

【作者】 单艺斌

【导师】 刘长新; 蒋萍;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 统计学, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 江泽民同志在第四次世界妇女大会上向全世界庄严宣告:“我们十分重视妇女的发展与进步,把男女平等作为促进我国社会发展的一项基本国策。”这一历史承诺,不仅符合世界潮流,而且已经走在了所有国家的前列。然而,在人类社会发展的历史进程中,妇女长期处于与男子不平等的地位,使得妇女地位问题一直引起国际社会的高度重视,妇女地位的研究成为世界普遍关注的一个热门课题。本文以妇女社会地位评价方法研究作为切入点,从理论、方法、实证和评价四个方面,进行定性与定量相结合,方法研究与实证分析相结合,理论研究与对策研究相结合的新探索。 论文内容主要包括:一、以研究所涉及基本概念的界定,理论的导引和思想、原则的确立为前提,为全文提供理论基础和思想基础。二、按照对妇女社会地位概念的界定,将其划分为政治地位、经济地位、教育地位、婚姻家庭地位和健康地位五部分,对每一部分评价方法的研究称之为分体评价研究。通过五章分别进行分体评价方法的构建。为此,进行了相关概念和内涵的理论研究;进行了前人研究成果的全面、系统评价;完成了妇女社会地位各部分的综合评分法和综合指数法的构建,并利用国内外资料进行了实证评价和现状与对策研究。三、在分体评价方法研究的基础上,进行了妇女社会地位总体评价方法的构建,建立了妇女社会地位总体综合评分法和综合指数法。 全文以构建妇女社会地位分体评价方法和总体评价方法为核心,借助于实证评价手段,对所建方法进行了验证和实际对策研究。力求用科学、实用、系统、全面的定量方法,解决对妇女社会地位进行纵向与横向评价这一难题。

【Abstract】 Comrade Jiang Zheming proclaimed solemnly to the world in the 4 World Women Meeting: e always pay great attention to the women development and progress and advocating the equality of men and women is one of the basic policies of the state in promoting our social development.?The speech not only expressed the international trend but also put China in the front row in this field among all the countries in the world. However, in the course of human society development, over the long period of time women were not on an equal footing as men so women status in the society has attracted the international attention. The research into women status has become a worldwide hot issue. The thesis begins from the evaluation methods of women status in the society and then is followed by the further study on the theory, the methods, the practical proving, and the evaluation. All of these are subject to the combination of the natural analysis and the quantitative analysis, the connection between research and practical proving, and the compound of the theoretical study and the approaching of countermeasures.The content of this thesis includes the followings: I. A solid foundation has been laid for the whole thesis by beginning with the determination of the basic concepts, the theoretical introduction and the setting of principles. II. According to the coa~et, women status in the society can be subdivided into five parts: political statw, economic status, educational status, marriage status and health status. The evaluation methods on each of the five are called partial evaluation methods, which are respectively established in five chapters by conducting the theoretical study on relative concepts and their essence, and commenting fully and systematically on the earlier researching results. In the partial evaluation, the method of comprehensive grading and aggregate index number is built up. In this section, national and international references are cited in the research of practical evaluation and thecoUntennasares. III. On the baSis ofpboaI evaluation method, the generaI evaluaionmethd is Afed in evaluating women’s statUS in the society Furthennre, themethOd of comprehensive M and aggregate index number is findly built wthehcan be used in the gCnend evalustion.ttis thesis, with the emPhasis laid on the bullding uP of both gental and pboalevaluation methods which have been tested and verified through prachcaI evaluation,aiIns at so1ving the difficult Ptobletns of women’s statUS in the society in length andbreadth scientifically, practically, systematically and comPrehenSively

【关键词】 妇女社会地位评价方法
【Key words】 womensocial statusevaluation methods
  • 【分类号】C913.68
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】3961