

【作者】 郗晓宁

【导师】 朱文耀;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院上海天文台 , 天体测量与天体力学, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 本论文利用航天器轨道动力学理论和方法,以从地球停泊轨道入轨点出发发射月球极月卫星的轨道为对象,综合考虑运载能力、飞行时间、发射窗口、轨道导航等问题,进行月球探测器轨道设计与优化,给出月球探测器的飞行条件、程序及其轨道。 第一章主要介绍轨道设计典型的三类约束条件:轨道运动学约束、观测约束和光照约束。其中轨道运动学约束包括地球停泊轨道约束、地月转移轨道约束和月球卫星轨道约束。 第二章介绍了依据双二体假设进行月球探测器轨道初步设计的方法,推导了快速求解轨道参数的解析公式,分析和计算了能量最省的地月转移轨道飞行方式为地心和月心均顺行(环绕方向与月球公转方向一致为顺行轨道)。 第三章通过数值法分析了各项轨道摄动和参数误差等因素的对轨道计算的影响,给出了精确的月球探测器轨道计算数学模型。 第四章建立了在精确的月球探测器轨道计算模型下的变步长折回爬山法的搜索标准轨道的方法,可快速搜索出满足要求的标准轨道。 第五章讨论了的窗口选择问题。首先借助于二体假设建立了简单解析公式,分析各种约束对窗口选择的影响,给出了粗窗口,每月有2-3天;然后,利用精确的探测器轨道动力学模型,计算精窗口,每天为数分钟。 第六章给出了GPS用于月球探测器轨道近地段导航的可观测星的数目与分布、信号时空特性,给出了最佳制导时机。 第七章介绍了开发的月球探测器轨道设计软件包。 第八章总结了论文工作,提出了进一步的设想。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation, the design and optimization of lunar probe orbit has been studied by using the theory and method of spacecraft orbital dynamics, aiming at to launch polar moon satellite from the earth parking orbit, and considering synthetically the problems about the launcher energy, flying time, launch window and orbit navigation. The flying conditions, program and orbit of the lunar probe are given. Chapter 1 introduces three kinds of typical restrictive conditions which are the restrictions of orbital kinematics, ground observation, sunlight illumination. The restriction of orbital kinematics includes that of earth parking paths earth-moon transfer path, and lunar satellite path. Chapter 2 introduces a method for preliminary orbital design using double two-body hypothesis. A fast design metod for earth-moon transfer orbit is presented. By analyzing and computing, it is educed that the minimum-energy orbit is geo-direct motion and seleno-direct motion orbit. Chapter 3 analyzes numerically the effects for orbit calculation caused by orbital perturbation, parameter error and so on. A precise mathematical model of orbit calculation is given. Chapter 4 sets up a ariable step size to-and-fro bill climbing?method for precise orbit designing rapidly, under the precise orbital model. Chapter 5 discusses on launch window. First, according to the hypothesis of two body problem, a series of formula are deduced for analyzing the efforts causing by every restrict conditions and sketchy windows, which are about 2-3 days every month. Then, utilizing the precise orbit model, the precise windows are computed, which are only ~everal minutes. Chapter 6 provides the numbers and the distributions of the available GPS satellites, the space-time characteristics about GPS signals, and the optimal guidance time. Chapter 7 introduces the software tool kit of lunar orbital design. Chapter 8 sums up whole work about the paper, some new ideas about the orbital design of lunar probe are presented farther.

  • 【分类号】V412.41;V476.3
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】5275
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