

Research on Key Technology of a Novel Parallel Hybrid Active Power Filter

【作者】 李刚

【导师】 樊晓平;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 电能是国民经济和人民生活的命脉,而我国企业电能损失逐年增加。我国高耗能企业众多,随着钢铁、有色、石化等行业飞速发展,能源消耗总量大。随着电力电子技术的飞速发展,各种大功率开关器件得到了广泛应用,非线性负载大量增加。它们造成电网的谐波污染和电能损失;同时冲击性负载及无功补偿不足常引起电网电压跌落和闪变,并导致线路损耗增加。这些问题影响了企业的正常生产和人民的日常生活,给我国电力系统带来了繁重的无功控制和谐波治理问题。使我国的可持续发展面临巨大压力。本文深入研究了新型并联混合型有源电力滤波器的相关理论和方法。研究内容涵盖了新型并联混合型有源电力滤波器的工作机理分析、控制策略、补偿性能,及提出了新的控制算法;提出了对应的容错结构,形成了较为完善的容错并联混合型有源电力滤波器的基本研究方法和技术方案,研究重点及取得的成果主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)提出了一种新型并联混合型有源电力滤波器的结构,该补偿装置不但可以补偿电网谐波,还能根据现场具体情况补偿无功功率而不发生大量无功过补的情况。分析了该补偿装置的补偿原理;研究了新型并联混合型有源电力滤波器的控制策略,确定了将有源部分控制为谐波电流源;设计了新型并联混合型有源电力滤波器的注入支路,分析了本章所选注入支路的原因;给出了新型并联混合型有源电力滤波器在电网参数发生变化的情况下,该补偿装置的补偿性能。(2)提出了并联混合型有源电力滤波器的基于隶属云理论的复合-递推积分PI控制方法。复合控制包括前馈控制、反馈控制和直流侧电压控制。5次无源滤波器滤除最严重的谐波分量,前馈控制负责滤除负载产生的7次谐波分量,反馈控制负责滤除剩余的少量谐波分量,公共点谐波电压控制负责稳定直流侧电压。采用隶属云模型对递推积分PI的比例系数和积分系数进行在线调整。基于隶属云理论的递推积分PI控制算法使系统在电流跟踪偏差较大时比例控制占主导,偏差减小速度较快,在偏差减小到一定范围内时积分控制占主导,实现稳态无差,使得系统的响应速度、鲁棒性和抗干扰能力得到提高。(3)提出了新型并联混合型有源电力滤波器的容错结构。首先分析了容错结构原理,给出了故障情况下的几种运行模式和运行原理。研究了基于误差电压的故障诊断方法。基于误差电压的故障诊断方法直接利用逆变器的电压模型,通过逆变器中电压测量值与估计值之间的误差来诊断故障。(4)针对新型并联混合型有源电力滤波器的容错结构,提出了基于维隶属云模型的增量式PID控制算法,利用二维隶属云模型对增量式PID控制的比例系数、积分系数和微分系数进行在线调整。对二维隶属云模型的参数调整算法中各个变量的隶属云生成进行了改进,并改进了规则推理器。(5)为了进一步提高控制器的性能,提出了直接控制的三维隶属云智能控制。该控制算法参照PID控制算法的思想,但和PID控制算法有本质的不同。三维隶属云智能控制器控制效果良好、鲁棒性强,并且不依赖被控对象的数学模型,而是根据操作经验或专家知识直接进行三维云模型控制器设计。三维隶属云智能控制策略简明,无需冗繁的推理计算,通用性强。能够直接实现定量输入、并行定性推理、定量输出的控制过程,计算量较小,实时性强。本文以配电网电能质量控制、提高并联混合型有源电力滤波器运行安全性能为背景,研究了新型并联混合型有源电力滤波器及其关键技术,为推进电力电子系统的实用化进程提供有益的参考和借鉴。图59幅,表10个,参考文献100篇

【Abstract】 Abstract:Electrical energy plays an important role in the economic development and people’s lives.But the power in the enterprise decreases every year in our country. With the rapid development of steel, non-ferrous metallurgy and petrochemicals, The total energy consumption is large.With the rapid development of power electrical technologies and widely used high power switch devices,non-linear loads in the grid are widely increased, which causes harmonic pollution and energy losses.Meanwhile,voltage fluctuation and voltage flicker caused by the impulsive load and reactive power variation have greatly disturbed the industrial production and people’s lives.It also makes the electrical system have problems such as heavy reactive power compensation and harmonic suppression.The sustainable development of our country is facing great pressure.The theory and methods of the new hybrid active power filter in parallel are researched in the paper. The working mechanism, mathematical model,control strategy, compensation performance, new control methods and so on are researched in the paper. This paper proposes the structure of fault tolerant parallel active power filter. The basic researching method and technical proposal of fault tolerant APF are formed.The emphasis and achievement of the paper mainly manifests in the following aspects.(1)A novel parallel hybrid active power filter is proposed, which can suppress harmonics and compensate reactive power without over compensation according to the spot condition.The compensating principle of the compensation equipment is analyzed.The control strategy of the compensation equipment is researched and the active part is controlled as harmonic current source.The injection branch of the parallel hybrid active power filter is designed. The reason of the selecting injection branch is analyzed. The compensating performance of the compensation equipment is given under the changing of the grid.(2)The compound-recursive integral PI control method based on membership cloud theory is proposed for the parallel hybrid active power filter. The compound control includes feedforward control,feedback control and the DC-link voltage control. The5th passive filter filters the most serious harmonic components. The feedforward control suppresses the7th harmonic components. The remainder is filtered by the feedback control. The DC-link voltage is stabilized by controlling the public point harmonic voltage. The parallel and integral coefficients of the recursive integral PI control method are adjusted online by membership model. The parallel control is dominant when the current error is larger and make the error decreases quicklier. The integral control is dominant when the current error is in a small value.Then the stable non-error is obtained and the responding speed,robust and anti-disturb of the system are improved.(3)The fault-tolerant structure for the novel parallel hybrid active power filter is proposed.The fault-tolerant structure principle is analyzed. Several running models and corresponding principle are given under faults condition.The fault-diagnose method based on error voltage is researched, which detects faults by the error between the meter value and evaluating value of the inverter through the inverter voltage model.(4) A increasing PID control method based on two-dimension membership cloud model is proposed according to the fault-tolerant structure of the novel parallel hybrid active power filter. The parallel, integral,differential coefficients are adjusted online by two-dimension membership cloud model.The creation of different membership clouds and the rule-reasonor are improved.(5)A three-dimension membership cloud intelligent control method is proposed in order to improve the performance of the controller. The control method refers to the idea of PID control method but is different from PID control method.The three-dimension membership cloud intelligent control method has good control performance and don’t depend on the mathematical model of the controlled object. It is designed according to operating experience or expert’s knowledge.The proposed control method has simple control strategy without complicated reasoning and calculating, which can be in common use.The control process can realize the quantify input, quality reasoning, quantify output. According to the background of power quality control and the improvement of operating safety for the parallel hybrid active power filter, the parallel hybrid active power filter and corresponding technologies are proposed in the paper. It is beneficial to push on the practical application for the power electrical systems.There are59figures,10tables,100references.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期