

Design Optimization of a Deep Sea Miner Track System


【导师】 刘少军;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 车辆工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着陆地资源的日趋枯竭,世界资源开发的战略眼光开始聚集到海洋上。深海蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源,对人类生产生活有重大应用价值的主要有大洋多金属结核、富钴结壳和海底热液多金属硫化物等,普遍认为目前最具开发前景的是多金属结核,它富含铜、钴、镍、锰、金、银、稀土等。因此,20世纪70年代开始对深海采矿系统进行了大量的研究。集矿车在深海采矿作业中承担了最复杂和最危险的工作,是深海采矿系统中最关键的设备。履带式集矿车比腿式集矿车更具有优势,原因是它满足了深海采矿系统的稳定性所提出的较大浮力和牵引力的要求。履带式集矿车的动力学特性一直是研究热点。深海采矿集矿车不仅与系统各元件之间存在耦合关系,还需要满足承担多任务的各系统元件所提出的设计要求。多学科设计优化方法(MDO)可以满足复杂系统的多目标任务设计的要求。由于概念设计对于最终产品的性能影响最大,而且在概念设计阶段进行修改比在细节设计阶段更容易,因此在集矿车的设计中引入概念设计是很有必要的,集矿车的研制的成败取决于概念设计。为了节约时间和成本,往往在复杂系统的研制中引入概念设计方法,例如公理化设计。往往在若干个概念设计中选择一个较好的设计来降低最终设计的风险,减少系统开发的时间。深海集矿车的设计更注重于整个采矿系统的优化,但是其在深海采矿系统中的重要地位,它的优化设计将对商业化开采产生重要影响。深海采矿系统十分复杂、昂贵,由于物理模型的高费用和高风险,在系统开发的前期往往不进行物理模型的建造。因此,深海采矿仿真系统的开发是早期概念设计的创新,是有效的加速技术成熟的方法,确保系统的稳定性和可靠性。在集矿车作用下的集矿机履带与海底沉积物相互作用力学特性研究十分重要。在模拟海底沉积物上进行集矿车行走性能的研究往往受到各种限制,海底沉积物被认为是弹性的或者刚性的,最好是将其看作塑形介质或者临界土力学状态,本文引入有限元方法或者离散元方法进行研究。为了克服采用模拟海底沉积物进行研究的限制,建立了海底沉积物的临界土力学状态模型,可以对海底沉积物在集矿车作用下的应力和应变进行分析。随着近年来计算机技术和计算方法的发展,出现了海底沉积物的有限元分析(FEM)和离散元分析(DEM)。可以对集矿机履带与海底沉积物相互作用力学特性进行深入研究。在集矿机履带与海底沉积物相互作用力的问题上,车辆行走失败模式比较复杂,履带—沉积物界面的边界条件随设计参数和作业条件的变化而变化,例如沉积物力学特性参数。如果最初不设定好边界条件,仿真就难以进行。因此,边界条件的设计通常依据经验数据和简化假设。深海集矿车的建模需要对履带施加在海底沉积物上的力学特性有深入的了解。由于履带式集矿车的性能主要取决于履带—沉积物界面的法向应力和剪切应力分布,履带集矿车数学建模的基本问题是履带—沉积物界面相互作用力的关系的建立。本文的建模首先假设集矿车做直线运动,之后是转向运动。考虑了施加在集矿车上的主要外力作用,包括牵引力、水动力、集矿头受力、推土阻力、软管受力以及集矿车自身重力等等,同时还考虑了施加在沉积物上的受力包含法向应力和剪切应力。法向应力由集矿车的重量引起的垂直压力产生,可由海底沉积物压力—沉陷关系获得。剪切应力由牵引力和制动力产生,可由剪切应力—剪切位移关系获得。基于Bekker公式可以获得海底沉积物压力—沉陷关系式及相应参数,并根据Muro和O’Brien的工作,在考虑了水动力和软管受力的基础上对参数进行了修正,建立了集矿车静态、动态和转向的数学模型。压实阻力被认为是作用在履带前端接触部分。在进行系统的静态分析时,例如集矿车静止的时候,认为其速度为零,不存在打滑现象,集矿车所受的牵引力和集矿头所受的阻力也均为零。在静态分析时,获得了为了计算确保系统静止的软管受力而建立的集矿车模型所需要的参数。静态分析时,假设集矿车沿直线行走,并得出车身运动方程。在能量消耗分析时,施加在后链轮上的驱动和制动转矩提供的有效的输入能量应等于挤压消耗能量、打滑消耗能量、有效的驱动和制动消耗能量、采集消耗能量以及水动力消耗能量之和。在转向分析时,由于转向时速度很小,忽略了水动力,而摩擦力矩则由履带的打滑、集矿车的横向倾斜角、纵向有效牵引力以及总的有效牵引力得出。为了验证所建立的集矿车数学模型,试验研究是十分必要的。深海采矿系统的质量和体积是很庞大的,因此,基于相似原理和量纲分析建立了实验室履带集矿车物理模型,用来获得行驶时履带车牵引—沉陷关系,获得转向时的转弯半径,并检验试验获取的动力学特性是否与由模型得出的一致。海底沉积物压力—沉陷关系式、实际的转弯半径以及模型方程都由试验得到了验证。仿真时,首先由集矿车的基本参数和海底沉积物的力学特性参数计算出集矿车在静止状态时的接触应力分布(假设履带为刚体)。前引导轮和后驱动轮静态时的总沉陷量由Bekker公式和集矿车的倾斜角计算得出。获得了不同偏心距时的静态、动态和转向方程。MATLAB R2011用来进行模型受力的仿真计算,计算结果由MINITAB14来存储和分析。MINITAB14用于确定仿真变量之间的关系,JMP6SARS用于绘制二维图形来描述变量之间的关系。在静止状态下,软管受力和倾斜角之间是线性关系的假设是成立的。履带推力和偏心率随着软管连接夹角的增加而增加。当软管连接夹角小于零时,地面反作用力和倾斜角随软管连接夹角的增加而减小;当软管连接夹角大于零时,地面反作用力和倾斜角随软管连接夹角的增加而增加。履带推力和偏心率的最大值取决于软管连接夹角的最大值。然而地面反作用力和倾斜角的最大值取决于软管连接夹角的最大绝对值。当坡度小于零时,履带推力、地面反作用力和倾斜角随坡度增加而增加;当坡度大于零时,履带推力、地面反作用力和倾斜角随坡度增加而减小。偏心率随坡度的增加而增加。这里,偏心率的最大值取决于坡度最大值。当坡度为零时,履带推力、地面反作用力和倾斜角达到最大值。动态分析时,部分变量是彼此相关的,但是还有部分变量是不相关的。软管连接夹角和坡度仅与压实阻力和牵引力相关。当软管连接夹角小于零时,压实阻力和有效牵引力随软管连接夹角的增加而减小;当软管连接夹角大于零时,压实阻力和有效牵引力随软管连接夹角的增加而增加。当坡度小于零时,压实阻力和有效牵引力随坡度的增加而减小;当坡度大于零时,压实阻力和有效牵引力随坡度的增加而增加。压实阻力和有效牵引力取决于软管连接夹角绝对值的最大值,当坡度为零时达到最大值。速度仅与水动力和有效牵引力有关,随水动力和牵引力的减小而增加。当速度为零时,水动力和有效牵引力达到最大值。打滑率与打滑能量有关,当打滑能量从零开始增加到12%时,打滑率开始下降,并保持在50%左右的恒定水平。打滑率为12%时,打滑力达到最大值。在转向分析时,同样是部分变量是彼此相关的,但是还有部分变量是不相关的。转向速比与总的有效牵引力、纵向有效牵引力、地面反作用力、驱动力、履带推力有关。尽管与转向速比的变化相比,纵向有效牵引力、地面反作用力、履带推力和有效牵引力的变化很小。总的有效牵引力和地面反作用力随转向速比的增加而减小。纵向有效牵引力、驱动力、履带推力和有效牵引力岁转向速比的增加而增加。总的有效牵引力随转向速比的增加而减小,而驱动力岁转向速比的增加而增加。软管连接夹角与所有的受力相关,除水动力、横向有效牵引力和履带推力之外。当软管连接夹角小于零时,总的有效牵引力随软管连接夹角的增加而减小;当软管连接夹角大于零时,总的有效牵引力随软管连接夹角的增加而增加。纵向有效牵引力和有效牵引力随软管连接夹角的增加而增加。地面反作用力、驱动力、压实阻力和重力分量随软管连接夹角的增加而减小,总的有效牵引力在软管连接夹角为零时达到最大值。当软管连接夹角为负的最大值时,纵向有效牵引力、有效牵引力、地面反作用力、驱动力、压实阻力和重力分量达到最大。坡度与所有的受力有关,除了水动力、横向有效牵引力和履带推力之外。当坡度小于零时,总的有效牵引力、地面反作用力、压实阻力和重力分量随坡度的增加而减小;当坡度大于零时,它们随坡度的增加而增加。当坡度小于零时,横向有效牵引力和有效牵引力随坡度的增加而增加;当坡度大于零时,它们随坡度的增加而减小。驱动力随坡度的增加而增加。总的有效牵引力、地面反作用力、压实阻力和重力分量在坡度为零时达到最大,纵向有效牵引力和有效牵引力也在坡度为零时达到最大值。速度仅与水动力和驱动力有关,随水动力和驱动力的减小而增加。速度最小时,水动力和驱动力达到最大。打滑率与总有效牵引力、纵向有效牵引力、地面反作用力、驱动力、履带推力和有效牵引力有关。驱动力随打滑率的增加而减小。纵向有效牵引力、履带推力、有效牵引力从零增加到12%时,打滑率下降到50%,并保持在此恒定水平。当总有效牵引力和地面反作用力从零变化到12%,打滑率增加至约50%,并保持在此恒定水平。当打滑率为12%时,受力达到最大。深海集矿车的设计基于集矿机履带与海底沉积物相互作用力学特性,要充分考虑外界环境的影响和材料特性。集矿车拥有一个刚性的底盘,底盘上装有两条履带没有轨道的任何倾斜的入口和带滑转向。底盘的框架是完全刚性的。履带系统由履带板、驱动轮、行走轮、引导轮、托链轮和履带底架组成。履带系统的设计充分考虑了外部环境的影响,其优化设计参考了Wenzlawski的工作。外部环境对材料和功能部件的影响是多方面的,并未完全被发现,因此,完整的系统设计方法是不存在的。履带接触海底沉积物的面积由集矿车在水下的重量决定。这里假设接触压力在接触面上均匀分布。接触压力和剪切强度之间的关系不大,对于车辆通行状况的分析可以忽略。集矿车的最大牵引力取决于接触面积、剪切强度和沉积物的形变。集矿车的速度不小于1m/s。基于集矿车履带系统的各元件的受力分析,本文进行了系统的总体概念设计。本文采用的优化算法基于传统的工程方法。基于已知的履带系统需要满足的要求,本文对系统进行了优化设计,换句话说,优化设计首先是基于已知的要求,然后是未知的。本文采用了适用于多级决策问题优化设计的动态规划。履带尺寸的优化实现了在最小接触面积的条件下获得最大转弯半径,受到集矿车大小的限制。驱动轮的优化实现了消耗最小能量和最少材料,受到集矿车履带尺寸、驱动轮齿以及驱动轮强度的限制。履齿的优化实现了获得最大牵引力和消耗最少材料,受到沉积物承压能力、驱动轮履刺节距和齿距之间的关系、齿距和齿高之间的关系等的限制。履带板的优化实现了获得最大的弯矩和消耗最少材料,离心力必须小于链断裂强度。行走轮的优化将滚动阻力降到最低,并消耗最少材料,受到履齿尺寸和接触长度,以及允许的行走轮距与履带节距比值的限制。引导轮的优化将消耗的材料降到最少,受到集矿车履带尺寸和引导轮承受负载的限制。托链轮的优化将消耗的材料降到最少,受到行走论尺寸、行走轮最小允许半径以及托链轮承受的负载的限制。履带底架的优化实现了在消耗最少材料的条件下获得最大许用应力,受到集矿车履带地盘尺寸和底架承受的负载的限制。优化设计程序采用MATLABR2011编写。RecurDyn软件可以进行系统整体的线性和非线性的有限元仿真分析,可以对实际模型进行设计研究和产品的性能提高研究,对整个系统的动力学特性进行仿真,例如局部的变形和应力。RecurDyn求解器十分强大,由于其先进的完全递归算法,速度比其他动力学求解器快2-20倍。RecurDyn软件十分稳定可靠,所要求提供的系统参数较少。采用了优化设计的集矿车进行了直线走和转向的仿真,研究了作用在履带上的衬套力,以探明履带承受负载的本质。仿真结果表明,同时驱动左右履带得到相同的受力分布,右边的履带受力值略高于左边履带。当在法向平面驱动时,左右两边履带受力的差值更大,此差值在第一秒后消失。在转向时,仿真结果表明,右边履带(外圈)和左边履带(内圈)的受力分布不同,它们交替变化,外圈履带受力值减小更快。

【Abstract】 Equipment and appliances for deep sea mining have risen from a position of virtual non-existence to a major industrial significance. Rare Earth Elements are used in a wide range of modern applications that are highly specific and substitutes are inferior or unknown. In deep sea mining, a track vehicle is preferred to a legged crawler because of the better floatation and the larger traction force requirement for the mining system stability. The miner been in charge of the most complex and dangerous task is the key equipment in deep sea bed mining. The mechanics of tracked vehicles is of continuing interest to organizations and agencies that design and operate tracked vehicles. Deep-ocean mining vehicle system has not only coupled relationship between component systems, but also a variety of design requirements of each system component having specified multi-tasks to accomplish. In order to meet a variety of design multi-objectives tasks of the complex system, multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) can be done. Since concept design is the most significant influence on the performance of the final product and any modification in the phase of concept design is easier than in detail design, the need to conceptually design a better miner arise. The success or failure in developing the complex miner system is determined by its conceptual design. In order to save time and cost in development of systems, concept design methodologies such as axiomatic design are utilize for development of systems. Choosing a good design amongst several concept designs lowers vulnerability of the result of system design and shortens period of the system development. Deep sea miner designers are presently more concern with the overall optimization of the mining system, but since the crawler (miner) is the most important part its design optimization will be of significant impact to the industry. Deep-sea mining system technology is complex, expensive and difficult to develop due to high cost and risks of physical models constructions making it prohibitive in the early stage of development. Thus, the development of deep-sea mining simulation test system is the early concept of design innovation and it is an effective tool to accelerate the maturity of the technology to ensure stable and reliable performance.An understanding of terrain behavior under vehicular load is of importance to the study of vehicle-terrain interaction. In view of the limitations to the study of vehicle mobility in the field by modeling the terrain as an elastic or rigid, perfectly plastic medium or based on the critical state soil mechanics, the finite element method, or the discrete element method, other practical techniques and approaches were studied. To overcome the limitations of modeling the terrain as an elastic medium or as a rigid, perfectly plastic material, attempts have been made to model the terrain based on the concept of the critical state soil mechanics, as it has the potential capability to predict both the stress and strain in the terrain under vehicular load. With advancements in computer technology and computational techniques in recent years, modeling the terrain using the finite element method (FEM) or using the discrete (distinct) element method (DEM) has emerged. These methods have the potential capability to examine certain aspects of the physical nature of vehicle-terrain interaction in great detail. In many problems in vehicle-terrain interaction, the failure (flow) patterns of soil under the vehicle running gear are very complex and their boundary conditions on the wheel-soil interface vary with design parameters and operating conditions of the wheel, as well as terrain characteristics. This makes it very difficult if not impossible to specify appropriate boundary conditions at the outset. Thus the boundary conditions are primarily based on empirical data and simplifying assumptions.Modeling of the deep sea miner requires a comprehensive understanding of the mechanical behavior of the terrain under loading conditions similar to those imposed by the vehicle. As the performance of the tracked vehicle is primarily dependent upon the normal and shear stress distributions at the track-terrain interface, the basic issue in mathematical modeling of tracked vehicle performance is the development of a suitable relationship between the interacting forces at the track-terrain interface, the vehicle design parameters and the terrain characteristics. In this research, modeling is first done by assuming straight line motion and later steering. The main external forces acting on the miner which are Traction potential, hydrodynamic force, Collecting resistance, Bulldozing resistance, Umbilical forces, and its Weight are considered and the load applied to the soil consists of normal stress and shear stress. Normal stress is caused by vertical pressure from the weight of the vehicle, and can be obtained according to a relationship between sinkage and pressure. Shear stress comes from tractive and braking forces for the vehicle, and can be obtained by using a relationship between shear displacement and shear stress. Using the famous Bekker equation the sinkage can be found and by modification of Muro and O’Brien (2004) work accounting for hydrodynamic and umbilical forces, model equations for miner were developed for static, dynamics and Steering. Compaction resistance is assumed to act on the front contact part of the track belt. For static analysis i.e. the condition when the miner is not moving we have velocity equals zero, slip and slid also equals zero, resultant effective tractive effort on the vehicle and Collecting Resistance equals zero. In Static analysis the required parameters needed to model a miner in order to determine the umbilical force required to keep it stationary was derived. The assumption during dynamic analysis is that the miner is moving along a straight line and equations of its motion expressed in the body fixed frame and maximum traction in dependence of slip were obtained. In Energy analysis, the effective input energy supplied by the driving or braking torque acting on the rear sprocket must equal to the sum of the compaction energy, the slippage energy, the effective driving or braking force energy, the collecting energys and hydrodynamics energy. In Steering forces analysis, hydrodynamics forces are neglected due to low speed of movement during turning and the frictional moment due to skidding of the tracks, angle of lateral inclination of vehicle, longitudinal effective tractive effort, and resultant effective tractive effort were obtained. In order to verify the model equations developed an experimental study became necessary. Bearing in mind that the mass and volume of deep-sea mining systems are very large, an experimental mini-crawler based on similitude theory and dimensional analysis was used with the aim to study the Crawler Traction-slippage during working conditions; the turning radius during steering and to see whether the forces and position obtained correspond to the model equations developed. Relationship between the miner traction and slippage, actual turning radius and that of the model equations verified the study.For the Simulation, basic parameters of a miner and geotechnical parameters of seafloor soil are first used to calculate the miner’s contact pressure distributions taken at rest (assuming a rigid track belt). The static amounts of sinkage of front-idler and rear sprocket are calculated using the Bekker equation and the angle of inclination of the miner obtained. For static, dynamics and steering analysis from equations developed the parameters at different eccentricities are determine. MATLAB R2011was used to calculate the forces and the data stored as a MINITAB14data. MINITAB14Software was then used to determine the correlation between the simulated variables data and JMP6SARS software was used to plot the bivariate fit in order to graphically show their relationship. In Statics it was found that there is significance level of accepting the hypothesis that linear relationship exists between the umbilical and slope angles with the simulated variables (Inclination angle, Track thrust, ground reaction and eccentricity). The track thrust and eccentricity will be increasing with increase of the umbilical angle. While the ground reaction and the inclination angle will decrease with increase of the umbilical angle when the umbilical angle is less than zero and increase with increase of the umbilical angle when it is greater than zero. The maximum track thrust and maximum eccentricity will depend on the maximum umbilical angle. While the maximum ground reaction and maximum inclination angle will depend on the maximum absolute value of the umbilical angle. The track thrust, ground reaction and the inclination angle increase with increase of the Slope angle when the slope angle is less than zero and decrease with increase of the slope angle when it is greater than zero. The eccentricity will be increasing with increase of the slope angle. Here the maximum eccentricity will depend on the maximum Slope angle. While the maximum track thrust, maximum ground reaction, and maximum inclination angle will occur when the slope is zero. In dynamics it was found that some variables are related while some are not related to each other. The Umbilical angle and the slope angle are only related to the compaction resistance and of course the effective tractive force. The compaction resistance and the effective tractive force will decrease with increase of the umbilical angle when the umbilical angle is less than zero and increase with increase of the umbilical angle when it is greater than zero. When the slope angle is less than zero they decrease with increase of the slope angle, while when the slope angle is greater than zero the compaction resistance and the effective tractive force will increase with increase of the slope angle. Here the compaction resistance and the effective tractive force will depend on the maximum absolute value of the umbilical angle and will be maxima when the slope angle is zero. The velocity is only related to the hydrodynamic force and of course the effective tractive force. It increases with decrease of the related forces. Here the maximum hydrodynamic force and of course the maximum effective tractive force is when the velocity is minimum. The slip and slid only related to the Slippage energy. The slippage energy increases from0%to around12%and start to decline to around50%slip where it became nearly a constant value. Here the maximum slippage force is when the slip/slid is around12%. In Steering analysis, it was found that some variables are related while some are not related to each other. The Steering ratio is related to Resultant Effective Tractive Effort, Longitudinal Effective Tractive Effort, Ground Reaction, Driving Force, Track Thrust, and Effective Tractive Force. But some variables (such as Longitudinal Effective Tractive Effort, Ground Reaction, Track Thrust, and Effective Tractive Force) have negligible change with respect to the variation of the steering ratio. While Resultant Effective Tractive Effort and Driving Force have a significance linear relationship with steering ratio. Resultant Effective Tractive Effort, Longitudinal Effective Tractive Effort, Effective Tractive Force, Ground Reaction decrease with increase in steering ratio although the Ground Reaction have no significance difference. The Resultant Effective Tractive Effort decreases with increase in steering ratio while the driving forces increase with increase in steering ratio. Umbilical angle is related to all the forces except Hydrodynamics Force and Track Thrust. The Resultant Effective Tractive Effort will increase with increase of the umbilical angle when the umbilical angle is less than zero degree (0°) and decrease with increase of the umbilical angle when it is greater than zero degree (0°). The Longitudinal Effective Tractive Effort, Effective Tractive Force, Ground Reaction, Driving Force, Compaction Resistance, and Weight Component decrease with increase in the umbilical angle without effect of direction, the Resultant Effective Tractive Effort value is maximum when the umbilical angle is at zero degree (0°); while the Longitudinal Effective Tractive Effort, Effective Tractive Force, Ground Reaction, Driving Force, Compaction Resistance, and Weight Component are all maxima at maximum negative umbilical angle. The slope angle is related to all the forces except Hydrodynamics Force and Track Thrust. The Resultant Effective Tractive Effort, Longitudinal Effective Tractive Effort, Effective Tractive Force, ground reactions, Compaction Resistance, and Weight Component increase with increase of the slope angle when the slope angle is less than zero (0°) and decrease with increase of the slope angle when it is greater than zero (0°). The Driving Forces increase with increase in the slope angle without effect of direction. Here the Resultant Effective Tractive Effort, Longitudinal Effective Tractive Effort Effective, Tractive Force, ground reactions, Compaction Resistance, and Weight Component are maxima when the slope angle is zero (0°). While the driving forces are maxima at maximum slope angle. The slip is related to Resultant Effective Tractive Effort, Longitudinal Effective Tractive Effort, Ground Reaction, Driving Force, Track Thrust, and Effective Tractive Force. But only in the driving forces that a linear relationship truly exist. The driving forces decrease with increase in the slip. While the Track Thrust increase from0%to around12%and starts to decline to around50%slip when it became nearly constant. While the Resultant Effective Tractive Effort, Longitudinal Effective Tractive Effort, Ground Reaction and Effective Tractive Forces decrease from0%to around12%and start to increase to around50%slip when it became nearly constant value. Here the maximum forces i.e. the design forces will be taken when the slip is around12%.The design of a deep-sea miner is based on the interactions between the ground and the vehicle taken into account the various surroundings influence and the evaluation of materials, functional principles and the rules for design. The miner will have a partly rigid chassis with two tracks without any sloping inlet of tracks and with slip steering. The main frame of the chassis is completely rigid. The track system is made of the track shoe, sprocket, road wheels, idler, carrier roller and Track body frame. Ambient conditions to be considered for the track system design and optimization are based on the Wenzlawski,(2000) assumptions. The effects of the ambient conditions on materials and functional components are multifarious and not totally explored and therefore complete system of rules for design are not yet in existence. The contact area of the crawler belt on the soil can thus be determined for the total weight of the mining machine in water. Assumption is that the contact pressure of the soil is evenly distributed under the contact area. The relation between contact pressure and shear strength is so small and it was neglected for the limit of trafficability of the soil. The maximum tractive force of the miner will depends only on the soil contact area of the miner, the soil shear strength and the soil deformation and thus the entire concept of the mining system. The driving speed is limited to less than lm/s and each component of the miner track system was analyzed based on the forces/weights acting on it.The optimization algorithm is based on the conventional engineering approach. So based on the known requirements of the track system, the system is optimized, in other words the optimization would start from the known requirement of the track system and subsequently to the unknowns. Dynamic programming which is a technique well suited for the optimization of such multistage decision problems is employed in this work. Track dimensions are optimized to have maximum steering ratio with minimum area of contact; the constraints will be the miner body dimensions. The sprocket is optimized to have minimum power requirement and material volume; with miner crawler chassis dimensions, minimum teeth of the sprocket and strength of the sprocket as constraints. The grouser is optimized to have maximum traction force with minimum material volume; the constraints are allowable soil bearing stress, grouser pitch relationship to the circular pitch of the sprocket, and assumed design relationship between the grouser pitch and grouser height. The track shoe is optimized to have maximum bending moment, and minimum material volume; with centrifugal force less than the chain breaking strength as constraint. The road-wheels are optimized to have minimum rolling resistance and minimum material volume. The constraints are the calculated miner grouser dimensions and length of contact, and the allowable road-wheel spacing to track-pitch ratio. The Idler-wheel is optimized to have minimum material volume; with calculated miner track dimensions (sprocket and road-wheel) and the idler wheel support load as constraints. The carrier roller is optimized to have minimum material volume. The constraints will be the calculated miner road-wheel dimensions, minimum allowable radii of the carrier roller and the carrier roller ability to support the load. The track body is optimized to have maximum allowable stress with minimum material volume with miner crawler chassis dimensions and the track body support the load as constraints will be. The optimization was done using codes written in MATLAB R2011.RecurDyn Software has a fully integrated linear and non-linear FEA capability allowing the creation of detailed realistic models for design studies and product’s performance improvement making it possible to simulate overall motion as well as local deformations and stresses. RecurDyn solver is powerful and it is2-20times faster than other dynamic solutions because of its advanced fully recursive algorithm. RecurDyn is also highly robust and stable thus models require much less parameters tuning to produce results. The optimized designed miner was simulated for both linear motion and also Steering motion. The bushing forces acting on the track are studied in order to know the nature of the track loading and it was found that during driving both the right and left tracks have the same pattern of force distribution with the right track having a higher value than the left track. The difference between the track forces is more during driving in the normal plane and decay occurs after the first second. It was found during steering condition that the right track which is the outer track and the left track which is the inner track are not having the same force distribution pattern. They are interwoven and decaying with the decay earlier in the outer track.

【关键词】 深海采矿设计集矿车履带优化转向
【Key words】 deep-ocean miningdesignminer trackoptimizationsteering
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期