

Study on the Balanced Anaesthetic Preparation for Ruminants——MP Preparation

【作者】 赵生财

【导师】 王林安;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以动物平衡麻醉理论为依据,通过组方筛选出反刍兽专用平衡麻醉复合制剂——MP合剂,采用最先进的Datex呼吸循环监护仪就MP合剂麻醉过程中对呼吸和循环功能的影响进行了综合监测评定,同时就MP合剂的麻醉效果、麻醉过程中对肝、肾功能和部分血液生理指标的影响、安全范围、耐药性、有效期、刺激性及生产工艺进行了系列探索。研究结果表明:隆朋、强痛宁、氯胺酮、氟哌利多最优组合为2:0.15:0.25∶0.5(按合剂中单一注射剂体积计),暂命名为MP合剂;MP合剂麻醉效果确实,镇静、镇痛、肌松效应充分且均衡,麻醉过程中血氧饱和度充裕,对呼吸、循环功能及肝、肾功能和正常生理指标影响轻微,符合平衡麻醉的标准;MP合剂肌肉注射临床麻醉推荐剂量山羊为0.8±0.2ml/100kg、绵羊1.0±0.2ml/100kg、牛0.6±0.1ml/100kg、梅花鹿1.8±0.2ml/100kg、马鹿1.3±0.2ml/100kg;MP合剂安全范围广,刺激性小,耐药性轻微,保质期2年以上,为目前反刍兽临床麻醉的首选药品。 本研究首次对动物平衡麻醉概念进行了界定,为动物平衡麻醉的深入研究提供了理论依据;首次将最新强效麻醉性镇痛药——强痛宁用于动物麻醉研究,为强痛宁在动物麻醉中的广泛应用提供了理论和实践基础;MP合剂的初试成功,填补了国内外反刍兽平衡麻醉复合制剂的空白;将Datex呼吸循环监护仪首次用于动物非吸入性全身麻醉监测,实现了动物麻醉过程的无损伤、多功能连续动态同步监测。

【Abstract】 Based on the theories of balanced anaesthesia of animals, this study formulates an anaesthetic MP preparation for ruminants which is monitored by the most advanced Datex Respiration & Circulation Monitor in the process of anaesthesia. Here, the comprehensive assessment of the influence of MP preparation on respiration and circulation have been investigated, and its anaesthetic effect and its influence on the functions of liver and kidneys, and on some physiological indexes of blood were studied. The results shows that the most appropriate ratio of xylazine, qiang tong ning, ketamine, droperidol is 2: 0. 15 :0. 25:0.5(computed in terms of the volume of a single dose) and the preparation is temporarily named MP preparation. Its anaesthetic effect is assured to kill pain, relax muscles and calm animals in a complete and well ?balanced way. In the process of anaesthesia the saturation of oxygen in blood is plenty and it has only a slight influence on the functions of liver and kidneys and on the physiological indexes. The recommended dose by means of intramuscular injection is 0.8 ?0.2m1/lOOkg for goat, 1.0 ?0.2ml/lOOkg for sheep, 0.6 ?0.2m1/ 100kg for cattle, 1.8 ?.2ml/lOOkg for sika deer, and 1.3 ?.2ml/lOOkg for red deer. MP preparation has a high security coefficient, small irritation and slight anaesthetic resistance, and its term of validity is two years. At present, it is the best anaesthetic which can be selected for ruminants.In this study, the concept of balanced anaesthesia is defined for the first time, and a theoretical basis is provided for the further studies in this field. It, also for the first time, introduces the new strongly effective analgetic in anaesthesia qiang tong fling into the study of animal anaesthesia, and provides a theoretical and practical basis for the wide application of qiang tong ning to animal anaesthesia. MP preparation fills the gap in balanced anaesthesia for ruminants abroad and at home. And the first use of Dates Respiration & Circulation Monitor in the monitoring of non inhalation anaesthesia of animals acheive the consecutive synchro ?monitoring in the process of animal anaesthesia without injurying animals and influencing their physiological indexes.Shengcai ZhaoMajor:Clinical Veterinary ScienceSupervisor:Prof. Linan Wang

【关键词】 动物平衡麻醉MP合剂反刍兽
【Key words】 animal balanced anaesthesiaMP preparationruminants
  • 【分类号】S859.791
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】280