


【作者】 汪开英

【导师】 苗香雯; 崔绍荣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业生物环境工程与管理, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 在规模化、集约化饲养条件下,环境对养猪生产水平的制约作用日益显著,人们对此也日益重视,环境控制水平已成为养猪现代化的重要标志。 高温高湿将引起猪的严重热应激,通过影响猪的采食量、日增重、饲料利用率、母猪发情及怀胎率和产仔率、仔猪成活率等生产性能及猪的行为生理而影响养猪生产。而对夏季高温高湿的中国东南地区在热湿环境下猪的热调节行为生理反应与猪舍热湿环境的相关性研究鲜有报道,特别是采用目前动物研究领域内较为先进的技术及仪器设备进行相关研究的就更少。同时由于我国东南高温高湿地区目前仍没有适用的猪舍夏季降温措施,猪场一般根据经验来设计猪舍的夏季降温设施和方案。因而为提高该地区的养猪生产力,迫切需要研究基于猪的热调节行为的经济、高效的猪舍夏季降温系统。 在母猪的饲养过程中,发情及最佳配种时间鉴定是一个重要的技术环节,它直接关系到母猪产仔数的多少。目前国内外母猪的发情的常规鉴定方法都需要大量的人力投入,如在欧洲猪场人工观察母猪的发情表现劳动投入占母猪管理中总劳动投入的30%。因而寻求简易快速的鉴定方法是母猪繁殖需要进一步研究的课题之一。 针对上述问题,本试验研究采用美国生产的动物生理参数无线遥测系统(DSI)和动物环境及行为自动检测系统研究中国东南地区夏季热湿的猪舍环境下育成猪的热调节行为生理反应,探讨热湿环境对育成猪生产性能、体温和心率、行为等的影响,并探讨育成猪对生产环境控制的要求,为养猪业生产中的环境调控及夏季降温实施提供理论依据,同时用红外动物行为及环境参数自动检测系统研究了夏季母猪发情行为及最佳配种时间鉴定、母猪发情行为与温热环境的相关性。 1.在夏季猪舍环境的检测与分析方面,本研究用猪舍环境自动监测系统对各负压式封闭试验育成猪猪舍在7、8和9月份的环境温湿度进行实时监控,通过对实测数据进行处理与分析,结果表明华东南地区夏季猪舍内环境条件不利于猪的生长:7月底猪舍内最高温度达35℃,日平均温度在29℃以上,日平均相对湿度在60%以上;8月初猪舍内最高温度为35.6℃,日平均温度在 28℃以上,日平均相对湿度在 67 %以上;9月初猪舍内最高温度也达 36C,日平均温度也在28OC以上,日平均相对湿度在76%以上。试验猪舍在24h内有y4的时间湿度超过7O%,最高值高于”%。 通过用红外摄像系统对猪舍内各测定点的测量得到试验猪舍内的温度分布:猪舍内温度分布不均匀,温度从上至下温差大,石棉瓦屋顶猪舍(湿垫降温启动与停止)的屋顶与地面温差最大达 22 C。从进气口至排气日温度变化显著, 由东至西方向温度变化不显炔。屋顶架设遮阳网的猪舍其猪笼内的温度明显低 于外界温度,石棉瓦屋顶猪舍湿垫降温启动时猪笼内的温度低于外界温度,而湿垫降温没工作时,猪笼内的温度’j外界温度差异不显著。 2。在猪的热调节行为与猪舍湿热环境相关性的研究方面,本文研究结果表明用 DS动物生理参数无线遥测系统结合动物环境参数检测系统可准确。实时在线检测动物的生理行为对环境因了的反应,结果表明猪的体温变化能充分表现环境温湿度的影响作用。巡过试验研究与分析发现:高温环境与高温高湿环境下猪的体温昼夜节律发生变化,体温最高不出现在下午抡时后,而是在夜晚的 22—23时;环境温度是影响猪的体温、心率和行为变化的主要原因。环境温度对猎的体温影llb tA显著(F=22.54,P=0.0001),环境温度对猪的心率影响极显著叩=6O、捻;卜O.m门),环境温度对猪的行为影响极显著(p=25么96P=O.0001)。环境湿度对猪的体温影响显著 (F=4.96。P=0.0264),环境湿度对猪的心率和行为影响不显著;猪舍环境温湿度指标丁HI对猪的体温变化影响极显著(P=0.0001),因而猪舍环境温湿度指标THI能充分反映猪舍环境的忧劣及对猪的生产性能及行为生理的作用,研究结果表明当温湿度指标THI高十28C时育成猪将出现体温升高等热应激 反应。 3.在夏季猪舍不同屋顶及降温设施的降温效果方面,本研究用红外摄像系统对不同屋顶材料猪舍进行测量并对不同降温设施下猪的热调节行为生理反应的进行试验研究。结果表明石棉瓦屋顶材料的猪舍内外温差小,猪舍内的猪体表面温度大;屋顶上方架设的侣泊遮阳网对降低猪舍环境湿热程度和减轻猪的热应激效果显著,如在高温时段实施直接对猪体颈部喷水1min/hou。以加快猪的蒸发散热,则降温和缓解猪的热应激的反应效果更佳。 n同时遮阳网对现有的各类结构猪舍都宜于改造和安装,且投资小门0一6O元/mZ),见效快。夏季过后可卷起什来年再用,这样也不影响低温季节屋顶的太阳辐射能进入猪舍内;湿垫一风机降温方式和屋顶喷淋降温方式不适于夏季高温高湿的中国东南地区猪夏季降温;舍内喷雾降

【Abstract】 The restrain effect of environment conditions on the level of pig production has been prominence increasingly in intensive systems of animal production and people have been paying attention to it increasingly, so the level of environmental control!, has been an important symbol of modern pig production. High relative humidity and hot environment in pig housing can cause serious heat stress for the pig, heat stress influences productivity of swine by altering their exchange with the environment, feed intake rate, average daily gain, oestrus and litter rate of sows, survive rate of piglets and behavior of swine. At the same time, there are little report about the research on the relationship between high humid and hot pig housing environment in southeast China and the thermoregulatory behavior of sows and growing pigs at the present, especially, much less research using modern technology and equipments in the field of animal research. Additionally, there aren?t applicable cooing systems for pig housing in southeast China at the present, pig farms usually design cooling systems and schemes for pig housing according to experiences. In order to improve the pig production in these areas, it is necessary to develop an economical and efficient cooling system for pig housing on the basis of research on pig?s thermoregulatory behavior in relation to the hot environmental conditions. Oestrus detection and the optimal time of insemination of sows is an important activity within sow husbandry, it directly influences the litter rate of sows. Some methods that farms are used to detect sow s oestrus inside and outside China would take a great deal of labour input, for instance, it takes about 30% of the overall labour input in Europe. It is necessary for improving sows reproduction to seek convenience method of oestrus detection. iv With the view of the above eondition, this paper was expected to engaging in pig?s thermoregulatory responses to high humid and hot pig housing in southeast China using an animal physiological parameters on條ine telemetry system (DSI) and animal environment and infrared behavior detecting system, discussing the effects of humid and hot environment on the performance, body temperature, heart rate and activity of growing pigs, and discussing the environmental need of pig production, providing theory gist for environmental control and cooling systems of pig production in summer. At the same time, this paper was expected to study sows oestrus detection, the optimal time of insemination and the relationship between oestrus of sows and environment using an animal environment and infrared behavior detecting system. The following are some in detail: In the aspect of environment analysis of pig housing in summer, this research was measured in real time the temperature and relative humidity of experimental close pig housing with negative pressure ventilation in July, August and September by using animal environment and infrared behavior detecting system. It was round that the environment of pig housing in summer in southeast China wasn?t beneficial to pig production through measuring data analysis: the highest temperature, average daily temperature and average daily relative humidity of pig housing were 35 0C, 290C and 60% respectively in the end of July; the highest temperature, a

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】S828.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】436