

Research on Reciprocal Mechanism of Sport Consumption and Development of Sports Market

【作者】 谭焱良

【导师】 岳意定;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国体育产业的发展和居民体育消费水平的提高,体育消费市场的竞争也更加激烈。面对日益复杂多变的市场环境,体育组织者和相关体育企业一方面需要深入了解体育消费市场的运行机制和消费者行为的客观规律,另一方面需要从市场运行的角度来管理体育消费市场或者促进体育企业经营绩效。因此,本研究分析了体育消费及体育消费市场的发展机理,阐述体育消费市场的运行机制,在此基础上,借助于关系营销理论,研究提升体育消费中消费者消费意向的路径,进一步结合国内外典型案例,总结其发展规律,在上述理论与实证研究的基础上,提出引导体育消费健康发展的建议,以期为保证体育消费产业迅速、健康发展提供有效的理论支撑。首先,本文对国内外有关体育消费的理论和研究文献进行了综述。总结了体育消费意识、体育消费意向、体育消费行为和体育消费影响因素等体育消费的四大要素,并绘制出体育消费要素内部结构图,运用计划行为理论,从“认知感知—心理动机—行为意向—行为”这个过程分析了体育消费形成的机理,并从不同卷入度探讨了体育消费形成的不同路径。运用文献资料法、归纳法及逻辑分析等方法,从商品的基本属性分析体育消费市场形成的基本条件,从供求平衡型和生产功能型两种角度分析体育消费市场的形成,并运用价值链理论分析体育消费市场的运作过程,探讨了体育消费市场的整体运行机制。然后,通过文献的整理和理论分析,围绕“互惠如何影响体育消费参与”这一主体思路,深入阐述了基于互惠的体育消费参与影响机理,在此基础上,建立互惠、承诺、信任和体育消费之间关系的概念模型,并提出了本文的6大核心假设。接下来,根据研究问题和中国的研究情境,选取各变量的测量量表,进行预测试、信度检验和探索性因子分析,得到正式调研问卷。然后对问卷调查的对象及数据情况进行了说明,随后对样本进行了必要的特征描述分析,并对正式量表进行了信度和效度检验,以及各关键变量的相关性分析。同时,为了更明确的检验信任和承诺的中介效应,本研究构建了5个嵌套的结构方程模型,通过模型的计算和修订,得到相应的结论:互惠对体育消费参与有足够的解释力,且承诺和信任在其中起中介效应。从国内外典型的成功案例出发,结合一个失败的案例对比,总结出发展体育消费市场的有效启示:以联盟为核心的管理体系,以经济利益为核心的运行机制,以市场需求为核心的营销体系,政府的宏观调控与市场的直接调和有机结合。接下来,运用互惠理论来治理体育消费中企业、消费者与政府的关系,将互惠理论引入到体育消费关系营销当中,实现对体育消费关系的治理。研究结论表明企业要培育与其消费者间的正互惠关系,避免或削弱负互惠关系,同时,行业自律和第三方惩罚对体育行业的健康持续发展具有重要作用。最后,本文分别从政府层面和企业层面提出促进中国体育消费市场健康发展的建议。引导和促进体育消费市场发展的政策建议:健全体育消费市场的各项法规,加强监督和管理;建设完善的诚信体系,加强行业自律;建立现代产权制度,确立体育企业的产权主体;加大宣传力度,以全民健身为契机大力推动体育社会化;加快体育基础设施的建设,改善居民体育锻炼环境;优化体育产业结构,健全多元化的体育投资和消费机制;组建专业化的运作团队,培养专门的赛事管理人才。提升体育消费企业管理绩效的对策建议:提高管理水平;运用现代市场营销手段促进体育消费;以关系营销为手段促进体育消费;提高体育赛事竞技水平。

【Abstract】 With the development of China’s sports industry and sports consumption level, the competition in sports consumer market is more intense. Faced with an increasingly complex and volatile market environment, on the one hand, sports organizers and related enterprises need to understand the operation mechanism of sports consumer market and the objective laws of consumer behavior in depth, on the other hand, they need to manage sports consumer market or promote business performance from the perspective of market operation. Therefore, this paper analyzed the development mechanism about sports consumption and sports consumer market, besides, elaborated the operation mechanism about sports consumer market. On this basis, in addition to summarize the experience of domestic and international sports consumer market operation, also by means of relationship marketing theory to research the methods that will have contributes for enhance sports consumption customer’s spending intentions. On the basis of the above theoretical and empirical research, put forward some suggestions to guide the healthy development of sports consumption, in order to provide effective theoretical support to ensure the sports consumption industries are rapidly and healthy development.Firstly, this paper reviews the theory and research literature on domestic and foreign sports consumption, summarizes the four elements of sports consumption, including the sports consumer awareness, sports consumer intentions, sports consumer behavior and influence factor of sports consumption, and draws out the internal structure of main elements of sports consumption. Using the theory of planned behavior, analyzed the formation mechanism of sports consumption by the process of Cognitive perception-psychological motivation-behavioral intentions-behavior, and from a different degree of involvement, explores the different paths that formed sports consumption. Using literature, induction and logical analysis.etc, from the basic properties of commodity to analyze the basic conditions for the formation of sports consumer market, from the type of supply-demand balance and production function, the two perspectives to analyze the formation of sports consumption market, and using the theory of value chain to analyze the operation process of sports consumer market, discussed the overall operation mechanism of sports consumer market.Then, by sorting literature and theoretical analysis, and around the the main idea "how reciprocal motivations affect sports consumption", to further elaborate sports consumption’s participate influence mechanism that is based on the mutual excitation, on this basis, establish a conceptual model that describe the relationship between reciprocity, commitment, trust and sports consumption, and presents six core assumptions of the paper. Next, according to research issues and Chinese research context, select the measurement scale of each variable, then pre-testing, reliability testing and exploratory factor analysis, to form a formally survey questionnaire. Then explains the objective of the questionnaire and date, subsequently, made a necessary characterization analysis for the samples, conducted reliability and validity testing for formal scale, and made correlation analysis of key variables. Meantime, in order to more clearly examine the mediating effect of trust and commitment, this paper constructed five nested structural equation modeling, through the model’s calculate and revision, to give the corresponding conclusions:reciprocal has sufficient explanatory power for participation in sports consumption,and in which the commitment and trust which play a mediating role.Starting from the worldwide typical success stories,then compare with a failed cases, to summed up the effectively inspiration for development of the sports consumer market:the management system that treat union as the core,the operating mechanism that treat economic interests as the core, and the marketing system that treat market demand as the core.Finally, this paper put forward some recommendations from the government level and the enterprise level respectively to promote the healthy development of China’s sports consumer market. these policy recommendations include:Improve the regulations in sports consumer market, Strengthen supervision and management; Building a sound credit system, strengthen industry self-regulation; Establishing a modern property rights system, to make sure sports enterprises have property rights; Increase propaganda, treat nationwide Fitness as an opportunity to vigorously promote the sport socialization; Speed up the construction of sports infrastructure,improving environment for residents’ physical exercise; Optimize the structure of sports industry,consummate diversified mechanism for sports investment and consumption; Set up professional operation team,training specialized management personnel for sport games. The suggestions for improve sports consumption enterprise’s management performance:Elevate the management level; Using modern marketing means to promote sports consumption; Promote sports consumption by the means of relationship marketing; Increase the competitive level in sports events.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期