


【作者】 周少祥

【导师】 宋之平;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 热能工程, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 随着人口的增长、社会发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,沿海淡水资源短缺问题将日益严重,海水淡化技术将成为21世纪解决沿海淡水供应问题的必然选择。MSF多级闪蒸技术是国际海水淡化市场的主力军,其装置的国产化研制是一项非常重要的科研课题。 本文在前人研究成果的基础上,着重进行了MSF多级闪蒸海水淡化装置设计理论与加工工艺、系统动静态特性等问题的研究,并进行了工业性试验。鉴于海水淡化过程以及其他能源利用过程的热力性能评价方法众说纷纭,所用热力性能指标之间缺乏可比性,本文进行了统一化研究。 本文对闪蒸过程进行了全面的热力学分析,首次将非平衡热力学思想引入多级闪蒸过程的分析,使人们对闪蒸过程的理解更容易。建立了完整的MSF系统静特性模型,该模型简洁、准确,与实际运行数据很好相符。利用所建立的模型,本文对热电联产多级闪蒸海水淡化装置进行了迄今为止最全面的定量分析,弥补了国内外文献的不足,为MSF装置运行规范的制定提供了方便。 为保障MSF海水淡化装置国产化研制的顺利进行,本文深入研究了影响MSF系统设计的主要因素,建立了MSF海水淡化装置的规范化设计方法,完成了国产3000t/d多级闪蒸海水淡化装置设计,其局部原型的中试装置经多次运行试验证明,能稳定生产出高品质淡水,而且其防腐蚀等工艺性能比引进装置具有明显的优势,说明本文所进行的理论分析是正确的,设计方法是先进的。尽管装置加工质量尚待进一步提高,但根据中试装置的配置与实际运行条件,我们所研制开发的国产第一台大中型多级闪蒸海水淡化的中间试验装置是成功的。 盐水加热器是MSF系统的主要设备之一,为单入单出的管式换热器,这类换热器动态过程的建模与仿真问题并不是十分复杂,但仍然存在一些问题。本文在全面分析总结分布参数模型的解析解及其简化方法的基础上,充分研究了分段线性化处理方法,并进行详细的仿真计算,得出了一些有益的结论。对不同扰动因素,各段之间的连接方式不同,不能简单处理成串联结构,否则将导致错误的结果。对于入口温度扰动,响应传递为串联结构;对流量和加热量扰动扰动,由于这些扰动在系统空间上具有同时性,因此构成并联方式,而各段扰动的温度变化响应却只能通过串联方式传递,因此,分段后各段之间的联系为串并联结构。 本文推导出分段后总传递函数的形式,并证明当分段数趋于无穷大时,其结果与分布参数模型的解析解完全相同,从而也证明了可以通过提高分段数改善仿真计算结果的精度。 本文针对单入单出系统,还提出了分布参数模型简化处理的一种新方法——待定函数法,与其他方法比较,具有简单明了、计算精度高的特点。 本文根据热工理论,以每一级闪蒸器为单元,建立了MSF系统动态过程的数学模型和MATLAB仿真模型,比其他文献提供的模型更完善,考虑的因素更全面。将各级之间的联系以耦合扰动向量的形式给出,不仅有助于理解扰动的耦合作用,还避免了建立大型的系统整体状态矩阵,使仿真计算变得更容易。在此基础上,详细研究了MSF系统动态过程数学模型的线性化处理方法,并进行了仿真计算。为 MSF装置的运行调整与控制策略的制定提供了诀策依据,为MSF系统的国产化研”“ 制提供技术支持。 本文分析了各种脱盐过程以及其他用能过程的常规热力性能评价指标之间存 在的不可比性问题,指出导致这种不可比性的根本原因在于能量、炯量和电量之间 存在不等价性。根据对理想热电联产循环实质的分析,以及对各种脱盐过程的用能 特点的分析,建立了以电量为基准的统一性性能评价指标体系,并推广运用于整个 能源利用领域,使各种用能方式的热力学性能可以在统一、客观、合理和科学的基 准上进行比较和评价。 以电量贯穿能源利用过程的始终,分层次研究从能源供应、传输过程到终端消 费的各个环节的热力性能及其变化,从而彻底改变了过去对热电联产供热系统的分 析局限于热电厂内的不足,有利于各种供热方案的对比与决策,这是能源管理科学 发展的客观要求。 以电量为基准的统一性性能评价指标体系的关键在于“指标的可比性”,从而 使热电联产的理论研究超越了热耗的所谓合理分摊问题,彻底摆脱了许多纠缠不清 的人为规定性问题,使总能系统的研究方向更加明确和具体,本文的研究具有开创 性。 本文以电量为基准,以热电联产总能系统为基本模式,构造了简便易行的总能 系统形式,从而使总能系统的概念具体化和具有可操作性。在此基础上,推导出热 电联产机组的临界热电比,为判别热电联产总能系统的节能性提供了方便。并对长*_ 期以来困绕热电联产发展、存在很大争议的供热成本和热价问?

【Abstract】 With increasing of population and development of society, the shortage of fresh water resource of the coastland in China will become more severe. It is necessary to select desalination of seawater to solve the supply of fresh water in 21 century. The technique of multi-stage flash (MSF) distillation is dominant and widely used in the market of desalination at present in the world. Therefore, it is necessary to develop more advanced MSF desalination equipment made in China. Based on research experience published in literatures, design theory, manufacture techniques, static performance, especially dynamic behavior of MSF system is studied in this dissertation. Meanwhile, an industrial trial has been carried out. In the light of the different criteria to evaluate the thermal performance about various techniques with the same objective, it is very difficult to evaluate their thermal performance of these energy utilization systems. In this dissertation a unified criterion to assess various energy utilization processes is discussed and presented. I. Flash evaporation process is analyzed by means of non-equilibrium thermo- dynamic theory, which it is easier for the flash process to be understood. By the way, a static performance model of MSF system is provided and used to analyze MSF system. A good coincidence between the practical data and analytical results can be observed. 2. Main factors to influence the design of the MSF system are discussed and the standardized design method is presented. It must be pointed out especially to pay attention to avoid scaling in service. 3. Brine heater, a tube heater with single import and export, is one of the main devices for the MSF system. Although it is not difficult to model and simulate its dynamic process for such a heater, some mistakes in literature are found. On the basis of the consideration of distributing parameter model and its simplification a linear ramp method with subsection is presented and a simulation is accomplished. For the various disturbance factors, the manners of connections between the subsections are not the same and can be not simply treated as a series structure; otherwise a mistake will take place. For the step temperature disturbance of seawater, the manner of connection between the subsections is in series. But for step flow disturbance of seawater or heat disturbance, due to simultaneity of effects of these step disturbances on the whole system space, the manner of connection is either in series or in parallels. The dissertation presents the total transfer functions with three step disturbances of subsection linearization, and proves that the limits of the total transfer functions are the same as the analytical solution, if the number of subsection goes to infinity. Therefore, the precision of simulation can be improved by increasing the number of subsection. 4. For the system with single import and export, a new method of simplification of distributing parameter model is presented. Comparing with other methods, this new method is much more simple and precise. 5. According to thermodynamic theory, the dissertation establishes the mathematical models of dynamic process of the MSF system and the Matlab simulation models on the basis of each flash evaporator unit. The models are better than the ones presented by other references. The connection between one stage and another stage is expressed as a vectorof coupling disturbance, which makes it easy to understand the
