

Studies on the Development of the Media Industry in China

【作者】 吴昊天

【导师】 郭元晞;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 基于产业融合的相关理论,本文尝试对我国传媒产业的转型、改革与发展进行了研究,为传媒产业管制体系构建以及提高产业运行效率提供了理论参考。我国目前正处于积极促进文化产业大发展、大繁荣的关键时期,文化体制改革正在向纵深推进,作为文化产业的重要组成部分,中国传媒业的发展与传媒体制的改革同步进行。如何实现传媒业从事业到产业的转变,变外部输血到自我积累,变行政垄断到积极参与市场竞争,构成了中国传媒业改革迫切需要回答的问题。这同时也构成了本文研究的出发点和落脚点。产业融合引发的产业结构体系的调整正在全球范围内广泛展开,数字化技术引发的产业革命几乎瓦解了传媒市场原有的市场秩序,不论是市场结构、市场格局还是政府规制都发生了巨大的变化,传媒市场的供求关系、传媒企业的运行效率也从根本上得到了优化和提升,并且,随着科技的进步,未来的传媒产业还在发生巨变,甚至直接促使人们的精神生活和物质生活向更高的水平发展。尽管如此,我们也应该清醒的看到:“党和政府的喉舌”是中国传媒产业的基本定位。在当下矛盾凸显期的中国,传媒业既要承担产业发展的重任,也要切实负起守望社会、公众,担负着分担改革风险和成本的特殊使命,作为改革的后发区域,中国传媒业面临重重压力和困难。在此背景下,本文尝试以产业融合为分析视角,探索中国传媒业的转型路径,探寻由传媒业、电信业及IT互联网业共同融合而成的大媒体产业的构建和发展。全文共分九个章节。第一章主要是对论文写作的国际国内背景和意义进行了概述,这一章也包括了论文写作思路以及主要研究方法等内容的相关介绍;第二章是相关理论和文献的述评,以构成全文分析的理论和文献基础;第三章提出问题,分别从技术、市场、企业等层面对传媒产业融合的动因进行深入的分析和解剖;第四、五章是分析问题,分别对国外、国内传媒产业的融合路径进行全面梳理,包括融合方式、融合起点和融合趋势,并着重分析了中国传媒产业当前存在和面临的问题,并希望借鉴西方传媒产业发展的经验为中国传媒产业发展路径的选择提供参考;第六、七、八章主要是解决和深化问题,其中第六章主要站在传媒业内媒体融合的角度,对传媒集团化的发展进行全面梳理和经验总结,并提出媒体融合应注意的问题和选择的方向;第七章主要阐释在媒体融合的基础上如何构建大媒体产业的设想,并对“三网融合”等产业融合的重点领域进行了深入剖析;第八章是站在国家发展和产业结构调整的视角下,对中国传媒业和涉及产业融合的规制进行重新审视,由此提出,在全球化的背景下,传媒产业融合与发展关系到国家的经济安全和意识形态安全,必要的管理框架的调整和创新是中国传媒产业融合发展的制度需求和重要保证;第九章是全文的研究总结,并对未来研究的重点和趋势进行了展望。本文对中国传媒产业融合发展的研究主要致力于回答如下四个问题:其一,世界传媒业发展的趋势和中国传媒产业的发展现状是怎样的;其二,在新兴技术的影响下,竞争性垄断市场的出现对中国传媒产业优化市场结构带来何种影响;其三,从媒体融合到大媒体产业的构建,其实现的步骤和路径是什么;其四,规制的重建和竞争的引入,政府如何通过政策的实施进一步推动市场结构的优化。以上问题的分析中,我们得出了以下结论:第一,产业融合是信息传播发展的必然趋势。信息化时代,由信息技术、网络技术和通讯技术推动的产业融合,已极大的改变了传媒、通信等行业,与传统的工业时代相比,信息化时代的产业融合更为频繁,站在企业和市场的角度,不论是竞争压力使然,还是行业壁垒的变化,以及资产通用性的增强,由技术推动的产业融合在多方力量共同驱使下,从媒体融合再到大媒体产业的构建循序渐进,促使相关产业发展和繁荣。第二,我国传媒产业的市场结构尚需优化,“媒体融合”的路径构成了我国传媒集团发展重要思路。经过十多年来的大规模集中化,发达国家和地区已经形成了新闻集团、维亚康姆、迪斯尼、贝塔斯曼、威望迪等一系列超级媒体集团,经营模式以“跨媒体、跨行业、跨国经营”为特征,涵盖了完整的产业链。这些大型的媒体集团既是传媒业全球分工的领导者、实践者,也是传媒产业融合的市场主体。反观中国的传媒产业,与发达国家相比,依然存在集中度不高、地区发展不平衡、融合度不高等问题,研判中国传媒产业的发展路径,应着力调整市场结构,打破传媒产业条块分割的市场格局,鼓励以资本为纽带,实行兼并重组,培育少数规模大、实力强、业务广的大型龙头传媒集团,建立能够辐射全国的网络型寡占市场结构体系;相关传媒企业进行媒体融合的过程中,要注重优势互补和资源的整合,不仅是信息资源层面的融合,更包括了产权、人力、经营、管理、后包服务等方面的全面整合,这样才能产生协同效应和规模经济,从而树立媒体品牌。第三,大媒体产业的融合一体化发展构成其未来趋势。世界的扁平化使融合成为一种趋势,随着IT技术和CT技术的逐步融合,融合制造与服务、内容与终端、硬件与软件的一体化才是适应市场需求获得超额利润的成功商业模式,跨界融合模式的逐步明朗也为传媒产业的发展指明了方向。下一步,以“三网融合”为代表的大媒体产业融合更应着力推动与移动互联网的融合发展,运用大数据、云计算等新兴技术创新服务模式,放弃仅仅局限于传统传媒业和电信业之间的封闭融合,逐步引入更多的投资者和合作者,营造出大开放、大合作的开放式融合格局。第四,放松规制、建设融合性的规制体系构成了我国传媒产业规制改革的思路。面对当下中国传媒业有效制度安排不足、公共政策体系随意性较大的问题,构建一个面向全国和相关产业统一、开放、有效竞争的大媒体产业规制体系是极为必要的,也是提升产业竞争力的关键所在,其规制重点应由结构性的规制转向行为规制,抑制垄断和放松管制同步进行,打破横亘在产业间的壁垒和障碍,创造市场公平竞争秩序,变行政干预到经济政策和法律手段的引导,刺激被规制的对象在竞争压力下以提高生产效率为目标,推动以“三网融合”为代表的产业融合进程。从确保意识形态安全的要求上来讲,我们还应该借鉴先行国家的经验,建立统一的规制机构,有力推动从纵向行业规制向横向分层规制的转变,严把内容关,探索维护意识形态安全的新模式,将宣传价值与公共利益有机的结合起来。本文对传媒产业融合发展研究的可能创新:第一,基于产业融合理论,分析我国传媒产业的发展问题,拓展了产业分析方法的应用领域。纵观过去对传媒产业尤其是媒体融合领域的研究,绝大多数都是从新闻传播领域的角度进行阐述,极少使用经济学的研究方法,本文在第五章创新性地构建了中国传媒产业竞争力指标体系,运用因子分析法定量分析了中国传媒产业竞争力评价模型,提供了定量分析传媒产业的理论基础;同时,以中国20家上市传媒公司为研究对象,基于改进的TOPSIS法对中国上市传媒公司绩效进行了评价分析,改变了以往仅靠主观判断和定性描述的局面。第二,在探索传媒产业融合发展的研究中,创新性构建了大媒体产业研究框架,提出了产业融合发展的驱动因素、未来趋势和现实路径。本文在第三章中,系统论证了大媒体产业融合的动因所在,主要包括技术创新、规模经济和范围经济的增强、资产通用性的加强、以及政府规制放松等方面的原因,为研究相关问题提供了有力的理论支撑。本文第七章对大媒体产业的技术形态、产业效应和未来发展趋势进行了全景式的勾勒和展望,创新性的提出了大媒体产业的融合方向及策略,即加快与移动互联网的融合、通过大数据等高新技术创新融合模式、以互联网的思维营造大开放、大合作的融合格局,实现传媒与相关产业资源的整合,提升大媒体产业长期竞争力。第三,注重结合我国现实国情和特殊管理政策,创新性提出我国大媒体产业融合规制建构的政策思路和具体措施。在研究传媒规制的过程中,本文在第八章重点分析了约束中国传媒产业发展的体制机制障碍,阐明了分业规制在产业融合构建大媒体产业中所受到的挑战,以分析国际传媒规制变化趋势为依据和基础,结合我国的现实环境创新性提出了放松规制和抑制垄断并行、进行横向分层监管、建立符合中国国情的大传媒管理机构等循序渐进的改革举措。尤其是在传播内容监管方面,提出了在党委宣传部门的领导下增设“内容监管委员会”的建议,以期强化各终端内容的监管和控制,从而确保意识形态的安全。由于数据和文献资料的缺乏,本文研究尚且存在许多不足,这也构成了我们未来需要努力的方向。作者将继续着眼于技术研究和规制研究,探索大媒体产业融合的最新进展情况。

【Abstract】 Based on the related theories of industry convergence, this article attempts to study the transformation, reformation and development of the media industry in China, providing a theoretical reference for the establishment of the media industry’s controlling system and the improvement on industrial operation efficiency. At present, China is at the critical point of actively promoting cultural industry development and prosperity. With the deep propelling of cultural system reformation, the development of media industry in China, as an essential part of the cultural industry, is proceeding with the reformation of media system shoulder to shoulder. How to achieve the transformation of media from public to industry, from external transfusion to internal accumulation, and from administrative monopoly to marketing competition, is the question crying for an answer of Chinese media industrial reformation, as well as the starting point and foothold of this article’s research.The adjustment of industry structural system caused by industry convergence has been widely carried out, along with the industrial reformation under digital technology almost disorganizing the original media industry’s order. Those lead to the huge changes in marketing structure, marketing pattern and government rules; at the same time, the relation between supply and demand in media industry and the operation efficiency of media enterprises have optimized and improved fundamentally. What’s more, the development of science and technology is bringing about radical changes to the future of media industry, even directly accelerating people’s spirit and material life to a higher level.For all that, we should be aware that the fundamental position of Chinese media industry is the "mouthpiece of the CPC and the government". Since now China is at the time with many sharp conflicts, the media industry is supposed not only to shoulder the developing responsibility, but to undertake the special mission of guarding the society and public, and burdening the reform risks and costs. It is now confronting great pressure and difficulties as the late-developing region of reform. Thereupon, this article aims at exploring the transforming road for the media industry of China and seeking the construction and development of the mega media industry.The article is divided into nine chapters. Chapter One takes an overview of the international and domestic background and the purpose of this writing, including relevant introduction about the writing ideas and primary research method. Chapter Two is the review of correlated theories and literature, founding the theories and literature for analysis of the whole text. Chapter Three comes up with questions, and then deeply analyzes and dissects the reasons for media industry convergence from aspects of techniques, marketing and enterprises, etc. Chapter Four and Chapter Five do the analysis, thoroughly teasing both the foreign and domestic media industry’s converging paths upon method, starting point and trend. The two chapters emphasize the current problems faced with the media industry of China and provide alternatives for the development of the industry in China according to that in Western countries. Chapter Six to Chapter Eight mainly focus on solving and deepening the problems. Chapter Six comprehensively teases and concludes the experience on collectivization of media industry on the stance of media convergence inside the industry, offering some tips and directions for media convergence. Chapter Seven illuminates the visualization of the mega media industry based on the media convergence and at the same time, goes deep into the analysis on the key areas like the "Convergence of Three Networks (telecom, internet and cable television network)". Chapter Eight re-scans the regulations of media industry and correlative industries in China from the perspective of nation development and industry structural adjustment, pointing out that the meaning of media industry convergence and development is far beyond any of that in other generalized industries, which refers to the security of our nation’s economy and ideology. The necessary adjustment and innovation of managing framework is the system demand and significant guarantee for media industry convergence of China. Chapter Nine is the researching conclusion of the whole article, and it visualizes future researching fields and trends.The article concentrates on answering the following four questions for the convergence development of media industry in China:first, what’s the current situation of the development upon the media industry in the world and in China; second, under the influence of emerging technologies, how will the emergence of competitive monopoly market affect our media industry on optimizing the marketing structure; third, what are the steps and ways from media convergence to the construction of mega media industry; fourth, with the rebuilding of regulation and introduction of competition, how does the government propel the optimization of marketing structure through policy implementation.By analyzing the questions above, we reach the following conclusion:First, the industry convergence is the inevitable trend of the development in information communication, In the information age, the industry convergence promoted by information technology, internet technology and communication technology has significantly changed the media, communication and other industries. Compared with the industry convergence in traditional industrial age, it occurs more frequently in information age. From the perspective of enterprises and market, whether it’s the competition pressure, the variation of industry barrier, or the improvement of property versatility, industry convergence, propelled by technology and multi-strength, is on the way from convergence to the construction of mega media industry, to promote the development and prosperity of related industries.Second,"Media Convergence" constitutes the key thought of development for Chinese media enterprises and the marketing structure of media industry needs optimizing. After the large-scale centralization for more than a decade, developed countries and districts have formed a series of super media groups, including News Corporation, Viacom Corporation, Walt Disney Company, Bertelsmann AG and Vivendi SA, etc. with the feature of "Cross-media, Cross-industry and multinational management" as their business model, covering the whole industrial chain. These large media groups are both the leaders, practitioners of the global labor division and the main market players of media industry convergence. By reviewing the media industry in China and comparing it with that in developed countries, we find problem of low-concentration, unbalanced-developing and low-coherence. Studying and judging the development path of media industry in China, we should emphasize marketing structural adjustment, break the market pattern of barriers between different levels, encourage merging and reorganization with capital as the link, cultivate a few large leading media groups of great scale, strong power and wide business, and build the network-type oligopolistic market structure which radiates the whole nation. In the convergence of cross-media, media should pay more attention to the complementation of each other’s advantages and the integrity of resources. The convergence not only includes the information resources, but the comprehensive integrity of property right, human resource, operation, management and logistics as well, generating a mutual strengthening effect and scale economy and setting up media brand.Third, the integrative development of mega media industry constitutes its future tendency. Global flattening has made the convergence an inexorable trend, As the gradual merging between information technology and communication technology goes on, the convergence of manufacture and service, content and terminal, and hardware and software should be the successful business model which adapts well to the market demand and acquire profitability, while the clearer cross-convergence model also indicates a direction for media industry’s development. The next step for the mega media industry convergence like the "Convergence of Three Networks", should be putting forth effort to propel the convergence with mobile internet by using emerging technological innovation service model like big data and cloud computing and giving up close convergence confined to traditional media industry and telecommunication industry; instead, it needs to bring in more investors and cooperators and run an open and collaborating convergence pattern.Fourth, loosing regulation and building a confluent system make up the reforming thoughts of media industry in China. When facing the current problem of lacking effective arrangement and the great flexibility of public policy system, it is necessary to form an industry regulation system of united, open and competitive facing the domestic related industries, which is also the critical step to improve industry competitiveness. The regulation should focus on behavior regulation rather than structural regulation, with inhibition monopoly and deregulation going in parallel, to break the barriers between industries and create a fair marketing order. Meanwhile, administrative intervention is supposed to be led by economic policies and legal method, stimulating the regulated to enhance their productivity as the goal under the competitive pressure, encouraging the enterprises to promote the process of convergence represented by the "Convergence of Three Networks". From the requests of ensuring the ideology safety, we should draw experience from leading countries, establish a united regulated institution to put forward the switch from vertical industries to horizontal layers, enforce the quality of content vigorously, and explore a new model of maintaining the ideology security, combining dynamically the propaganda value and public interest.The researching innovations we have on the development of media industry convergence are as follow: First, based on the industry convergence theories, we analyze the development problems about media industry in China and expand the applied fields for industry analysis method. By making a general review about the past research, especially the convergence area, we find most of them illustrating from the angle of news transmission, but less from economy method. This article, however, creatively makes up a competition target system for Chinese media industry, quantitatively analyzes the evaluation model with factor analysis, and provides the theoretical basis of the analysis. Meanwhile, we do research on twenty listed media companies in China and evaluate their performance based on the improved TOPSIS method, removing the former method depending only on subject judgment and qualitative description.Second, in the research of exploring the convergence development, we creatively build up a researching framework for mega media industry and provide it with driving factor, future trend and realistic path. In Chapter Three of this article, the reasons of mega media convergence have been systematically demonstrated, mainly including the enhancing of technology innovation, scale economy and scope economy, the strengthening of capital generality and the releasing of government regulation, which gives supports for related studies. Chapter Seven outlooks and depicts in panorama to the technical form, industrial effect and future trends of mega media industry. It also comes up with the convergence’s directions and strategies for the mega media industry in a new thought, i.e., expediting the convergence with mobile internet, creating converging model through big data and other advanced technology, building an open and collaborating pattern with internet idea, achieving the integrity of resources in media and related industries, and improving the long-run competitiveness.Third, we focus on the combination between the current conditions of China and special managing policies, and present innovatively the policy thought and specific measures of the convergence regulation for the mega media industry in China. When dealing with the media regulation, this article emphatically analyzes the systematic barriers which constrain the industry development in Chapter Eight, clearly demonstrating the challenges mega media industry can face when separating regulation upon business. Based on the variation trend of international media regulation and combining with our realistic environment, we innovatively raise the progressive reform actions on simultaneously releasing regulation and restraining monopoly, proceeding a horizontally layered regulation, and building a mega media managing institution conforming to the national conditions of China. Particularly in the aspect of delivering content regulation, the article proposes to add a "Content Regulation Committee" under the leading of Party Committee Propaganda Department, to strengthen the content regulation and control of all terminals and ensure the ideology security.Due to the lack of data and documents, we still have much to improve, which is also our working direction in future. We will continue to keep on technology research and regulation study and explore the latest progress of mega media industry convergence.
