

Research on Ecological Transformation of Industrial Park and Its Eco-efficiency

【作者】 付丽娜

【导师】 陈晓红;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:我国的生态工业实践进度比较快但起步较晚。虽然目前有数十家工业园区得到国家批准命名的生态工业园,然而与国外一些发展成熟的生态工业园相比较,这些园区还只能算是处于雏形或形成阶段。而更多的传统工业园正在经历着生态化转型升级的实践。在两型社会建设背景下,如何有序地促进工业园成功实现生态化转型的目标,促使其名副其实地达到生态工业园的标准同时满足两型社会建设理念对其赋予的新的要求,这是一个复杂的系统工程。然而,目前在实践中却存在诸多问题,例如工业园生态化改造的内动力明显不足,处于生态化雏形阶段的工业园内产品链和废物交换链的培育严重不足,园内各参与主体或要素间关系的协调较为困难,如此等等。而目前的理论研究没有为以上种种问题给出满意的解决方案。鉴于此,本文遵循“理论分析—园区创业现状及转型动因探讨—园区转型的内在机理分析—园区生态效率评价—园区生态效率的影响因素分析—生态化改造策略设计”的思路对工业园的生态化转型及生态效率展开研究。研究主要从以下几个方面展开并且得到相关结论:(1)以两型理念和生态效率思想为引导构建了工业园生态化转型的动因模型,并基于重要性程度采用模糊聚类分析法对全体动力因素进行了归类、分层。首先,对工业园的前期(一次和二次)创业历程进行了回顾,并对前期创业的动因进行了评述,指出对经济利益的追求是推动其前期创业的动力核心要素。其次,突破前期创业时的粗放式发展模式和思路,指出工业园在二次创业基础上的生态化转型的战略性导向应该是生态效率,它既是一种测量工具又是一种管理哲学;进而从企业、技术、市场、政府等几个角度探讨了推动工业园实现生态化转型发展的动因模型,特别突出资源存量和环境承载力等制约因素的关键性。最后,按重要性对全体动力因素进行聚类并探讨了各类因素之间的相互关系。动力是推进生态化改造进而促使园区转型的前提和基础,对动力的分析也开启了本研究的起点。(2)探究工业园生态化转型的内在机理分析。首先,明确实施生态化转型需要达到的目标。其次,分析工业园成功实现生态化转型的过程机制。采用复杂性科学理论的一个分支—耗散结构理论分析了工业园系统要实现转型升级所必须具备的基础性过程子机制,并且借助熵流分析法研究了系统要形成耗散结构需要满足的数理条件,即构建了工业园系统达到耗散结构状态的识别标准。再次,运用描述生物种群增长规律的logistic方程分析了园区系统转型升级的实现机制,即通过企业共生实现1+1>2的协同共生效应、产生协同剩余,从而促成系统转型目标的实现。最后,分析了园区系统实现转型的保障机制,着重从沟通、信任和社会资本的角度来探讨。本章的研究有助于准确把握确保工业园生态化转型的内在机制,为进一步探讨园区的综合绩效(或生态效率)奠定基础。(3)实证测度了具体园区系统的生态效率综合水平。首先,对目前学术界关于生态效率的评价方法进行了比较和总结,最终选择灰色关联度分析法和超效率DEA法作为园区生态效率综合水平的评价方法。其次,以“资源节约-环境友好-经济持续-创新引领-人文发展”为概念框架构建了适用于虽被国家批准为生态工业园但尚需进一步深入开展生态化改造的综合类工业园(尤其是致力于发展高新技术产业的综合型工业园)生态效率测度指标体系。再次,采用灰色关联度分析法和超效率DEA方法分别对泰达工业园和湘潭九华工业园的生态效率进行了实证测度。评价的结果对于相关园区认清自身现状、寻找差距、确定工作目标和努力方向具有现实指导意义;同时也对我国同类型其它园区的可持续发展具有重要参考价值。本章的研究结果将为后续旨在提升园区生态效率综合水平的对策出台提供有力实证支撑。(4)实证分析了影响园区生态效率的若干因素,并验证了相关中介变量在其中发挥的作用。首先,基于所研究问题的特点选择结构方程模型法作为研究方法。其次,通过对国内外大量文献的阅读与归纳,构建了各类因素对园区生态效率影响的概念模型,并且提出若干研究假设。再次,通过调查问卷的方式获得测量量表的相应数据,在对数据进行整理后基于结构方程模型采用AMOS软件对模型进行拟合、调整和修正,最终获得通过验证的体现各潜变量之间以及潜变量与相应指标之间关系的最优模型。研究表明:企业、工业共生体、园区管理、政府、市场与文化等层面因素对园区的生态效率都会产生程度不同的直接影响,且还通过中介变量间接影响着园区的生态效率水平。本章为寻找促进生态效率改善的有效措施提供了重要支撑。(5)深入探讨了实现工业园生态化转型目标的手段,即生态化改造。具体地,分别从企业、工业体系、园区管理三个层面来展开深入分析。企业层面主要是从技术上推广和应用清洁生产技术以及从文化上培育员工和管理者的生态意识;工业体系层面主要是对初具雏形的产业生态链进一步稳固和发展;园区(包括地方政府)层面主要是管理系统的优化,比如信息共享平台的搭建、物料交换系统的构建、环境管理体系的建设等。进一步地,本章结合湘潭九华工业园的实际情况,探讨了该园区实施生态化改造、推进园区转型升级的特定措施。

【Abstract】 Abstract:The practice of eco-industry made a great progress in our country, but a late start. There are dozens of industrial parks approved by the State named eco-industrial park, however, compared with some foreign-developed eco-industrial park, the parks can only be considered in the prototype or the formation stage. The more traditional industrial park is undergoing ecological transformation and upgrading practices. In the two-oriented society construction background, how to orderly obtain industry park ecological transformation goals and meet the standards of eco-industrial park, meanwhile, how to meet the new requirements of two types society construction, this is a complicated systematic project. However, there are many problems in practice. The power of ecological transformation and upgrading is not enough. The product and waste exchange chain has not fostered in the ecological prototype stage of industrial park. The relations coordination of participating body or elements in park is very difficult, and so on.However, the current theory does not give a satisfactory solution to the above problems. In view of this, according to the following analysis path"theoretical analysis-transformation power exploration--analysis of the transformation internal mechanism--eco-efficiency evaluation--eco-efficiency factors analysis-policies and strategies design", The paper carried out an systematic analysis on ecological transformation of industrial park and its eco-efficiency and abtained the following related conclusions:(1) Based on "resource conservation&environment-friendly" concept and eco-efficiency idea, a power model of industry park ecological transformation and development was established, and all of the power factors were classified and stratified according to importance degree with fuzzy clustering analysis method. Firstly, after investigating the first venture motives of industry park, we draw a conclusion that the first venture power and main purpose is to pursue economic interests. Secondly, surpassing the extensive development mode and ideas of the first venture, we draw a conclusion that the eco-efficiency should be strategic orientation of industry park ecological transformation, and the eco-efficiency is a a measurement tool and also is a management philosophy. Furtherly,from "enterprise,technology, market and government" several perspectives, the power model of industry park ecological transformation was established. Particularly, the results showed that the resource inventory,environmental carrying capacity constraints is critical and prominent.Finally, all of the power factors were classified and stratified according to importance degree with fuzzy clustering analysis method and the relationship among these factors was explored.(2) The internal mechanism of industry park ecological transformation and upgrading was explored. Firstly, we analyzed the process mechanisms of industry park transformation, the characteristics of industry park system achieving transformation was analyzed with the dissipative structure theory(a branch of complexity science theory). What’s more, the mathematical conditions of dissipative structure formation was researched with entropy flow analysis method, or the dissipative structure identification standard of industry park system was established. Secondly, the transformation implementation mechanism of the park system was studied with the logistic equation that describes the biological population growth law. Synergistic surplus and symbiotic effect of "1+1>2" was achieved through enterprise symbiosis, and the symbiotic effect led to the goal achievement of system evolution. Thirdly, transformation security mechanism of park system was explored from the viewpoints of communication, trust and social capital. This chapter will contribute to in-depth understanding about the park system inside transformation mechanism.(3)The eco-efficiency of specific industry park that select eco-operation mode was measured. Firstly, we compared and summarized the current eco-efficiency evaluation methods, and select the gray correlation analysis method and super efficiency DEA method as the basic evaluation methods of park eco-efficiency overall level. Secondly, we established a conceptual framework" resource-saving--environment friendly--sustained economic--innovation oriented--human development" to build a eco-efficiency measurement indicators suitable to integrated eco-industrial parks (especially, the comprehensive eco-industrial park dedicated to high-tech industries development).Thirdly, eco-efficiency of Teda Industrial Park and Xiangtan Jiuhua Industrial Park was measured respectively based on gray correlation analysis and super efficiency DEA method. Evaluation results have important reference value for recognizing their own status, identifying gaps, determining the goals and direction of relevant parks, and also has important reference value for the sustainable development of the same type parks.The results will provide strong empirical support for making management descions to enhance eco-efficiency.(4) The factors that affect the park eco-efficiency were empirically analyzed and the effect of the relevant intermediary variables was verified.Firstly, we selected the structure equation model as a research method. Secondly, after reading a lot of literature and summarizing, a conceptual model was established that describe the park eco-efficiency influencing factors. What’s more, we made a number of hypotheses. Thirdly, corresponding data of measurement scales was obtained through the questionnaire. We carried out the model fitting, adjustments and amendments based on tructural equation model with AMOS software. Uultimately, we got the corresponding optimal model that describe the relationship among latent variables and its indicators. The results shows that the factors "enterprises, industrial symbiosis, park management, market and cultural factors" make direct impact on the park ecological efficiency, and there is indirect impact on ecological efficiency through mediating variables.The results can provide important support for making measures to improve the park eco-efficiency.(5) The means to achieve industrial park ecological transformation goals, ecological transformation were deeply analyzed. These policy recommendations were analyzed specifically from several aspects "the enterprise, industrial symbiosis, park management, government and external environment". At the corporate level, we should be promote cleaner production technology application, and actively cultivate ecological awareness of employees and managers. At the industrial system level, we should further consolidate and develop the eco-industrial chain. At the park (including local government) level, we should promote optimal management system, such as building information sharing platform, establishing materials exchange system, constructing the environmental management systems. Further, based on the actual situation in Hunan Xiangtan Jiuhua Industrial Park, we proposed a series of measures aimed at improving ecological transformation and enhancing eco-efficiency of the park.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期