

Research About Urban Informal Employment Groups’ Protection of Labor Rights and Interests from the Perspective of Decent Work

【作者】 陈静

【导师】 尹庆双;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 劳动经济, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,随着我国社会经济体制的转型,产业结构的不断调整升级,城市化进程的不断推进,涌现出大批的城镇下岗失业工人和农村剩余劳动力。由于非正规就业劳动机制灵活、就业准入要求低,能够满足各种不同需求层次劳动者的就业需要,因此它越来越成为各种富余劳动力和新增劳动力就业的重要渠道,对劳动力市场产生了重大的影响,导致劳动力市场发生了一个显著的变化——非正规就业群体成为城镇就业人口的主流。该群体既无特殊的劳动技能,也没有其它较多的可供利用的社会资本,他们只能凭靠出卖自己简单的劳动力在劳动力市场就业,属于典型的社会弱势群体,其劳动就业容易受歧视;劳动报酬得不到保障;劳动强度大,其人格尊严很难得到保障;劳动卫生安全条件较为恶劣,工作本身危险,容易发生较大的安全事故;居住条件特别差,生活条件难以保障,身心健康容易受到伤害;劳动者普遍受教育程度低,接受文化教育的机会很少,其自身的劳动权益难以得到保障。尤其是在部分民营私有企业中,劳动者的劳动条件非常差,劳动安全事故常常发生,劳动者常常成为劳动安全事故的牺牲品;劳动时间的无限延长,使得该群体劳动者的身体健康遭到严重的损害;故意拖欠、恶意克扣劳动报酬等现象越来越严重。该群体劳动关系的博弈能力非常低,权利屡遭侵犯,尊严屡遭裹渎,严重处于被歧视、被剥夺和被边缘化的地位,威胁并影响到了我国和谐劳动关系的构建,已经成为社会稳定的严重隐患。国际劳动组织为了全社会的和谐稳定发展,解决全球化条件下各社会领域及其劳动者劳动方面出现的各种问题,提出了体面劳动概念,并把它作为解决各种社会和劳动问题的战略目标。我国政府积极响应和支持,把实现全民体面劳动作为发展和谐劳动关系,构建社会主义和谐社会的途径之一。而我国城镇非正规就业群体的劳动权益保障现状与体面劳动的要求相差甚远,要想实现政府的全民体面劳动目标,必须以促进非正规就业群体的体面就业,保障非正规就业群体的合法劳动权益。社会和谐的基石是劳动关系的和谐,而劳动关系和谐的核心就是劳动者的劳动权益受到充分的保障和体面劳动的实现,基于此,本研究以当代西方六大劳动关系理论的观点为主线,结合制度依附理论和社会平等理念共同形成本研究的理论基础;通过对体面劳动与劳动权益的内涵与特征进行界定,厘清了体面劳动与劳动权益之间的关系;在确定研究的理论基础之后,本研究通过历史研究法对我国城镇非正规就业劳动权益保障的历史发展进程进行了梳理,运用定性分析的方法对目前我国城镇非正规就业群体劳动权益保障的现状进行总结归纳,并采用定量分析方法对一些置信度较高的历史宏观数据进行分析找出我国目前城镇非正规就业群体劳动权益保障中存在的问题,同时再利用规范性分析方法针对这些存在的问题探索其根由;在此基础之上,本研究对城镇非正规就业群体劳动权益保障的影响因素和后效变量进行了探索,形成了八个相关假设,并构建了本研究的理论模型;通过体面劳动理念和内涵对城镇非正规就业群体劳动权益保障衡量指标体系进行了理论筛选,再通过隶属度、相关性、项目分析、信度和效度等实证研究方法最终遴选出城镇非正规就业群体劳动权益保障的调查量表;通过问卷调查所得数据,对其提出的八个理论假设进行验证支持,验证了理论模型的有效性;本研究通过理论和实证分析后发现:由于劳动力市场发育的不完善,城镇非正规就业成为目前就业的主流,导致劳动市场秩序更加复杂和混乱,强资本弱劳工的现象不能得到有效控制;我国劳动立法和相关劳动法规政策制度还不完善,劳动监察不到位,导致部分民营私有劳动就业组织利用法律漏洞来侵犯劳动者的合法劳动权益;在部分民营私有企业中,根本没有成立工会组织或工会组织的不健全、不独立,导致工会组织不能真正代表劳动者的合法权益;城镇非正规就业群体自身素质和劳动技能水平低,依法维权意识薄弱等问题。鉴于此,本研究提出了构建以政府、劳动就业组织、工会组织和城镇非正规就业群体自身多方合作互补的劳动权益保障新模式,通过这多方相互能够制约的力量,构建一个相对有力的以及优势互补的多方监督协作体系。本研究在结构上共由八章构成,具体结构如下:1导论。本章主要对选题的背景、研究的主要内容与方法、研究思路、国内外的研究现状、研究的结构安排和预期创新进行阐释和介绍。2非正规就业的理论基础及其相关研究。本章主要以当代西方劳动关系的六大理论观点为主线,结合制度依附理论和社会平等理念共同形成本研究的理论基础;对非正规就业的国内外相关研究进行述评,对非正规就业的内涵进行界定,在此基础上本章还采用了社会分层理论把城镇非正规就业群体分为利益受益和利益受损两个群体,从而锁定本研究的主要研究对象:利益受损的城镇非正规就业群体。3劳动权益与体面劳动研究。本章主要就国内外劳动权益的相关研究进行分析与讨论,在此基础上对劳动权益的内涵进行了界定;再根据马斯洛需求层次理论把劳动权益分为五个层次:生存权、安全保障权、社会认同权、尊重权和自我实现权,为后续的理论模型研究提供铺垫;本章还就国内外对体面劳动的相关研究进行述评,提出了提出适合我国国情的体面劳动的内涵与特征;在此基础上分析与讨论了劳动权益保护与体面劳动的实现之间的关系。4非正规就业群体的劳动权益保障的历史演变与存在的问题。本章主要采用历史分析的研究方法把我国城镇非正规就业群体劳动权益保障分四个历史阶段,对这四个阶段的历史演变过程进行研究,每个阶段都分别从社会保障、劳动保护和职工发展等三个方面进行论述;采用定量分析的研究方法对一些置信度较高的历史宏观数据进行分析找出我国目前城镇非正规就业群体劳动权益保障存在的问题,采用规范性分析方法探索其问题存在的根由。5体面劳动视角下城镇非正规就业群体的劳动权益保障的研究假设与理论模型构建。本章首先探讨了影响城镇非正规就业劳动权益保障的因素:劳动者个体属性、组织所有制属性、地域经济属性、工会组织和政府职能定位与运行效能,这些因素都对劳动权益保障有影响;其次探讨了城镇非正规就业群体劳动权益保障的后效变量:劳动权益保障对劳动者工作生活质量、组织绩效和和谐劳动劳动关系的构建的影响;提出了八个理论假设,在这八个理论假设的基础上,构建了城镇非正规就业群体劳动权益保障的理论模型。6劳动权益保障状态下的各种衡量指标体系构建。本章首先对国内外体面劳动的测量指标体系进行了较为深入的文献分析,然后以体面劳动的内涵和它所蕴含的基本理念作为劳动权益保障指标体系遴选的理论基础,从理论视角遴选出5个维度、14个基本指标和66个指标要素;再通过隶属度和相关性实证分析,最终以实证的方式遴选出56个指标要素;本章还通过文献及理论研究探索构建了政府职能定位与运行效能、员工工作生活质量、组织绩效和和谐劳动关系的衡量指标体系,为后续的研究打下基础。7问卷调查与数据分析研究。本章主要对研究方法的介绍与探讨,包括问卷调查的过程与样本的基本情况,项目分析方法、问卷的信度与效度和描述性统计等内容。采用单因素方差分析法、独立样本T检验法、多元回归法和相关性分析法等,验证了研究工具的信度和效度,保障了后续分析的科学性和严谨性,在此基础上对第五章构建的理论模型中八个基本假设进行了验证;同时还通过多元回归的方法探寻了影响城镇非正规就业劳动权益保障水平的因素,还确立了各因素的权重。8结论与建议。本章主要是对整篇文章的结论进行概括性总结,对研究得出的重要结论加以介绍;同时还针对结论提出了建设性的意见。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening policy, with the transformation of our social and economic system, the constant adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure, the pace of urbanization accelerated, to emerged a large number of urban laid-off workers and surplus rural labor force, due to flexible employment mechanism, the low demand of employment for informal employment, to meet employment needs for a variety of different hierarchy’s labors, so it becomes an important channel of surplus labor forces and the new labor forces and it has had a major impact on the labor market, the labor market has led to a significant change----Informal employment has become the mainstream of urban employment population. The group has neither a special labor skills nor more social capital available, simply rely on selling their labor to employment, they are a typical social vulnerable groups. Their employments are vulnerable to discrimination; Labor remuneration can not guaranteed; Labor health and safety conditions are bad, work is dangerous, prone to accidents; High labor intensity, lack of respect for human dignity; Poor living conditions, lives are guaranteed, Their mental health is not guaranteed; A lot of them have low education, fewer opportunities to receive education, labor rights can not be guaranteed. Especially in some private private enterprises, labor conditions are very bad, frequent accidents, the groups often become victims of security incidents; Indefinitely extend their working time, Health seriously is damaged, Phenomenon is growing about malicious deduction and arrearing payment, game abilities of the groups’labor relations are very low, rights are infringed, Dignities repeatedly are wrapped ditch, in serious discrimination, deprived and increasingly marginalized position, seriously affected and threatened to building of harmonious labor relations in China and the equitable sharing of social development outcomes, and it has become a serious hidden danger to the social stability.The International Labour Organization put forward the concept of "decent work" for the social harmonious and stable development, to solve all kinds of problems of social and labor aspects under the conditions of the globalization, and took it as a strategic goal to solve all the social and labor problems. Chinese government actively respond and support the realization of decent work and regarded it as a way to development of harmonious labor relations and building a harmonious socialist society, But in our country urban informal employment groups’labor rights protection status is far from the requirement of decent work, to achieve the government’s goal of decent work for all the people, must be in order to promote decent employment of informal employment groups and to protect the legitimate labor rights of informal employment groups.The cornerstone of a harmonious society is the harmonious labor relations, but the core of the harmonious labor relations is protection of labor rights and achievement of decent work, Based on this, this study regards six modern western labor relations theories as the main line, formed the theoretical basis of this study through combining the institutional attachment theory of system and social equality together; Through defining the connotation of decent work and labor rights and characteristics, to clarify the relationship between decent work and labor rights; After determining the theory foundation of the study, sort out historical development process of Chinese urban informal employment labor rights protection through the historical research in this study, using the method of qualitative analysis to summarize the present situation of Chinese urban informal employment groups’labor rights protection, and the using quantitative analysis method to analyse macro historical data of high degree of confidence to find out our current urban informal employment groups’labor rights protect problems, using normative analysis method to deal with these problems and explore its causes; On the basis of these, the study explored effects factors and outcome variables of urban informal employment groups’labor rights protection, formed eight related assumptions, and constructed the theoretical model of this study; selected theoretical measure index system of urban informal employment group labor rights protection through decent work concept and connotation, formed finally surveys Scale of the urban informal employment groups’protection of labor rights through membership, relevance, project analysis, reliability and validity of empirical research methods; Proposed eight hypotheses of theory, proved the validity of the theoretical model; This study foud out through theoretical and empirical analysis that:because of labor market imperfections, urban informal employment has become the mainstream of the current employment, led labor market order more complicated and confusing, Strong capital and weak labors’ phenomenon can not be effectively controlled, Our labor law and labor regulations and polices are not perfect, Labor supervision is not in place, leading to some private private enterprises made use of loopholes in the law to infringe the legitimate labor rights; In some private enterprises, No trade union organization or union organization is not perfect, not independent, led trade union organization can not truly represent the legitimate interests of workers; Urban informal employment groups have their own low quality and working skills level, weak legal awareness of rights and other issues. In view of these, this study proposed to build a multilateral cooperation complementary new model of labor rights protection of government, business organizations, trade unions and urban informal employment groups themselves, through this ultilateral mutual restricting powers, to construct a relatively strong and complementary cooperative system.In this study, the structure is composed of eight chapters, the specific structure is as follows:Chapter1Introduction.This chapter focuses on the background of topics, the main research content and method, research ideas, research status at home and abroad, interpreted and introduced the structure arrangement and innovation.Chapter2The theoretical basis of the informal employment and related research, this study regards six modern western labor relations theories as the main line, formed the theoretical basis of this study through combining the institutional attachment theory of system and social equality together, research on the informal employment at home and abroad are reviewed, defined the connotation of informal employment. On this basis, this chapter also used the theory of social stratification to divide the urban informal employment groups into two groups of benefited and compromised interests, thus locking the main object of study in this study, compromised interests’ the urban informal employment groups.Chapter3Studies about the labor rights and decent work. This chapter analyzed and discussed the relevant research at home and abroad about labor rights and interests, on this basis, the connotation of labor interests were defined; Labor rights were divided into five levels according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:right to life, right to security, the right to social recognition, respect for rights and the right to self-realization, to pave the way for the theoretical model of the following; This chapter also reviewed research about decent work abroad, proposed suitable connotation and characteristics of decent work for China, based on this, analysed and discuced the relationship between labor rights protection and decent work’s achievement.Chapter4Historical evolution and existing problems about the Informal employment groups’labor rights protection. This chapter mainly used the method of historical analysis to divided urban informal employment group labor rights protection into four historical stages, studied these four stages to the historical evolution, Each stage discussed separately three aspects such as social security, labor protection and staff development, the using quantitative analysis method to analyse macro historical data of high degree of confidence to find out our current urban informal employment groups’labor rights protect problems, using normative analysis method to deal with these problems and explore its causes.Chapter5Construction research hypothesis and theoretical model of the informal employment groups’labor rights protection from the perspective of decent work. This chapter first discussed the influencing factors of the urban informal employment labor rights protection:labors’individual property, organizational ownership property, regional economic attribute and trade unions, these factors have influence on the labor rights protection; Secondly discussedaftereffect variables about urban informal employment groups’labor rights protection:Labor rights protection affected on labors’ quality of working life, organizational performance and harmonious labor relations’s construction; Proposed eight theoretical assumptions, on the base of eight theories assumptions, constructed a theory model of urban informal employment group labor rights protection.Chapter6construction a variety of index system to measure In the protection of the state labor rights. The chapter first analysed domestic and foreign decent work measurement index system, then put the connotation of decent work and the basic ideas as the theoretical basis of selecting index system of labor rights protection, selected the5dimensions from the theoretical perspective,14basic indexes and66index factors; Through the analysis of membership degree and correlation,56factors are finally selected through an empirical approach, This chapter also explore building index system about staff quality of work life (QWL), organizational performance and harmonious labor relations through literature and theoretical research, to lay the foundation for follow-up study.Chapter7Study on the questionnaire and data analysis.This chapter focuses on the presentation and discussion of research methods, including the basic situation of survey process and sample, Item analysis, reliability and validity of the questionnaire and statistics etc. Using single factor variance analysis, independent sample T test, multiple regression and correlation analysis method to verify the reliability and validity of the research instruments, ensure the scientific and rigorous of follow-up analysis, eight basic assumptions based on the fifth chapter constructsing theoretical model were verified, At the same time also by multiple regression to explore the factors influencing the urban informal employment labor rights protection level, also established the weight of each factor.Chapter8Conclusions and suggestions.This chapter summaried the conclusion of the whole article, the important conclusions of the study are presented, at the same time puts forward constructive opinions according to the conclusion.

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