

Research on Meaning Construction and Influencing Mechanism of Line Workers’ Decent Labor Perception on Engagement

【作者】 王婷

【导师】 卿涛;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 人力资源管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着中国的经济体制由计划经济向市场经济,以及由单一经济向多元化经济的转制,中国的劳动关系发生了巨大的变化,在这些变化中,一直引人注目的是中国劳动阶层的基本权利和利益还不能完全得到切实有效的保障。保护劳动者的基本权利和利益是一个文明社会的最起码要求,同时也是建立和规范我国市场经济下劳动关系的必然要求。虽然通过几十年的发展,我国的社会保障制度建设有了很大的提高,但是保障水平偏低,覆盖面不全,保障不公平的现象也很常见。这些不体面的表现导致员工的地位和尊严的下降,使员工产生不公平感,内在动机异化等消极情绪。尤其是在我国社会变革和经济转型的大背景下,员工的价值观、认知、行为表现出了多方面的变化,传统的“爱岗敬业”精神有所缺失,迫切要求引起足够的重视。推行体面劳动的战略之一就是能够平衡劳动双方的力量,有效保护劳动者的基本权利和利益。为了使对体面劳动的研究更有针对性,本研究选取在劳动关系中矛盾突出的企业一线员工为研究对象。对一线员工工作体面性的研究是对个人生活的一个衡量,可以培养一线员工的职业幸福感。幸福的获得和体悟作为一个包含诸多环节的复杂的心理过程和精神现象,直接影响工作热情和工作活力。本研究通过挖掘导致一线员工幸福感缺失的深层次原因,能够提高一线员工的敬业度,从而构建和谐共荣的工作氛围和劳动关系。本文主要包括以下几个方面的研究:1.界定企业一线员工体面劳动感知的内涵。通过文献分析、深入访谈和问卷调查的方法,深入访谈服务业和建筑业以及制造业的一线员工,其中服务业主要包括金融、医院、酒店、物流等行业;建筑业主要包括地铁建设、住房建设等企业;制造业主要是针对白酒、仪器、IT等制造业;交通业主要包括公交行业等。本研究发现了一些在中国文化背景下工作体面性的独特现象,如组织文化抑制、总体排放依赖、内外反应有别以及家庭参照依赖、自己人效应等参照体选择的“中国特色”。本研究从体面劳动的文化价值入手,结构化体面劳动的“绝对意义”、“相对意义”,构建体面劳动感知的内涵。即体面劳动感知就是企业一线员工通过自身的需求机制以及通过参照体选择和社会化的历史、文化等因素影响而形成的对自身工作的一种感知,主要包括:劳动者对自己的职业能够自由的选择;劳动者对自己的基本权利和人格尊严能够充分享受;劳动者感受到自身的价值得到认可;劳动者在劳动过程中能够享受到快乐;劳动者对所从事的工作有充分信心。2.开发企业一线员工体面劳动感知的量表。由于工作体面性的问题对文化具有较强的依赖性,西方文化背景下证明的体面性在我国不一定适用,因此本研究在中国的文化背景下通过问卷调查的方式探讨以一线员工为研究对象的体面劳动感知的测量量表,通过探索性因素分析确定了体面劳动感知的三个维度分别为:尊重认同、共存包容和骄傲自信,并进一步通过区分效度和聚合效度以及二阶验证性因子分析确定了三个维度的合理性,为现有的体面劳动测量指标进行了有益的拓展。3.构建体面劳动感知对敬业度的影响机理。为了更深层次的验证体面劳动感知的影响效应,本文在认知行为理论的基础上,探讨了体面劳动感知对敬业度的影响机制,以自我决定理论为基础构建了以内在动机为中介变量,以心理需求为调节变量的结构模型。共收集有效问卷1056份,并采用SPSS和AMOS软件对以上数据进行分析,最后得出了如下结论:(1)体面劳动感知对敬业度具有显著的正向影响(β=0.74,Sig.=0.000)。其中,共存包容和尊重认同对敬业度具有显著的正向影响(β=0.33,Sig.=0.000)和(β=0.65,Sig.=0.000),而骄傲自信对敬业度有显著的负向影响(β=-0.18,Sig.=0.000);(2)体面劳动感知对内在动机具有显著正向影响(β=0.74,Sig.=0.000)。其中,共存包容和尊重认同对内在动机具有显著的正向影响(β=0.35,Sig.=0.000)和(β=0.55,Sig.=0.000),而骄傲自信对内在动机的影响不显著(β=0.000,Sig.=0.000);(3)内在动机对敬业度具有显著正向影响(β=0.76,Sig.=0.000);(4)内在动机在体面劳动感知与敬业度之间起中介桥梁作用,中介效应占总效应的38%;(5)心理需求在体面劳动感知与敬业度之间起调节作用,心理需求感越强,体面劳动感知对敬业度的作用越大。本研究以企业一线员工为主要研究对象,以构建的体面劳动感知的概念内涵以及测量量表为基础,来探究对敬业度的影响机制,其核心在于从微观层面拓展对体面劳动的研究。本研究的主要创新点表现在以下几个方面:1.对体面劳动的研究从宏观层面转向微观层面,从强调来源转向强调使用者来构建体面劳动感知的操作化定义,拓展了其在中国情境下的构建意义。以前对体面劳动的研究都是从宏观的层面进行研究,即政府或企业制定什么政策,符合什么标准就是体面劳动,但是由于现实世界是在人们不断创建认知秩序并对周围所发生的事情进行回顾性理解的过程中产生的,因此本研究打破以往从信息发送者(政府或组织)这个角度来探讨体面劳动的定义,而是从信息接受者(员工)这个角度来探讨。具体表现为从绝对意义和相对意义探究体面劳动的概念化定义。这种体面劳动概念具有稳定性和可变性,也就是说既能反映企业一线员工的个体差异,又会随着一线员工的职业发展而变化。员工通过意义建构过程了解并诠释周围环境在发生什么并决定如何应对。2.本研究把研究对象转向对企业作用大但是又被忽视的一线员工,推进对企业一线员工工作体面性的专门研究。虽然国内外学者从多个角度对体面劳动、体面工作和体面就业进行了研究,也对社会中多个群体进行了研究,但是都是从宏观视角即社会层面的角度,针对社会弱势群体,例如童工、残疾人、妇女等民主权利、社会保障和社会对话等方面的研究。目前尚无学者从微观视角,即企业的角度探讨体面劳动感知的问题。尤其是对企业作用大,但又被忽视的一线员工这一庞大的就业群体对工作体面性的心理感知,以及影响效应,这为本研究提供了研究契机。企业一线员工是指工作在企业第一线,直接创造企业价值和社会财富的员工,如:制造业中的生产工人、服务业中的服务人员、销售企业中的销售人员等广大基层员工。企业一线员工是企业发展的基石,是战斗在企业生产和服务前线的主力军。然而,长期以来我国企业一线员工面临着劳动合同签订率低、社会保险参与率低、工资收入保障水平低的“三低”,以及工伤及职业病多、加班多、劳动争议多的“三多”困境,这些问题己经严重影响了劳动关系和谐与社会稳定。把研究对象转向企业一线员工能够唤起全社会对一线员工的关注。3.开发了企业一线员工体面劳动感知的测量量表,为进一步深入开展体面劳动感知的研究提供了实证基础。到目前为止,国内还很少开展体面劳动感知的实证研究,其主要原因就是因为没有明确体面劳动感知在中国的内涵,也缺乏相应的测量工具。目前对体面劳动的研究大多都是定性研究,本研究对体面劳动进行操作化定义,开发微观层面的体面劳动感知量表。先用质化研究的方法开发包含若干个题目的体面劳动感知初始量表,接着用定量的方法探索体面劳动感知的因子结构,并进行信度、效度检验,确定体面劳动的结构维度。开发的体面劳动感知量表更符合中国本土企业一线员工的实际情况,为以后进行相关实证研究奠定基础。4.以认知行为理论和自我决定理论为基础构建了体面劳动感知与敬业度的影响机制。国际上对体面劳动的实现目标和评价指标方面的研究比较多,但是在体面劳动感知的作用机制方面的研究还刚刚起步。认知行为理论和自我决定理论一直是心理学领域研究的重要内容,个体的心理契约在没有得到满足的情况下会产生驱动状态,这种驱动状态与刺激-反应状态相连,从而引起行为。本研究对体面劳动感知的内涵的界定和量表开发为微观层面探究体面劳动感知的影响机制奠定了基础,在对企业一线员工深度访谈的基础上,基于认知行为理论和自我决定理论构建了体面劳动感知对敬业度的影响机制,重点探讨了内在动机的中介作用,心理需求的调节效应。本研究在揭示体面劳动感知的作用机制方面往前迈进了一步,也为今后体面劳动感知作用机制的研究奠定了基础。本研究以劳动关系矛盾突出的一线员工为研究对象,能够使政府和企业更加了解一线员工的工作、生活及生理状况,从而为进一步缩小差距,营造全社会尊重的劳动氛围奠定基础,能够提高一线员工的职业幸福感,同时研究一线员工体面劳动感知对敬业度的影响也能培养具有劳模精神和爱岗敬业精神的一线员工,为企业追本溯源实现员工的敬业精神提供了诊断性信息,也为企业进行合理的决策提供了参考性依据,并为转型经济背景下的和谐劳动关系提供指导。

【Abstract】 With transformation from planned economy to market economy and from single-product economy to pluralistic economy in China, labor relation has experienced many drastic changes. Nevertheless, the much-concerned basic rights and interests of China’s labor force are still lack of sufficient and effective protection. However, basic rights and interests are the prerequisites of civilized society and also an essential element in building and standardizing the labor relation under market economy in China. With the development and endeavor of several decades, social security system in China has been improved; however, the phenomena of low-level, incomprehensive and unfair social security still remain common, which frustrates employees’status and dignity, makes the employees feel unfair and negative mood, and should be paid enough attention to, especially, in the background of Chinese social change and economic transformation. There are lots of variations of values, cognitive, and behavior. Balancing the strength of employers and workers and protecting basic right and interest is one of the strategies to promote decent work. In order to make the research more specific, line workers who are seated in the harshest labor relations conflicts have been chosen as the objects in the study. The research on decent work of line workers means to measure their life quality, which will boost their vocational happiness and happiness, as a complicated psychological process and psychic phenomenon, influences people’s work passion and enthusiasm directly. Through digging into the underlying reasons of insufficient happiness of line workers, this research tries to demonstrate how to build a harmonious work atmosphere and labor relations, then to enhance line workers’engagement. For the purpose, this dissertation is designed in three studies.Study one:Defining the connotation of Decent Work Perception of line workers. Through the methods of literature review, deep interview and questionnaire, the study conducted deep interviews with line workers in service, construction and manufacturing industries, specifically service industry including finance, hospital, hotel and logistics sectors, construction industry containing subway construction and housing construction enterprises, manufacturing industry consisting of white spirit, instrument and IT manufacturers, and transportation sector mainly focusing on public transportation. This research finds some unique phenomena about decent work in Chinese context, like inhibition of organizational culture, overall emissions dependence, different reactions among inside and outside, family reference, reliance, acquaintances effect and so on. Through cultural value of decent work, this study structuralizes the absolute and relative implications of decent work and constructs connotations of Decent Work Perception, by which it is a perception of one’s work through referring to self demands, reference substance selection, socialized history and cultural factors. It can listed in the following:free choice of occupation, possession of basic rights and personal dignity, feeling of one’s value being recognized, perception of happiness and confidence of safety in the work.Study two:Developing the decent work measurement scale of line workers. For its cultural dependence, decent work under western culture context may not be applicable in China, therefore, this study probes into line workers’decent work scale in China and develops decent work perception scale on basis of decent work implication. Through exploratory factor analysis, three dimensions of decent work perception are found, which are respect&identity, coexistence&forgiveness, and arrogance&confidence. The discriminate validity, convergent validity and second-order confirmatory factor analysis ensures the rationality of the three dimensions. The scale supplements decent work measurement scale.Study three:Constructing the influencing mechanism of decent work perception on employee engagement. To verify the influential effect of decent work perception, via literature review and deep interviews, this dissertation discusses the influencing mechanism of decent work perception on employee engagement and, based on self-determination theory, constructs a structural model of job motivation as mediating variable and psychological need as moderating variable.1056pieces of questionnaire were collected and SPSS and AMOS were used to analyze the data. Conclusions are drawn as follows:(1) decent work perception has a significant positive influence on engagement (β=-0.18, Sig.= 0.000).(2) decent work perception has a significant positive influence on job motivation (β=0.74, Sig.=0.000), with coexistence&forgiveness (β=0.35, Sig.=0.000) and respect&identity (β=0.55, Sig.=0.000) having a significant direct positive influence on job motivation, while arrogance&confidence having not (β=-0.000, Sig.=0.000).(3) Job motivation has a significant positive influence on engagement (B=0.76, Sig.=0.000).(4) Job motivation mediates between decent work perception and engagement,with the35%mediation effect of the total.(5) Psychological need moderates the relationship between decent work perception and engagement, by which the stronger the psychological need is, the greater function of decent work perception to engagement will be. Based on defining the concept and constructing the measurement scale of decent work perception, this study, by choosing the liner workers in enterprises as the research objects, this study explores the influencing mechanism of engagement and the key purpose is to expand the field of decent work from a micro perspective. And the innovation points of this paper lie in:1. Carrying out a research on decent work by shifting from a macro perspective to a micro angle and making an operational definition of decent work by shifting from source to users. Therefore, it expends the constructing meaning in Chinese context.Previous researches were mostly from a macro perspective, namely what regulations government and enterprises make or what the criterion of decent work is. However, the real world roots in our perception of rules and retrospective comprehension, so this research breaks through the definition of decent work form the angle of messenger receivers rather the angle of messengers. It defines decent work from absolute meaning and relative meaning, that is, decent work perception is a perception of one’s work through referring to self demands, reference substance selection, socialized history and cultural factors. It can listed in the following:free choice of occupation, possession of basic rights and personal dignity, feeling of one’s value being recognized, perception of happiness and confidence of safety in the work. This definition possesses both stability and variability, which means it can reveal individual difference, and also it can vary with career development of line workers. By meaning construction, workers know what’s happening around and decide how to face the changes. 2. Promoting the specialized research of decent work by focusing on line workers, who are important to enterprises but are frequently ignored.Although scholars at home and abroad have discussed decent work, decent work and decent employment on different groups from various aspects, most are from social angle, aiming at disadvantaged groups, like child labor, handicapped and women. Up to now, there is no reach discussing decent work perception from the micro-view. Line workers are the large group of enterprise which is easily ignored. The decent of work is easily effected by research. So this is a chance for our research. Line workers work in forefront of production in their enterprises, directly creating enterprise values and social wealth, like production workers in manufacturing industry, service staff in service industry, sales staff in sales industry. Line workers are footstone of enterprises’development and the main force striving in the frontline of the enterprise production and service. However line workers in China are faced with low labor contract rate, low social insurance participation rate, low level of wage income protection, namely "three low indexes", but with high occupational injury rate, high overtime rate, high labor dispute rate, namely "three high indexes". These problems affect harmonious labor relation and stability of society. The focus of this study on line workers is hoped to arouse social concern to them.3. Developing a measurement scale of line workers’decent work perception, providing an empirical basis for future research.There are few empirical researches on decent work in China so far, due to the ambiguous implications of decent work perception in China, and lack of measuring tool. The majority of decent work researches are qualitative, while this research devises operational definition of decent work and develops a micro-level measurement scale. Firstly, it probes into initial scale of decent work perception through qualitative approach, and then it discusses factor structure of decent work perception via quantitative method, using reliability and validity tests to decide the structural dimensions. The newly-developed scale is more applicable to workers in Chinese context, which paves the way for future empirical research in this field.4. Constructing the influencing mechanism between decent work perception and engagement based on self-determination theory and psychological needs theory. Research objects and evaluation index of decent work are numerous internationally, but the research on effect mechanism of decent work perception is relatively new. Self-determination theory and psychological needs theory are always an important part in the field of psychological research. Individual psychological contract will generate driving condition when it is not met, which, connected with stimulus and response conditions, arouses actions. Through developing the concept and measurement scale of decent work, this paper paves way for micro-level decent work research. Based on self-determination theory and theory and by using deep interviews, this research constructs the influencing mechanism between decent work perception and engagement, and specifically discusses the mediating effect of engagement, moderating effect of psychological needs, extending the significance of decent work research. This research steps forward in studying the effect mechanism of decent work perception, paving the way for relative researches in future.By focusing on line workers who are working in obvious labor relation conflict context, this research strives to help both the government and enterprises better comprehend the work, life and physiological conditions of line workers and then take measures to narrow the gap between line workers and others, which can facilitates the establishing of labor-respected working atmosphere and enhancing line-workers’ vocational happiness. The research on influencing effect of decent work perception on engagement will also help to nurture workers with model worker spirit, passion and devotion, provide enterprises with diagnostic information to actualize worker engagement, offer suggestion for ethical decisions, and give guidance for building harmonious labor relation under the background of transitional economy.

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