济传递问题进行了探讨,并着重研究中国这一发展中大国,在其经济体制转轨过程中,区域传递的客观基础、动力源泉、相互作用机理、空间特征、空间模式、传递方式及制约因素和机制的培育等一系列问题,探寻政府干预与市场作用在实现空间平等过程中的耦合机制;在探寻缩小区域差距的内在机制的过程中,为符合市场作用的区域政策设计提供相应的理论依据。 市场经济条件下的区域传递作为区域经济运行的普遍现象,总是在不断地改造和优化着区域经济空间结构,这一过程推进和实施的内在机制是区域系统的自组织协同机制和区域间的竞争机制;区域自然资源禀赋位势差、经济发展综合位势差以及传递通道的开辟则为区域间经济的传递奠定了客观基础,而以厂商、居民和政府等区域经济活 西北大学经管理学院博士学位论文动主体对自主利益的追求构成了区域传递的动力源:梯度推进模式和中心辐射模式作为区域传递的两种主要空间模式,在理论上和实践中均有一定的合理性与局限性,将这二者相结合的多元中心辐射模式,应是中国当前区域传递空间模式的选择方向;从区域传递的内在机制出发,产业传递和要素传递构成了区域传递的主要方式;产业跨区域扩张推进了地区间产业内的分工合作,产业区际转移则推进了区域产业间的分工合作,造成欠发达地区移人产业的层次和参与产业传递的地位不同;制度障碍是导致耍素传递无法按其原有规律进行的关键因素,同时也造成转轨时期我国区域要素传递过程中一系列矛盾的产生;从制度建设入手,疏通区域传递的通道,塑造合格的区域传递主体是培育西部区域传递机制,实现要素在区域间有效传递,椎进西部经济发展的主要途径。

【Abstract】 After World War II ,The severe test that consistently confront the majority of developing countries is how to realize spatial equality and total economic efficiency at the same time.The common regional economic character of these countries is that the growth of national economy is resolved into two extremes in space:one is that the continuously increasing economy of a few regions, and the other is that most regions are being kept lagging and stagnating.How to promote the continuous economic increase transmitting efficiently from the developed regions to the backward ones and to achieve harmonious development among various regions become a significant issue of regional economic theory.Based upon the above statement,the issue of interregional transmission in a country has been discussed in the paper.Many issues such as the objective basis, dynamic source, dynamic mechanism, spatial character, spatial evolution model,patterns of transmission mechanisms in the transformation of economic system in China have been especially studied.Meanwhile the engagement mechanism between governmental interference and market function during realization of spatial equality has been discussed.Theoretic basis for the correct regional policies that conform to the market function has been provided during discussion of the internal mechanism of reducing Ph.D.Dissertation of College of Economics management, Northwest University regional disparities. The self-organization and competition mechanisms of regional system are dynamic mechanism of the interregional transmission under the ? circumstance of market economy.Rung model,hub and spoke modal are the two main kinds of spatial evolution modal for the interregional transmission. Both of them have reasonable and confined place in theory and practice.The multi-hub&spoke model with many centers which combines rung model with hub and spoke model is the proper spatial evolution modal for the present regional economic development in China.Base on the internal mechanisms,industry transmission and factor transmission constitute the main patterns of interregional transmission.Trans-regional expansion of industries promotes the division and cooperation inner industries.Lnterregional transfer of industries promotes the division and cooperation inter-industries.Their disparities lead to the differences for backward regions in the level of the transferable industries and in the position during the industry transmissioninstitutional obstruction is a critical factor resulting in the fact that factors cant抰 transfer in accordance with the law of interregional factors transmission.At the same time,a series of contradictions about factor transmission during the transformation of economic system in China resulted from the obstruction.On the basis of institutional construction,dredging the channel of transmission and building the qualified transmitters are important ways to develop the interregional transmission mechanism of the west part of China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】F121
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】440