

【作者】 金千秋

【导师】 董锡玖;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 中外舞蹈交流, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要论及历史上古丝绸之路乐舞文化交流状况,丝绸之路是一条横亘于欧亚大陆的文化交通之路,也是世界文化展开的中轴之路,世界上最古老的文明国家都曾与这条丝路发生过联系。 古丝绸之路分陆路丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路。陆路丝绸之路是指中国与中亚、西亚和民族地区以及希腊、罗马等国交往之路;海上丝绸之路是指东亚、东南亚以及阿拉伯地区的各国之间的交往之路。 从历史上来看,陆、海丝绸之路曾出现过不同的鼎盛时期,两汉至唐代前期是陆路丝绸之路的兴盛期,唐代中期以后是海上丝路取代陆路丝路兴盛起来的交通之路。这两条“丝绸之路”所涵盖的内容是极其宽泛的。 回顾历史,在古丝绸之路乐舞文化交流史上,曾有过许多不同民族的乐舞交流事例,也出现过许多宗教乐舞传播的盛况,它们均是由陆、海丝路上各民族操作进行的。东西方乐舞艺术从表面上来看,它们的形态迥然不同,实际它们之间又有着互相牵连,扯不清的渊源关系。中国的先秦时期,同西方的乐舞交流尚处于间接性地接触性交流,到了公元前2世纪,汉武帝派张骞通使西域后,乐舞艺术交流日益频繁,中国与西域各国的乐舞交流形成一个高潮,推动了汉代乐舞交流的发展。 魏晋南北朝是我国历史上大动荡时代,导致了不同区域各民族之间的文化融合,随着佛教东渐,佛教乐舞迅速普及中国。随唐时代是我国历史上对外乐舞交流最为活跃的时代,它接纳一切外来艺术,又无私地把消化、整理的中西乐舞艺术传向东亚、东南亚各国,推动了文化落后国家的民族乐舞艺术的形成与发展* 家王朝建立后,海上丝绸之路兴盛,唐、宋以后与日本、朝鲜、阿拉伯、波斯、印度等国交流日渐频繁,乐舞交流也非常盛行。 丝绸之路上的乐舞交流是世界上各种文明交流中的一个亮点,本文在探索历史上中外乐舞艺术交流的同时,还对丝绸之路沿途的文明古国的乐舞艺术的生成与发展以及相互之间的交流作了初步探索,以便对各个不同民族文化圈内的乐舞文化以及圈与圈之间的文化交流有个较为全面的了解。

【Abstract】 Not only is the Silk Road the road of culture and transportation betmeen Asia and Europe, bullalso it is the central road of spreading the culture of the world. The oldest civilized conntries illthe world had had some connections with this road. The Silk Road can be divided into two parts: land route and sea route. The former is refered to theroad for communication between China and central Asia, west Asia, Greece, Rome. The latter is the one amorg east Asia, east and Sonth Asia and Arab. From the view of history, land and sea route had experienced different hey times. Two Han Dynasty is the prosperons time of land route and during the later per od of Tang Dynasty, sea route had filled in for land route. The content of these two Silk Road related to is ery broad. Looking back to the history. We can find that there were many exehangeroent instances of dance and music among different nation alities, and many religions dances and musics had been communicated onllthis road, which were controlled by the nationalities. Although superficially there are distinct character istics of dance and music between east and west, inllfaet they had close connections. During the early period of Qing, China had exchanged dances and musics with the west indirectly. Not until the second centnry BC did Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty send Zhang qian to the west, exchang ement of music and dance became more and more frequant, Which impulsed the development of dance and music of Han Dynasty. Dnring the period of Wei, Jin, Sonth and Worth Dynasty, a turbulent period in history, the culture of different nationalities came together. With the development of Buddhism, the dance and music of Buddhism became more popular in China. Zn Suioand Tang Dynasty, which is the most active times of exchanging dance and music in history. They can receive all the cultures from the ontside, bring the sorted out arts to east Asia, east sonth Asia, and aecerlerate the formation and , edvelopment of national dance and music in undeveloped countries. After the foundation of North Song Dynasty, the sea route of Silk Road became prosperous. After Tang and Song Dynasty, the exchanging activities between China and Korea, Arab, Zndia became more frequnent, especially dance and mu s ci. The exchecngement of dance and music on the Silk Road is the light point among different exchangements of civilization. My dissertation wants to explore the exchangement of Chinese and foreign arts in history as well as the formation, development and exchangement of dance and music arts of civilized old conntries along the Silk Road, which helps me to learn thorongly about the dance and music arts of many different Cultures and the exehangement between them.

  • 【分类号】J709.9;J722.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2683