

Research on the Establishment of Comparative Safety Science and Its Application

【作者】 易灿南

【导师】 吴超;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:本文从安全科学的比较实践入手,从学科高度与方法学视野来研究比较安全学问题。基于国内外比较安全学发展现状文献分析结果,归纳出比较安全学在学科及其体系,基础理论,及其应用模式面存在的三大问题。为了系统地构建起比较安全学理论与学科体系、规范其应用模式、提高其比较实践效果、促进安全科学发展,通过对安全科学、比较学、系统学、比较法学、比较管理学与比较教育学等相关学科的思想、理论、学科体系与研究方法的考察,综合运用比较、借鉴、归纳、演绎、历史分析,及分析-综合等方法,紧扣比较安全学的实践性、交叉性与工具性三大特征,系统地开展了比较安全学的内涵外延、基础理论、学科体系、分支学科、应用模式,及其比较实践等研究,主要完成的研究工作与获得的结论如下。(1)首先基于国内外比较方法在安全科学各领域中应用文献的检索分析,发现比较安全学存在学科及其体系尚未建立、基础理论缺失,及其比较应用模式没有统一与规范三大问题;并在对比分析我国安全生产现状与国外主要发达国家差距的基础上,根据安全科学发展需要,阐述了本文研究的理论与现实意义,提出了本文研究的主要内容、方法及技术路线。(2)在界定安全科学、比较方法与比较学等相关概念基础上,从学科层面提炼出比较安全学的定义,阐述其内涵与外延,总结出其源于安全学比较实践的实践性特征,剖析了其跨时空与跨学科的综合与交叉学科属性,并归纳出其作为安全科学研究基本工具之一的核心功能;在此基础上,提出了比较安全学方法论体系,构建其理论基础体系,为比较安全学构建,及其应用与发展奠定基础。(3)基于比较安全学属性与研究范畴,参考安全科学与比较学学科体系,从安全科学的理论类别、灾害类别、安全管理类别、工程类别,以及安全学科的纵向分支5个方面构建比较安全学的学科分支体系,以形成其学科体系框架,为比较安全学发展及其应用明确了方向。(4)根据比较安全学的比较实践需要,参考比较研究要素相关概念,界定了比较安全研究中的比较主体、比较客体、比较目标、比较研究方法与比较结果5个基本要素,以及比较环境、比较维度、比较单元、比较标准与比较结论5个相关要素,并较为全面地阐述了这些比较要素的属性、范畴与特征,最后基于比较要素的相互作用逻辑与层次关系,构建其相互作用的机翼模型,为比较安全学研究与应用提供规范性与统一的要素,夯实了比较安全学基础理论体系。(5)依照比较安全学客体属性,阐述比较单元与比较路径的概念与性质;基于比较安全学的时空与知识维度,制定比较单元与比较路径的划分方法,并获得了“以安全科学空间维度为基准”、“以安全科学时间维度为基准”与“以安全科学知识维度为基准”的3类比较单元,以及“同空间-历时性”、“当代异空间-共时性”、“异空间-历时综合性”、“安全科学-历时性”、“当代共时-跨学科性”、“跨学科-历时综合性”、“同空间-跨学科性”、“安全学科-跨空间性”与“跨学科-异空间综合性”9条有效比较路径;并剖析了比较单元与比较路径的属性与特征,为确定比较研究框架、明确比较研究方向与选择比较研究模式提供依据与支持。(6)基于比较安全学的比较主体主观能动性,剖析其比较认知活动,构建比较安全学的比较认知行为模型;然后,基于比较研究过程特征与比较安全学实践需要,以比较分析活动的“比较准备-比较分析-比较总结”为主线,结合比较安全学的比较要素,融合主体在比较研究中的主观认知活动,综合构建比较安全学基于认知活动的比较分析过程与模式,为比较安全学的比较实践提供科学、统一与规范的比较范式,以提高比较安全学研究的效率与科学性。(7)根据比较学、安全管理学与比较管理学等学科的思想、理论与方法,首先提出比较安全管理学的定义及其内涵,阐述了其学科理论基础;其次描述其比较对象、内容、方法、环境等要素的相互作用关系,提出比较安全学的研究内容,构建比较安全管理学“知识维-技术维-逻辑维-理论维”的四维方法论体系;最后,基于比较分析过程特征,指出比较过程适用的研究方法,并构建了比较安全管理学研究范式。(8)基于比较学、安全法学与比较法学等相关学科的思想、理论与方法,首先提出比较安全法学的定义及其内涵,构建其纵向与横向学科分支体系,确定比较安全法学研究的维度;然后,基于安全法的四个主要组成部分,界定比较安全法学的研究内容,构建其四维方法论体系;最后,基于比较安全法研究与应用需要,提出研究过程所适用的研究方法,并建立以“规范比较为起点、功能比较为主体、文化比较为辅”的比较安全法学综合比较路径与模式。(9)基于比较学、安全教育学与比较教育学等学科的思想、理论、方法,以及比较安全教育研究实践,首先从学科角度提出比较安全教育学定义及内涵,并分析比较安全教育研究的三大要素:主体、客体与维度;其次基于比较安全教育学交叉学科属性,提出以“历史为基础—实证为方法—多元文化为辅”的综合多层次分析框架,并构建基于比较研究一般过程的“选择客体-整理资料-比较分析-形成结论”比较安全教育研究四部曲;最后,提出比较安全教育学的比较研究方向与类型,以及安全教育理论、管理、技术与实践4方面的比较研究内容,并举例说明其应用。(10)基于比较学、相似系统工程理论与安全系统工程学的理论与方法,阐述安全系统可比和可比性概念,提出了比较安全系统工程学的定义和内涵,给出了比较安全系统工程学研究的基本原理、研究维度及内容;然后,描述了开展比较安全系统工程学研究的程式和步骤;最后将比较安全系统工程学原理与方法应用于职业病危害预评价和安全预评价实践。(11)选取安全生产标准化体系与杜邦安全管理体系为对象,基于上述建立的规范性的比较应用模式与过程来展示比较实践活动全部过程:首先确定比较要素,分析其比较维度、划定比较单元与比较路径,以及拟定比较技术路线;然后参考比较安全管理学研究所提出的研究范式开展两体系的比较研究工作(首先对两者的发展沿革(外部环境)进行比较研究,其次对其内容体系—安全管理理论、组织制度及文化、安全管理要素、安全管理方法与评估技术4个方面进行比较分析);最后总结比较结论,并对其进行评价、借鉴与移

【Abstract】 Abstract:From the view of discipline and methodology, CSS is studied based on the applications of comparative methods on safety science. Through the search work of documents which concerns safety science at home and abroad, it is found that the shortage existed in CSS’s disciplinary system, basic theory and application model restricts the development of CSS.For the aim of establishing the theory and discipline system of CSS to standardize its application, to better the effects of comparative work, and to promot the development of safety science, explorations are given on the thoughts,theory, disciplinary system and research methods of safety science, comparative science, systemic science,comparative literature, comparative jurisprudence, comparative management science, comparative pedagogy and related disciplines,and then combining with comparison method, induction method, deduction method, historical method and analysis-syntheses method, it is concluded that CSS features three basic characteristics as follows:practical, cross-subject and instrumental, and then CSS’s denotation and connotation, basic theory, discipline system, branch system and application model are studied. The specific study contents and conclusion are as follows:(1)Through the searching work of comparative method on safety fields at home and abroad, it is summarized that there are3questions that lies in safety comparative work of CSS:the unconstruction of disciplinary system, the shortage of basic theory system and the unification of application model.Due to the safety statistics of China and other developed countries,it is easily to see that there is a wide gape between them, so it is necessary to compare China with other developed countries to meet the development demand of safety science.The theoretical and practical value, also the main contents,methods and technical route of CSS is proposed.(2)Based on the explanation of safety sience, comparative methods and comparative science related phrases,from the view of discipline, definition of CSS is proposed and its connation and denotation is analyzed.Also it is summarized that CSS originates from comparative practice of safety science,that is,it is a cross discipline,and that it is the basic tool for safety research work.The methodology system and basic theory system is constructed to promote the development and the application of CSS.(3)Based on the nature of CSS and its research scope,taking safety science and comparative science as reference,the branch system of the CSS is constructed with following aspects:safety science theory, disaster, safety management, engineering and safety science.Meanwhile the corresponding study contents for each branch are elaborated. Based on above research, the framework is constructed to point out the route to CSS’s research work.(4)According to practical demand of comparative work and referring related conception about comparative research work, the five main elements,that are comparative subject, comparative object, comparative target, research methods and results,are defined, also five other minor elements,that are comparative environment, comparative dimensions,comparative units,comparative standardation and comparative conclusion, are defined, also their nature, area and characteristics are anlyzed,and then a aerofoil model which describes their relation is framed to support CSS research with basic theory system.(5)The definition of comparative unit and comparative path and their nature are elaborated based on the nature of comparative object of CSS research.Combined with the dimensions of CSS,that are time dimension, spatial dimension and knowledge dimension, the classification of comparative unit and comparative path are proposed, the nine valid comparative pathes,that are "taking the spatial dimension of safety science as reference","taking the time dimension of safety science as reference","taking the knowledge dimension of safety science as reference","the same space-diachrony","the different space at some time-synchrony","the different space-diachrony","safety science-diachrony","the same time-interdisciplinary","interdisciplinary-diachrony","the same space-interdisciplinary","safety science-spatial","interdisciplinary-different space", are obtained. And then the nature and characteristic of comparative unit and path are dissected to support CSS research work.(6)Combined with the activeness of comparative subject, comparative cognitive activitiy is analyzed to construct comparative cognitive model.And then according to comparative process and practical demand of CSS,taking the three stages of comparative work, that is preparatory stage,analysis stage and conclusion stage,as the main line,combining with the four elements and comparative subject’s cognitive behavior, the complicated comparative model and process for CSS is constructed systematically, also the effects of comparative environment on comparative subject, comparative process and comparative conclusion are considered to support the comparative practice of CSS.(7)Combining with comparative science,safety management and management science,definition of CSMS was put forward and its connotation was analyzed.The comparison dimensions,time and space dimensions and knowledge dimension of the CSMS were proposed.Also the research layers,structure and space were determined.Based on the four levels of organization’s safety management, the research contents of CSMS were analyzed. The four-dimension methodology system which contains knowledge dimension, technical dimension, logic dimension and theoretical dimension is constructed, and then its specific methods are analyzed based on the process of comparative study. At last, the research paradigm to guide and promote the research work of the CSMS was established.(8)Combining with the comparative science,jurisprudence and safety jurisprudence,definition of the CSJ was put forward and its connotation was analyzed based on its own space characteristics.The comparison dimensions,time and space dimensions and knowledge dimension of the CSJ were proposed.Also the research layers,structure and space were determined.Accordingly the life cycle and the manage attribute of safety law, the horizontal branch systems and the vertical branch systems of CSJ were established.Based on the four aspects of safety law, the research contents of the CSJ were analyzed. The four-dimension methodology system was constructed, and then combining with the research characteristics of CSJ,its specific methods were analyzed based on the process of comparative study. At last, several comprehensive comparative paths,that is taking the norm comparative as started point, the function comparative as main contents and the culture comparative as supplement were constructed. By considering the social nature, disciplinary characteristics and practice characteristics of CSJ,a multi-level research model called as the norm-function-culture model was built to guide and promote the research work of the CSJ.(9)Based on the comparative science, SP and practices on comparative safety education,definition of CSP was put forward and its connotation was analyzed from the view of discipline.Also the elements which are the subject, object and dimension were analyzed.Based on the cross attribute of CSP,the multilevel framework, which takes the history as the base,the empirical analysis as the method and the multicultural analysis as the supplement, was put forward.Also the research process of CSP, that is the object-material-comparative-conclusion, was constructed based on the normal comparative work. At last, the comparative types and contents of CSP, including the theory, management, technology and practice of safety education, were put forward.At the same time,the illusions were analyzed.(10)Combined with comparative science, similarity systems engineering theory, safety systems engineering theory, the theory that safety systems are comparable,as well as the concept of comparability is expounded at first, also, definition of CSSES is presented and its connation is analyzed.Then the basic theory, comparative dimensions and comparative contents of CSSE are proposed; also its research procedure is analyzed. At last, the principle of CSSE is used to occupational hazard pre-assessment program and safety pre-assessment program. (11)Taking work safety standardization system and DuPont safety management system as comparative object, on basis of comparative model presented in above chapters, an detailed example of the whole comparative work is given as following:firstly, determining the basic elements of comparative work, analyzing its comparative dimensions, screening out the comparative path, then the comparative process is obtained; the specific comparative work referring to comparative paradigm presented in CSMS is progressed gradually (firstly, comparing two system’s external conditions, then, comparing their contents, that is safety management theory, rules and culture, safety management elements, safety management method and technology);at last, comparative conclusion is achieved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期