

Study on the Influence and Inspiration of the Western Economic Thought on Chinese Mainstream Ideology

【作者】 肖继军

【导师】 刘新庚;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 马克思主义理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:西方经济思想伴随其经济地位,向全球各国强势传播,影响广泛而深刻。同样,对我国主流意识形态的影响也不容忽视。经济思想属于意识形态范畴,也是一个社会整体意识形态形成、发展的决定性因素,对我国主流意识形态的主导地位也带来了严峻挑战。由于西方经济思想对我国主流意识形态的影响是根本性、深层次的,因此,研究其影响的性质、程度及其机理,对捍卫社会主义意识形态的主导地位、确保我国意识形态安全,具有重大的理论价值和现实意义。从思想政治教育视角分析其影响,首先必须准确把握经济思想、意识形态、思想政治教育三者之间的关系。其一,经济思想是影响意识形态的思想基础,意识形态可能动地反作用于经济思想,经济思想与意识形态统一于社会发展。其二,思想政治教育立足于经济思想的现状,经济思想影响思想政治教育的发展,思想政治教育服务并促进经济思想创新。分析和揭示其影响必须依据两个重要的学科理论:是马克思主义政治经济学理论,二是思想政治教育学以及意识形态的相关理论。全面梳理西方经济思想对我国意识形态影响的历程,正确把握其影响脉络,是本研究的重要基点。西方经济思想在中国的传播,大致经历了三个历史阶段。从20世纪初的初入国门与大行其道,到建国后的受到激烈批判以致遭受禁绝,再到改革开放以后的新一轮传播热潮,其对我国主流意识形态的影响,表现出了特定的时代特征。纵观西方经济思想对我国主流意识形态影响的历程,在不同的时期影响我国主流意识形态的西方经济思想流派各不相同,影响的深度和范围也各有差异。近代以来,凯恩斯主义、新自由主义、新制度经济学等经济思想对我国当代主流意识形态的影响最大。西方经济思想影响我国主流意识形态是一个逐步作用的过程,具有特定的运行机理。其中,思潮袭击、多方渗透、行为颠覆是影响的基本路径,物质诱惑、逐步扩张、强势推销是程度递进的影响环节与步骤,西方经济力量的物质优势、经济思想的学术优势和现代传媒的主动地位,是整个影响过程的驱动势能。西方经济思想对我国主流意识形态的影响产生了众多的客观效应,主要包含着积极和消极两个方面。前者主要指提高社会意识的开放性与包容性、催发价值观念的多样化与主体化、增强发展观念的竞争性与合作性、助推中国特色社会主义理论形成等,后者主要指加深西方个人主义的蔓延与渗透、刺激西方功利思想的滋生与膨胀、诱发我国社会价值观念的扭曲与异化、淡化我国主流意识形态的权威与认同等。西方经济思想对我国主流意识形态的影响给我们加强意识形态建设、做好思想政治工作带来了一些重要的启示。一是借鉴西方经济思想有益因子,推动社会主义意识形态创新;二是借鉴西方经济思想传播方式,创新现代思想政治教育方法;三是积极应对西方影响,营造健康意识形态环境;四是重视思政教育作用,提高意识形态免疫能力;五是分析西方经济思想发展新趋势,开发思想政治教育生态功能。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT:Western economic thought along with the economic status to spread in around the world, which influenced widely and deeply. Meanwhile, the influence to the mainstream ideology in China can not be ignored. Economic thought belongs to the ideology and it is also a decisive factor of formation and development of the whole social consciousness, which poses a serious challenge to the domination of our country mainstream ideology. Because of the influence of western economic thought on Chinese mainstream ideology is fundamentally and deeply, Studies on the impact of nature, extent and mechanism owns a theoretical value and realistic significance for the defense of the dominate status of socialist ideology and ensure the security of Chinese ideology.Firstly, it is must deal with the dialectical relationship between economic thought, ideology and ideological and political education correctly from the perspective of ideological and political education to analyze the influence of western economic thought on Chinese mainstream ideology. The first reason that economical thought is a ideological foundation to influence the ideology; the second reason that ideological and political education based on the situation of economical thought, economical thought impact the development of the ideological and political education, while the ideological and political education promote the innovation of economic thought. An analysis of the influence of western economical ideology on Chinese mainstream ideology should based on the two important discipline theory, one is the Marxism political economics, the other is the relevant theory of ideology and ideological and political education.Through the comprehensive arrange of influence of the contemporary western economic thought on Chinese Ideology and correct grasp the veins is the important factor for this study. Western economical thought spread in China can be classified into three historical stages: spread and development, criticism and prohibition, borrowing and integration, which express the specific characteristics of the times for the impact of the Chinese Mainstream ideology.Through the review of influence of the contemporary western economic thought on Chinese Ideology, different western schools of economic thought influence the Chinese mainstream ideology in different periods and the influence of the depth and scope is different. Since modern times, economic thoughts such as the Keynesian、the new liberalism、the new institutional economic thought makes the largest impaction on the contemporary mainstream ideology in China.It is a progressive role in the process about the Chinese mainstream ideology influenced by the western economical thought, which owns the specific mechanism. Among these, thought attraction, multi penetration and behavior subversion are basic road, material temptation, gradually dilated and strong marketing are affected sectors and steps of the degree of progression. While the material advantage, the academic advantage, the guiding role of media, namely, its powerful strength and external advantage.It is creates many objective effects of the influence of western economic thoughts on Chinese mainstream ideology, which includes the positive aspects and the negative aspects. The former mainly includes improve the openness and inclusiveness of Chinese social consciousness, muster the pluralism of value and humanism, enhance practicability and competitive in pursuit of life and influence the formation of Chinese characteristic socialism theory system, the later mainly includes deepened the western individualism spread and penetration, stimulates the breeding and expansion of western utilitarian ideas, induce the distortion and alienation of Chinese social values and desalt the mistiness of Chinese mainstream ideology.It is bring some important inspirations for enhancing the construction of ideology and doing the ideological and political education work under the influence of western economic thoughts on Chinese mainstream ideology, which includes borrowing the beneficial factors of western economical thought and promote the innovation of the socialistic ideology; Through borrowing the transmission of the western economic thought and creates new methods of ideological and political education; Response to the western influences activity and creates a healthy ideological environment; Emphasis the role of ideological and political education and improves the ability of ideological immunity; Analyze the new trend of the western economic thought, develop the ecological function of the political education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期