

【作者】 陶琳

【导师】 陈鹏;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放30年以来,我国教育法制建设取得了辉煌的成就,具有中国特色的教育法体系已初见端倪。但是教育法在实施层面依然存在如“有法不依”、“操作性差”等问题,对法律的尊严和权威造成了危害,有碍于教育的运行。为此,《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》中明确指出要加强教育法制建设,并提出“六修五立”的教育法制建设目标。价值是衡量法制良莠、善恶的标准,法在实施层面的问题根源于法的价值取向偏失。教育法制建设的价值取向是基于价值判断和社会现实做出的对教育法制所能实现的价值所占权重的精确设计、分配,是理性的、明确的,具有客观性、主观性、历史性和超越性等特点。其正功能表现为对教育法制建设的超越性导向,其负功能表现为对教育法制建设的滞后性阻碍。其内容包括教育立法价值取向、教育司法价值取向和教育执法价值取向。在现代法治社会,形成教育法制建设的价值取向的步骤包括:价值认识——价值博弈——价值评价——确定方案。其中,价值认识是学者和法制建设主体(包括立法、司法和执法主体)的专业性活动,包括对已有的价值理论的认识和对教育法制建设的价值取向的现状的认识,;价值博弈是在民主制度下的多主体基于各自价值观表达价值诉求的活动;价值评价是基于价值认识和价值博弈之后而形成的教育法制建设的价值评价标准;于前述标准形成的价值取向是应然层面的,受到社会现实的制约,最终形成的价值取向以具体的权利、义务和责任的形式体现于实在法之中。按此逻辑,笔者结合教育学和法学理论分别设计指标体系对我国包括宪法在内的9部法律(总计411条)、1980年至2013年8月国务院颁布的50部教育行政法规(总计825条)所涉及的秩序、自由、公平、效率和程序价值进行全景式扫描,发现我国教育法制存在“重秩序、轻自由”,“重效率、轻公平”、“重实体、轻程序”的价值取向偏失,虽然自改革开放以来教育法制建设的价值取向逐步趋于合理,但所存在的问题还未完全消除,并且导致了较为明显的价值冲突。价值冲突是价值博弈的非正常态,是教育法制运行受阻的根本原因。它是各价值项之间的冲突,亦是主体间所持不同价值评价标准之间的冲突,并且最终在现实的法律中以权力和权利的冲突呈现。造成价值冲突的根本原因是社会变革,直接原因是价值多元化,内部动因是教育的复杂性和法制调节的有限性的矛盾。只有校正教育法制建设的价值取向,消解教育法制的价值冲突,才能够从根本上导正教育法制建设的发展方向,提高法制运行的效率。要校正教育法制建设的价值取向,就必须转变教育秩序观,保障教育自由;平衡补偿,公平和效率并重;加强权利救济,体现程序救济;建立“人本位”的价值观念。并坚持以多元制衡原则、人权原则、合教育性原则与程序正义原则整合教育法制的价值冲突。最后,形成合理的价值取向的难点在理论层面是缺乏将教育法作为特殊对象的法价值研究,在实践层面是多主体参与的民主体制的建立与主体关系的改变。必须以教育的规律和人身心发展的规律为教育的立法之本,进一步加强民主立法机制、提高合意性,并利用商谈伦理等原理转变主体间关系,增强对话,使多主体诉求上升为法律意志。并在具体的法律中改进用语范式,在实在法中明确价值取向,合理分配权利、义务,进一步规范权力行使,并建立以有法可依、有法必依、依法维权的法律文化,增强公民的维权意识和对法律的信心。

【Abstract】 The value orientation of the construction of educational legal system is the accurate design and distribution of the weight occupied by the value that can be realized by educational legal system on the basis of value judgment and social reality.It is rational and explicit and characteristic of objectivity, subjectivity, historic nature and transcendentality. Its positive function is manifested as the transcendental guidance for the construction of education legal system while its negative function is manifested as the hysteretic obstruction for the construction of educational legal system, and its contents include the value orientation of educational legislation, the value orientation of educational judicature and the value orientation of educational law enforcement. In the modern society governed by law, steps forming the value orientation of the construction of educational legal system include value cognition, value gaming, value evaluation, and determination of scheme. Among that, value cognition is the professional activities of scholars and the subjects of legal construction (including legislative, judicial subjects and law-executors), including the cognition of the existing theories of value and the cognition of the current situation of the value orientation of the construction of educational legal system; value gaming is the activities in which multi-subjects express their value appeal on the basis of their values under the democratic system; value evaluation is the value evaluation standards of the construction of educational legal system formed on the basis of value cognition and value gaming. The value orientation formed according to the said standards is at the theoretical level and restricted by social reality, while the value orientation finally formed is reflected in positive law in the form of concrete rights, obligations and responsibilities.By this logic, the author combines pedagogical and legal theories to design index system respectively to panoramically scan the order, freedom, fairness, efficiency and procedural value involved in the9Chinese laws including the Constitution (411articles in total) and the50administrations laws and regulations on education promulgated by the State Council from1980to August2013(825articles in total), and finds that China’s educational legal system has such value orientation deviations as "emphasizing order over freedom","emphasizing efficiency over fairness" and "emphasizing entity than procedure". Although the value orientation of the construction of educational legal system has gradually become reasonable since the reform and opening up, the existing problems have not been entirely eliminated and it results in obvious value conflict. Value conflict is the abnormal state of value gaming and the basic reason why the operation of educational legal system is blocked. It is the conflict among various value items and also the conflict among the different value evaluation standards followed by subjects, and is finally presented as the conflict between power and rights in practical laws. The primary cause for value conflict is social reform, the immediate cause is value diversification, and the internal cause is the contradiction between the complexity of education and the limitations of the regulation by law. Only by adjusting the value orientation of the construction of educational legal system and eliminating the value conflict of educational legal system can the development direction of the construction of educational legal system be corrected fundamentally and can the operating efficiency of legal system be improved.In order to adjust the value orientation of the construction of educational legal system, it is necessary to change the concept of educational order and safeguard educational freedom, balance compensation and lay equal stress on fairness and efficiency, strengthen right relief and reflect procedural relief, and establish "people-oriented" values. Furthermore, use the principle of multiple checks and balances, the principle of human rights, the educational principle and the principle of procedural justice to integrate the value conflict of educational legal system. At last, the difficulties of forming reasonable value orientation is the lack of value research that takes education act as the special object at the theoretical level, and the establishment of democratic system participated by multi-subjects and the changes in the relationship among subjects at the practical level. It is necessary to take the law of education and the law of people’s physical and mental development to serve as the basis of educational legislation, further reinforce the democratic legislative mechanism and enhance desirability, and make use of discourse ethics and other principles to change the relationship among subjects, strengthen dialogue and turn the multi-subject appeal into legal will. In addition, improve the wording paradigm in specific laws, clarify the value orientation in positive law, reasonably distribute rights and obligations, further normalize the execution of rights, and establish a legal culture in which there are laws to abide by, the laws are strictly observed and rights are safeguarded according to law, and enhance citizens’consciousness of safeguarding legal rights and their confidence in law.
