

【作者】 李戎

【导师】 罗永芬;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 完整的医学应包括治病疗伤与养生保健两大体系,在“预防—治疗—康复”三阶段中,养生保健涵盖了所有阶段而主在第一阶段。有权威学者认为:“二十一世纪的医学模式将实现从疾病医学向健康医学的转变,中医学要想发展,就必须改变目前这种以疾病医学为榜样、为标准的研究方式,回归自我。”另外,千百年来,针灸推拿(按摩)不仅在治疗疾病方面有着举世瞩目的疗效,而且在中华民族的养生保健方面,也同样发挥着重要的作用,针灸推拿养生保健的学说和经验积淀是十分丰厚的。不过,由于有关资料非常零碎,又分散在历代医籍、针籍甚至道教典籍等经史百家古籍文献中;不仅分散在百科典籍中,而且有许多还与调气、导引、唾液、存想、房中等其他传统养生方法互相胶结、纠缠在一起,难辨难分,这就给探索、整理、研究工作造成极大的困难。这些困难造成至今一直无人对传统针灸推拿养生保健的理论与方法体系进行过较为全面、系统、深入而认真的搜集整理、探讨研究,更无人从构建这种理论与方法学体系出发,将历代有关学说经验系统完整地研究出来,以致留下一项亟待填补的学术空白。有鉴于此,本课题在有近15年养生学研究经验,有部、省、厅局各级养生保健类课题,有多种养生保健著述、论文的坚实基础上,直面困难,对历代针灸推拿养生保健的学术理论及方法体系进行较为深入、系统、全面的搜裒、爬梳、探索、研究,构建针灸推拿养生保健理论与方法学体系, 研究结果包括三个子课题:1.对中国古代针灸按摩养生保健的文化基原做了发掘、探讨。科学技术与文化的整合是世纪主题,张文康教授提出要实现中医药(包括针灸推拿)现代化就必须研究中医文化。本课题的这种研究途径和这些研究结果符合这一精神,且在针灸推拿学界特别是针灸推拿养生保健方向极为少见,处于领先地位。2.对中国古代针灸按摩养生保健的理论与方法学体系进行了系统、全面研究。弄清了业界以前不太十分清楚的一个问题:中国古代的针灸按摩养生保健究竟主要涵盖哪些方面。本文研究的结果是:涵盖“经 络养生保健”、“在针刺理论指导下调整阴阳平衡以防治老化疾病、保健延寿”、 “养生保健灸”和“养生保健按摩”四个方面(四个专题)。3.对中国古代针灸 按摩养生保健以现代科学机理进行了探索,并提出了多方面的讨论。这些探索 包括“按摩养生保健的现代科学机理探讨”、“养生保健在现代科学层面上的 机理探讨及艾灸所做探索研究”等四个专题和“人体老化的兔疫学说及艾灸调 节作用讨论”、“人体老化的自由基学说及艾灸调节自由基水平作用讨论”等 17个子专题。 本文对中国古代针灸推拿(按摩)养生保健学术理论及方法学体系所做的较 为系统、全面、深入的研究,是一项无人进行过的开垦性创新性研究,可以丰 富针灸推拿学的内容,丰富笔者提出的“东方自然养生法”体系的内容,可供 针灸推拿及养生保健等多学科学者参考,并促进针灸推拿学术的发展和东方自 然养生法的完善,为人类的健康事业做出贡献。

【Abstract】 Complete med1cine shou1d consist of 2 systems, name1y,disease treatment and 1n jury hea1ing, as wel1 as life cu1tivationand hea lth preservat1on, which cover a1l the 3 phases of" prevention--treatment--rehabi1i especia1ly the 1.’ phase. Someauthor1ty holds,’ Medica1 pattern of the 21.’ Century wil1 accomp1ishthe transfer from disease medicine to hea1th medicine. For the aim ofdeye1opment, Traditiona1 Chinese Medicine should change its presentresearch sty1e, which uses disease medicine as an exanp1e and standard,and return to itse1f." 0n the other hand, for thousand of years,acupuncture and tu1na (massage) haye not on1y atta1ned outstandingeffect on d1sease treatment, but also p1ayed an iInPortant ro1e 1n Ch1nesenatlon’s 1if e cu1tivat1on and hea1th preservation. The theory andexper1ence of acupuncture and Tuina are very rich. However, theexp1oration, class1fication and research work- encounter blgdlfficu1ties, because the related data are not systematic, and theyscatter 1n documents of medical and acupuncture works, even Dao1sm anddlvers1fied anc1ent works from different dynasties; 1n addition, theya1so m1x w1th many other traditiona1 methods of l1fe cultivat1on, suchas respirat1on regu1ation, Chinese traditional gymnast1c and dancingexercise, sa11va technlque, meditat1on and sexua1 activity, etc.. So thismakes the d1stinguish1ng more diff1cu1t. This difficu1ty hinderscomprehens1ve, systematic, and further co1lection, classification,research about theory and methods of acupuncture, tuina, lifecu1tivation and hea1th preservatlon, 1et a1one comp1ete conc1uslon oftheory and experience system from different generations, on foundationof construction of these theory and methodo1ogy. This 1eaves an academ1cb1ank to fi1l. From this perspective, th1s project a1ms to face thedifficulty, carry otit profound, systemat1c, and comprehenslveexp1oration and research on generat1ons of academ1c theory andmethodology of acupuncture and tuina applied for 1if e cult1vatlon andhea1th preservat1on, based on proJects in this f1e1d at natlona1,provinc1a1, and 1ower 1eve1s, mu1tip1e specific works and papers, as we11as 15 years of research experience, and 1n the end, to construct a systemof theory and methodo1ogy of life cu1t1vat1on and hea1th preservat1onthrough acupuncture and tuina.The research resu1t 1s composed of 3 sub--proJects: 1. Exp1oratlonand research on the cu1tural origin of Chinese Ancient 1if e cultivat1onand hea1th preservation through acupuncture and tuina. Integr1ty ofsclence, technQ1ogy and culture 1s the Century topic. Prof. Zhang Wenkangpointed out, in order to rea1ize modernization of Traditiona1 ChlneseMed1cine (includ1ng acupuncture and tu1na ), we shou1d research Ch1nesecu1ture. The research approach and resu1t of th1s toplc are 1n accordancewith thls splrlt, and qu1te rare in the f1e1d of acupuncture and tu1na,esp. lts app1ication for 1if e cu1tivation and hea1th preservat1on. Theyhave become the 1eading force in this fie1d 2. SystematicandcoIllPrehensiveresearch about the system of life cu1tivation andhea1th preservationthrough acupuncture and tVina has been fu1filled. 0ne question becomesclear, which.has not heen understood by the present fleld: what aspectsare 1nC1uded 1n Chlnese anc1ent l1fe cultlvation and health preservatlonthrough acupuncture and tuina? The research resu1t of th1s artlc1e ls’four aspects (four top1cs ) are lnvo1ved, name1y "1lf e cultlvat1on andhea1th preseryation through merldlan theory" ) "1n gu1dance ofacupuncture theory, regu1atlon of Y1n--Yang ba1ance for the purpose ofprevent1ng aging d1seases and pro1ong1ng 1lf e", ’1if e cult1vatlon andhea1th preservation moxibust1on", "1lf e cu1tivation and hea1thpreservation massage". 3. Research on Chinese anc1ent 11f e cultivationand hea1th preservation through acupuncture and tuina from modernscience mechanism perspectlve, at the same time, put forward discussionson mu1ti

  • 【分类号】R245-0
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