

Studies on the Distribution,Chassification of Chinese Yunjie and Intergenus Crossing-compatibility of Eruca sativa Mill × Rapeseeds(Brassica)

【作者】 孙万仓

【导师】 官春云;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 中国的芸芥是一个农艺学名词,泛指Eruca Mill.(中名芝麻菜属)的所有种。 芸芥不仅是世界干旱半干旱地区的重要油料作物,而且是芸薹属油料作物乃至整个十字花科植物育种的重要资源。由于它具有抗旱、耐瘠、抗(耐)病等优异的抗逆性能,已愈来愈引起人们的重视。本文对中国芸芥(Eruca Mill.)的分布、形态特征和类型划分、RAPD标记多态性、芸芥—油菜的远缘杂交亲和性进行了比较系统的研究。结果表明: (1)中国芸芥分布区域十分广泛,西起新疆,东到黑龙江,南至四川金堂均有芸芥分布,分布范围为东经76°~东经125°,北纬31°以北,形成了一个由西到东的广袤的芸芥分布带。芸芥的主产区分布在长城沿线的甘肃、宁夏、陕北、内蒙古、山西雁北地区和河北坝上地区,其基本特点一是干旱,二是瘠薄。芸芥分布区(产区)一般年降雨量在400mm以下,有些地区不足100mm。土壤肥力差,有机质含量10.0~15.0g/kg,全氮≤1.0g/kg,速效磷5~10μg/g。 (2)含油率、硫苷和脂肪酸均有较大变异。经测定,中国芸芥含油率22.35%~40.41%,硫苷含量33.62μmol/g~58.80μmol/g,芥酸和油酸为主要脂肪酸,含量分别为23.98%~34.54%、22.78%~29.49%,其中不乏高含油率、中芥和硫苷含量较低的优质材料,如神池芸芥含油率达40.41%,康乐芸芥的芥酸23.98%,华池芸芥的硫苷仅33.62μmol/g,表明中国芸芥品质改良的潜力很大。 (3)和田芸芥为我国除E.sativa及其变种E.sativa var.eriocarpa(Boiss.)post之外的另外一个芸芥种或亚种(变种)(种名待定),表明我国芸芥至少有两个以上的种或亚(变)种。主要表现在以下三点: 一是根据对所征集到的全国不同芸芥产区42份材料的植物学形态特征研究,中国芸芥可分为全叶芸芥(和田芸芥)和羽(状裂)叶芸芥两大类型(其中羽叶芸芥又分为3个亚类型),两大类型芸芥之间在植物学形态特征变异上没有连续性。 二是和田芸芥叶、花、果等植物学特征与目前我国分布的唯一芸芥种E.sativa Mill.及其变种E.sativa var. eriocarpa(Boiss.)post存在较大差异。和田芸芥基生叶和茎生叶均为完整叶,叶缘波状或锯齿状;花瓣上脉纹为黄绿色;角果表面光滑,无毛,四棱状。 湖南农业大学博十学位论文 向 E sativa Mill.及其变种 Esati。var.eriocarpo(Boiss.)post.的基!liltf、X生Ill均为羽状 t 裂no;花瓣上有紫色脉纹;角果为圆0状。 二是RAPD标记聚类分析结用,和出王芥与其它芬芥余缘关系远,独白聚为 么I, 亦证实和田会芥为新的类几’Z。 (4)兰芥与汕菜的远缘杂交存在严巫的生殖防w,本研究中儿授粉15990个杆头,5,’i 利率4.5%。F梢株形态特征鉴定表叫.所得到的个交种/全部为由外缘花粉诱导l‘“十 的偏讨种十。去芥‘。汕菜松交,杜交种于的产‘生与杂交的组配人式有大。H菜死Vm菜x z拌的纠籽率高}芥菜)w油菜X会芥及#监呷汕菜X 2芥,其中甘恤冲汕菜XZ外结秆 率最低。总的趋势是:以汕菜为母本杂交,朵交种产的广’生频率较高:反上以去芥作N 本则低。结籽率的共异与两个杂交来本间未缘关系的朵疏有X。0(5)芒芥与汕菜的远缘杂交生殖明w上翌是授精前师w,即义交不来和。甘炊刑汕菜 U 芥的花粉一村头相A什用研究表明:’V巾菜* 芥进打属问远缘杂交时,花粉很难.附着剑异源忡头上,即使花粉阴着到异源朴头卜,也难以荫发,而且花粉管也难以生K 伸仗。当对亡交不庆利的芬芥控制授粉向交时,也发生类似现象,辛异仅介下不市和样 度较低而己,表明远缘朵交不朱和‘J【1交不木和叶能存在某种内在联系。 W丢芥‘川;傈松交存在的严亚的众交不木和现象1!不意味着二都S交时完个不能发 生受精过积,产生杂种胚。少数斤源花粉么打头上萌发生K及杂交角果中败育胚残迹存 在的事实,表明有杂种胚产生,但拙种胚发育为成熟胚的机率较小。必须通过胚培养、 体细胞仕交及转基冈技术等,J能将Z芥与油菜的优异性状相v转移,实现遗传物质相 .匕交流,创造优异变异材料,牡别洁抗干子耐瘠薄材料、新的细胞质小育材料和抗(耐) 病材料,选育新刑的会芥、油菜新品种。

【Abstract】 Yunjie is an agronomy name for Eruca Mill., and including all species of Eruca Mill. in China. There are five species in Eruca Mill. in the world, i.e .E. vesicaria L. ; F. saliva Mill. (F. Iongirosiris Uechtr E. orthosepala(Lange) Lange); F. pinnatifida(Desf. )Pornel. (B. pinnatE/ida Desf); F. Loncholoma (Pomel.) (Brassica /orwholoma Pomel.); F. setulosa Boiss.. They are important oil crops in the drought-regions and half-droght regions in the world, and more and more attentions are paid to them because of their excellent resistance to droght climate, poor soil conditions and diseases.This paper presents the studies on the distribution,classification of chinese Yunjie(Eruca MilL) and intergenus crossing- compatibility of E.sativa Mill >( rapeseed (13 rassica), and the factors which affect the intergenus crossing-compatibility were discussed. Investigations showed that Yunjie(Eruca Mill. ) spreaded widely in China, with longitudes ranging from 760 E to l25 U and latitudes ranging from 31 N to 46 N, and forming a large Yunjie(Eruca Mill )produetion areas. Yunjie mainly distributed in drought and half-drought regions along both sides of Great Wall in northwestern and northern China. Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, northern Shaanxi and Shanxi1 Ba shang of Hebei are the leading provinces(regions) in Eruca Mill. production. All these regions are commonly featured by dry climate and poor soil. The average amount of precipitation generally belows 400mm per year and even less than 100mm in some regions.The poor soil has only organic matter l0.0 15.Og/kg, total nitrogen 1 .Og/kg. available phosphate 5-A Oj.tg/g. The better tolerance to poor enviroment for Yunjie is reguarded related to it’s growth tinder a bad growing conditions for a long time. Chinese Yunjie varics widely in the content of oil, glucosinolates and the composition of fatty acid. The oil content is between 22.35% and 40.41%. and glucosinolates is from 33.62 j.tmol/g to 58.80 j.tmol/g. Erucic acid and okic acid are the major fatty acid in Chinese Yunjie, they are 23.98%-34.54% and 22.78%- 29.49/o respectively. All these indicate that there are some good quality resources in chinese Yunjie, such as Shcnchi Yunjie with high oil content(40.4l%)~ .linning Yunjie with midlle-low erucic acid content (24.64%), and Huachi Yunjie with little glucosinolates content (33.62 tmolIg). Acording to Flora. of China. chinese Yunjie(Eruca Mill.) only consists of E. sc-diva Mill. and F. cat/va var. eriocarpa (Boiss.) Post. But it could he grouped into two types by the morphological characteristics in this study, i.e. complete leaf type and pinnately parted leaf type. Hetian Yunjie is the typicality of complete leaf type which is greatly different from E. sat/va Mill. and F c-diva var. erwcarpa (Boiss.) Post.in leaf , flowers and fruits etc. Both of radical leaf and stern leaf of l]etian Yunjie are complete leaf, it’s netted nation on petals are green and has hair-freed, quardrangular-like fruits. On the other hand, F. saliva Mill. and E ativa var. eriocarpa(Boiss.) Post. has pinnately parted leaf , purple-brown netted venation and cylindrical-like fruits. Twenty chinese landraces of Yunjie comeing from 9 provinces(or regions) could be grouped into four types by RAPD markers, i.e. first, Hetmn Yunjie: second, Sichuan Yunjie: thirds Huanxian Yunjie, Shizigou Yunjie Xinghe Yunjie and Datong Yunjie; fourth, including all other 14 landraces.The results that HetianYunjie differs greatly from other chin

【关键词】 芸芥分布分类RAPD远缘杂交亲和性
【Key words】 Eruca MilldistributionclassificationRAPDdistant-crossingcompatibility