

【作者】 林幼斌

【导师】 秦德先;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 广西大厂是中外著名的锡产地,92号矿体是大厂矿田规模最大的锡多金属矿体。本文应用现代成矿理论对92号矿体的矿床地质、地球化学特征和矿化富集规律进行了研究。地质统计学作为一种先进的储量计算方法,已在国内外矿业界得到广泛应用。本文首次运用地质统计学的理论和方法,以计算机为工具,建立了92号矿体的矿床数学经济模型,矿体数学经济模型的建立对于实现矿山生产的动态管理,充分合理地开发利用矿产资源具有重要的意义。主要研究成果如下: 研究表明,92号矿体为喷流热水沉积—改造成因。矿体赋存在D31硅质岩中,呈似层状与地层整合产出,与围岩同步褶曲,主要由层状矿和脉状矿构成。前期海底喷流热液作用在矿区北东部和下部形成层纹条带状矿,后期构造改造作用形成了矿区西部和上部的细(网)脉状矿和大脉状矿。成矿物质主要来源于海底喷流作用,与燕山期花岗岩没有明显的物源关系,花岗岩主要为后期改造成矿提供了能量和动力。92号矿体可划分为上、中、下三层矿。上、下两层为Sn、Pb、Zn矿,中层为Zn、Pb矿,上层矿矿化最好,下层矿一般,中层矿较差;主要控矿因素为构造和地层。成因规律的研究不仅丰富了大厂锡矿的成矿理论,而且为正确圈定矿体提供了理论依据。 建立了92号矿体原始资料数据库,库中共有516个探矿工程,25000件样品,近90000个Sn、Pb、Zn、Sb、Ag化验分析数据和三维坐标,并对其进行了基本统计分析,结果表明:Sn、Pb、Zn品位服从对数正态分布,变化系数依次为196%、153%、101%。数据库可供矿山生产动态管理随时调用。 计算并拟合了92号矿体五个方向的变异函数,各变异函数曲线均为跃迁型,分别建立了Sn、Pb、Zn三元素的品位变化的数学模型,结构分析表明92号矿体呈带状各向异性变化。交叉验证表明误差在规范允许范围内。 根据矿体形态、产状、空间变化大的特点,采用不同产状部分分别估值的新方法,首次在同一模型内分块段进行估值,建立了矿体岩性模型。 根据矿体地质特征和矿化富集规律,对92号矿体以10m×10m×2.5m的单元块为单位进行品位估值,以10种边界品位分别圈定了矿体,按层分别计算了Sn、Pb、Zn的储量,建立了品位经济模型。并对比优化了矿床工业指标。 应用矿业技术经济方法计算了多元素综合盈亏平衡地质品位和Pb、Zn相对于Sn的等值换算系数,建立了Sn、Pb、Zn综合品位模型和品位一吨位模型,为综合开发利用92号矿体提供依据。 优选了两个首期开采地段,并计算了其品位和储量。 研究确定了最佳勘探网度以及伴生组分与主金属的共生相关关系。 根据矿山生产的急需,计算了五个采场的品位和储量。 用计算机绘制了矿体剖面图、中段图110幅。 通过对锡资源开发利用形势分析,为华锡集团和铜坑矿可持续发展提出若干对策与建议。

【Abstract】 No.92 ore-body is the biggest ore-body of Dachang tin-Polymetallic ore-field in Guangxi province, China’s most important tin-producing district. This paper synthetically analyzed the geological and geochemical characteristics and the metallogenesis of No 92 ore-body. As one of the advanced reserves-estimation methods, geostatistics has been widely applied in geology and mining- industry in the world. In this paper, the new techniques of computer, geostatistics theory and methods are firstly applied to establish the mathematics-economic model of No.92 ore-body. The successful application of geostafistics on modeling on No 92 ore-body has important significance to the dynamic management of mining production and the rational exploitation of mineral resources The main results are listed as follow: The study on No.92 ore-body indicates that it is an exhalative hydrothermal sedimentary-transformed type in genesis The ore-body is composed of banded stratiformed mineralization and vein-like mineraliziation. In the previous stage, the banded and stratiformed ores and ore resources layer were formed by spouting hydrothermal sedimentary in the northern-eastern part and in the lower horizon, In the later stage, the vein and veinlet ores were formed by structure-reformation in the western and in the upper horizon With the respect of material resources, the mineralizing materials is from exhalative sedimentary mineralization, it has no obvious relation with Yanshan granite, Yanshan granite mainly provided the energy and motive power for transformed mineralization in later stage No.92 ore-body can be divided into three layers upper, middle and lower Upper and lower layers are Sn, Pb,Zn ore layers, middle layer is Zn, Pb ore layer The mineralization of upper ore layer is the best, that of lower ore layer is the second, and the middle ore layer is bad No 92 ore-body is hosted in D3 siliceous rocks, occurred in bedded shape, conformable with the strata and synchronously folded with the strata. The most important ore-controlling factors are tectonic, structure and strata All those studies not only enriched the metallogenetic theory of Dachang tin deposit, but also provide the basis to determine the ore-body correctly. The original database of No.92 ore-body has been established There are 516 prospecting projects including their tree dimensionality coordinates. 25000 samples and 90000 analyzed data of Sn,Pb,Zn,Sb and Ag in the database. Fundamental statistical analysis shows that the values of Sn, Pb and Zn are logarithmic and normal distributed and their variant coefficients are 196%, 153%and 101% respectively The database can be used by the mining dynamic management whenever necessary The variogram of No 92 orebody in five directions have been calculated, and the variogram curves were formulated All these curves are leap type The mathematical models of grade varialbility of Sn, Pb and Zn have been established separately, the structural analysis of No.92 ore-body indicates the ore-body varies band anisotropically. Cross testing and verifying shows that the estimation error is in the allowed range Aiming at that No.92 orebody changes greatly in morphological characteristics, the new method to respectively estimate depending on the occurrence is firstly applied, lithology model of No 92 ore-body is established And the hthology value is estimated in blocks of one model By means of kriging, the grade model of No 92 ore-body are established, the grade values areestlmated by the un1t of 10X 10X2. 5 cube meters ln voIume, the re5erves of Sn, Pb and Zn arecalculated by tCn dlfferent cut-off grades, and the mlnlng econo

  • 【分类号】P618.44
  • 【被引频次】5
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