

Expression of recombinat human interleukin-11 in Pichia pastoris and the protective and therapeutic effects of cytokines on acute irradiation injury in a murine model

【作者】 朱剑昆

【导师】 张学光;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 内科学(血液), 2001, 博士

【摘要】 一、重组人白细胞介素-11的表达、发酵、纯化及鉴定 骨髓抑制是放、化疗治疗肿瘤过程中出现的最严重的并发症之一,其症状表现为威胁生命的全血细胞减少症(pancytopenia),常使抗肿瘤治疗无法正常进行,从而影响肿瘤治疗的效果。随着粒细胞集落刺激因子(G-CSF)、粒巨细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)和红细胞生成素(EPO)等造血生长因子的基因工程产品化和商品化,为血细胞减少症(cytopenia)特别是贫血和中性粒细胞减少症的治疗开拓了新的途径,并获得巨大的成功。但是对血小板减少以及所致的出血目前尚无疗效确切的药,血小板减少症成为骨髓功能抑制或障碍的严重临床症状。虽然GM-CSF对巨核细胞的生长和分化有一定的生物学作用,但仍不能有效治疗血小板减少症;白细胞介素(IL)—6对血小板的升高具有明显的作用,但其产生的副作用是人体无法承受的。血小板生长因子(thrombopoietin, TPO)升高血小板的作用更加有效,但它可能在体内引起血栓,故尚需对其应用于体内的安全性作出进一步的评估。因此寻找升高血小板的特效药物便成为引人注目的重要课题。现已证实,IL-11在体外作为单一因子在无血清的甲基纤维素半固体培养系统中能刺激 重组人白细胞介索1!的表达及其与多种细胞因子在小鼠急性放射损伤中的研究 摘要 人巨核细胞集落形成细胞(CFU-Meg)的增殖,增加 CFU-Meg的体 积和细胞内染色体的倍数。动物和人体临床实验表明,体内注射 IL八 也可显著刺激巨核细胞和血小板的生成,且副作用小,。因此 IL上 作 为目前唯一能运用于临床的特异性升高血小板药物得到广泛关注。采 用基因工程方法生产 ILl 具有重要的开发价值。但是药效学研究表 明,人重组人 IL* l)在体内的有效剂量为 50~75L。g/kg,远 高于其它一些己经用于临床的重组细胞因子药物,所以高效表达具有 高比活度的重组 rhILl 至关重要。 我们首先根据文献报道的人ILq 基因和分泌型毕氏酵母系统信号 肽口因子部分基因的序列,利用计算机分析其基因的分子势能,根据 酵母密码子的偏爱性,在不改变 ILq 蛋白质氨基酸序列的前提下,人 工合成了ILJ 的基因片段,并经基因重组技术获得用于酵母分泌表 达 n刁 的载体 PPICZaA-IL*,然后将线形化的表达载体电转化毕 氏酵母细胞,并筛选出获得可稳定且较高水平表达 rhILll的基因工程 菌株 KMJ上424。其摇瓶内发酵时,72 h为最适诱导时间,表达量超 过 60 mg/L。发酵上清经不同倍数稀释用于培养 IL刁 依赖的细胞株 Bgq,以测定重组蛋白的生物学活性。结果表明毕氏酵母细胞表达的 IL4 具有与 E.COlt表达的标准品相同的体外生物学活性,比活性达 到 5.5 XIO’IU/Ing,显著高于几-11标准品的卜活性(2.2 XIO’iii/Ills)。 应用全自动发酵装置进行菌体高密度发酵,并利用气相色谱仪监测发 酵罐中甲醇含量,控制其浓度在1%以内。电泳结果显示,在甲醇诱 导 96 h后,其表达量最高可达 175m叭。由于发酵罐内诱导时间的延 长将导致重组蛋白的过度糖基化,阻碍蛋白质吸附至层析介质,从而增加 下游纯化的难度,降低蛋白质的得率,因此我们认为 72 h为 ill.----l 较合 IV 6 重组人白细胞介素-M的表达及其与多种细胞因子在小鼠急性放射损伤中的研究 摘要 适佳的发酵罐内诱导时间。发酵液上清采用超滤、疏水层析、离子交 换和凝胶过滤等分离方法进行了分离、纯化,获得纯度达99%的重组 蛋白,经生物学活性分析显示其比活性较发酵原液提高了5石7倍。 二、多种细胞因子在实验性急性放射损伤中的应用研究 1.重组人白细胞介素刁 对小鼠辐射损伤的防治作用 出血是急性放射病的主要体征之一,常表现为全身性、广泛性遍及 各个脏器的小血管出血,可给机体造成十分复杂的严重后果,加重放 射病的临床症状,而血小板在整个出血综合征的发生和发展中有着特殊 重要的作用。呼吸系统特别是肺的放射敏感性虽较骨髓低,但肺的出 血和感染,常成为影响机体预后的主要因素,同时由于胸部肿瘤的放 射治疗也可引起局部急性放射性肺炎。因此研究细胞因子对肺辐射损 伤的防治也具有重要意义。有报道体内预先注射 rhILJ 可改善小鼠胸 部接受大剂量局部照射后所引起的肺损伤,而体内预先注射 rhILl 对 受全身“C。Y 照射的小鼠的肺组织是否有保护作用,尚末见报道。 因此本研究在成功表达 rMLJ 并?

【Abstract】 ~ Expression of recombinant human interleukin-11 in Pichiapastoris Myelosuppression is a serious complication of current chemotherapy and radiotherapy regimens, resulting in life-threatening neutropenia and thrombocytopenia and hampering full deployment of anticancer therapy. With the commercial availability of granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-C SF) and erythropoietin (EPO), cytokine treatment has become established therapeutics for alleviating cytopenia, in particular the anemia and neutropenia resulting from intensive cytoreductive treatment. Although GM- CSF has advantages in that it also stimulates megakaryocytopoiesis to a certain extent, thrombocytopenia can not be ameliorated satisfactorily. So it is pressing to establish an effective agent to improve the function and count of platelet for the cancer patients who would accept chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It has been found that a single dose of TPO might be sufficient for a clinically significant response of treatment on thrombocyte recovery. VIII Ic? Expression of recombinant human interleukin-I I in Pichia pastoris and the protective and therapeutic effects of cytokines on acute irradiation injury in a murine model Abstract But the clinical application of rhTPO is limited by the clinical trial results that TPO might cause thrombus in circulation vessel. Interleukin- 11 (IL-li) is a hematopoietic growth factor, which is cloned from hematopoietic microenvironment stromal cell line PU-34 in 1990. In vitro as a single agent, IL-il can stimulate the proliferation of the human megakaryoblastic cell lines in serum-free semisolid (methylcellulose) culture in a dose dependent manner. 11-11 does synergize with IL-3 to enhance the growth of both murine and human megaaryocyte colonies. IL-li also increases the size and DNA content (ploidy) of constituent megakaryocyte. Preclinical and clinical trial have shown it is an effective therapeutic for IL- 11 to ameliorate chemotherapy and radiation induced thrombocytopenia in vivo. IL-il was also shown to be well tolerated and could reduce the need of engraft of platelet. As a unique clinical agent to increase the platelet count, the effective dose of IL-li is about 50 --?5 ii g/kg/d, far exceeding the dose of other clinical applied cytokine such as GM-CSF,G-CSF or EPO. So it is critical to choose a proper expression system to obtain high yield of recombinant protein with high biological activity. Expression of rhIL-11 in Pichia pastoris As an eukaryote, Pichia pastoris has many advantages of eukaryotic expression systems such as protein processing, protein folding and posttranslational modification, while being as easy to manipulate as F. coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae. So Pichia pastoris was selected as expression system candidate to express human IL 11. In order to obtain a high level production of rhJL- 11, an artificial gene with the optimal codon usage of Pichia pastoris was synthesized. Twenty Ix 11 Expression of recombinant human interleukin-1 I in Pichia pastoris and the protective and therapeutic effects of

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期