

【作者】 陈珍

【导师】 王文;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 跨语言文化研究, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 英国小说家兼诗人托马斯·哈代是公认的地方作家和乡土作家,民俗情结和民俗文化认同是哈代艺术创作的心理基础,民俗文化是哈代创作的艺术素材,民俗叙事策略是哈代的创作手段,哈代通过大量民俗事象的书写巧妙编织了威塞克斯艺术世界,展示了十九世纪威塞克斯乡村的社会全貌,实现了对人类生存的哲学思考和对人性的深层剖析。民俗书写是威塞克斯小说的一大特点,民俗事象是哈代小说的重要内涵,以民俗事象进行叙事是哈代小说的叙事风格,大量的民俗事象在小说中不仅构成了规定情节发展方向和决定人物命运的关键环节,而且还深入到小说肌理,构成了小说叙事的细节;民俗事象推动了故事情节的发展,引起了人物命运的转折,规定了情节发展的节奏,在空间上限定了人物活动的场景,民俗事象也是哈代塑造人物的重要手段,是渲染乡土色彩和营造地方氛围的重要途径。哈代还创造性地借鉴了作为语言民俗核心内容的民间文学的叙事手法并穿插引用了大量民谣、民间故事、民间传奇、俗语、谚语,通过对地方民俗的艺术呈现谱写了歌颂威塞克斯的华美篇章。纵观国内外哈代研究,研究者主要从作品主题、创作思想、表现手法、悲剧艺术等方面对哈代及其小说进行了深刻细致的研究,内容涉及到政治、经济、社会、伦理、宗教等诸多方面,但很少有人对哈代的民俗思想和民俗叙事手法进行过全面深入的研究,国内这方面研究更显贫乏,哈代的民俗成分研究是一个尚待开发的薄弱环节,有待于进一步挖掘和开拓,因此,《民俗学视域下的哈代小说研究》将以此为契机,立足于民俗学,结合人类学、社会学、历史学、心理学、伦理学等相关学科,采用多种文学理论兼用的方法,多角度跨学科全面、系统、深刻地分析和研究哈代的民俗思想、民俗情结,厘清民俗事象与小说创作的之间的深层关系,找出哈代小说以民俗为素材、以民俗事象为主要叙事手段的叙事策略。鉴于哈代著作卷帙浩繁,本研究以“性格与环境小说”为主,兼顾诗歌和短篇小说,采取中外理论共用、中英文本并举的研究方法,全面把握哈代体现在威塞克斯文本中的民俗思想、民俗情结、民俗策略和民俗艺术,以期对哈代研究有所补益。本研究除绪论和结语外共分九章,以下是各章节的具体研究内容和方法:第一章从国际国内两个层面研究哈代民俗思想和民俗情结形成的客观条件,分析欧洲民族主义运动推动下民俗学和人类学的勃兴、十九世纪英国考古热潮、建筑业哥特倾向以及十九世纪英国乡土文学思潮对哈代民俗思想的形成所产生的影响,探讨十九世纪英国社会变革对哈代文化恋旧与民俗情结的催生作用,从客观上为哈代民俗思想和民俗情结寻找历史背景和文化依托。第二章从地方和家庭两个层面分析和考察哈代民俗文化的来源,为哈代民俗文化溯本求源,多塞特浓郁地方民俗文化的滋养和家庭浓厚民俗文化氛围的熏陶是哈代民俗文化的主要来源,地方和家庭两个层面相互依赖、互为条件为哈代提供了丰富的民俗文化。第三章鉴于民俗鲜明的地方性和民俗对“民”的依赖性,研究哈代民俗的空间范围和群体范围,界定哈代威塞克斯艺术王国的地理疆域和哈代的“民”并简要总结他们的基本特征。第四章研究民俗事象在哈代小说中的叙事功能,梳理哈代小说叙事与民俗事象的深层互文关系,分析民俗事象构成的主干情节对故事发展和人物命运所起的决定作用以及民俗活动在人物塑造和场景安排方面所发挥的文本功能。第五章研究哈代小说对作为语言民俗的民间文学的艺术借鉴,主要从故事结构、情节设置、人物塑造和语言风格几个方面分析哈代小说和民间文学之间的超文关系以及“偶然与巧合”对故事情节和人物命运的制约作用。第六章立足于神话原型理论从希腊神话和《圣经》神话两个层面研究哈代小说中的神话艺术,总结神话对哈代的文学影响和哈代深厚的“两希”文化底蕴。第七章研究哈代小说中的民谣艺术,简要分析英国文学中的民谣传统,深入探讨哈代小说对民谣的互文引用及其文本隐喻功能。第八章研究哈代小说中的民间信仰书写,主要从历史探源和人类学相结合的手法分析各种民间信仰的历史渊源和文本叙事功能,阐述威塞克斯人的宿命论思想和万物有灵观与人物命运之间的关系。第九章研究威塞克斯酒俗和哈代小说中的“酒、饮酒和醉酒”叙事,主要用尼采的酒神理论分析哈代的醉酒叙事以及醉酒与悲剧的辩证关系。最终得出结论:哈代小说与民俗有深厚的渊源,民俗文化为哈代提供了创作素材和艺术灵感,民俗认同是哈代小说创作的心理基础,哈代通过对民间文学艺术风格的创造性借鉴,以地方民俗为素材创造了享誉全球的鸿篇巨著,实现了对人类生存的哲学思考和对人性的深层剖析,哈代小说就是各类民俗事象以高超的艺术手法串联起来的乡村故事,它们既是地方的,也是世界的、全人类的。

【Abstract】 Thomas Hardy, the cross-century English novelist and poet, is a well-acknowledged regional or provincial writer as well as a folklore writer. With folklore identity as the psychological base, folklore culture as the art material, folklore narrative as the writing strategy, Hardy skillfully weaves a Wessex text world, in which he discloses his profound philosophical meditation upon human existence and delicate analysis of humanity, and unfolds a panorama of Wessex in the nineteenth century. Folklore writing is characteristic of Hardy’s novels as one of his typical styles. As the important components of his novels, an affluence of folklore items serve as the key links which orbit the story development and confine the fates of chief characters, and infiltrate the novel tissues as the detailed episodes. Folklore items drive the plots by determining their rhythm and setting, and causing sharp changes of fate. They are also the important way of characterization as well as the strategy to create provincial colors and regional atmosphere. Besides, Hardy successfully represents Wessex folk world in his writings by creatively using the narrative way of folk literature as the center of linguistic folklore and citing many ballads, folk stories, legends, folk idiomatic expressions and proverbs.Considering Hardy study both at home and abroad shows that much work mainly focuses on such aspects as novel theme, creation thought, writing style, tragic art and so on, concerning many areas like politics, economy, society, ethics, religion, and that few people have done whole-sided and deep research on Hardy’s folklore thought and folklore narrative strategy, which proves that the study of Hardy’s folklore is a weak area that needs to be further cultivated. Therefore, this dissertation, by taking this opportunity, bases its study on folklore, integrates anthropology, sociology, history, linguistics, psychology, ethics and some other related disciplines, and analyses Hardy’s folklore and the deep relationship between folklore and Hardian novel writing. It is intended to generalize Hardy’s narrative strategy with folklore as the material and customs as the central narration. The fact that Hardy wrote a lot of works in different genres makes it necessary to focus this dissertation on novels, especially "novels of character and environment," meanwhile consulting poems and short stories if necessary. Under the guidance of different literary theories, this study will give a new idea and perhaps a distinctive interpretation about Hardy’s folklore thought, folklore complex, folklore identification and folklore strategy in the eyes of a Chinese reader.This dissertation is composed of ten chapters besides the introduction and conclusion. The specific contents and strategy of each chapter are summarized as follows:Chapter One explores the objective conditions for Hardy’s folklore thought and folklore complex internationally and domestically. The French Revolution and European Nationalism Campaign created the warm bed for the birth of folklore and anthropology. It mainly analyzes the influences upon Hardy from the thriving of folklore and anthropology, the archaeological fad, the Gothic fashion in English architecture, the provincial literary trend and tremendous social transition in the nineteenth century. Chapter Two traces Hardy’s folklore sources from two facets——hometown and family, Dorset called "folklore cradle" and Hardian family with a preference to tradition as the two major sources. Chapter Three geographically defines Hardy’s Wessex and interprets Hardy’s folk in Wessex to cater to folklore’s strong reliance on region and folk, and summarizes their basic features. Chapter Four expounds how customs function as the decisive plots steering the story development and the fate of characters as well as the delicate episodes in Hardy’s novels and how they are manipulated for characterization and settings by the means of intertextuality. Chapter Five discusses the hypertextuality between Hardy’s novels and folk literature. Absorbing the essences of folk literature, Hardy creatively models his works on the artistic styles of folk literature in structure, plot, characterization and language, successfully creating a fictional world of Wessex with legend-motif and ballad-plot as the frame, character as the soul, language as the agency, and chance-coincidence as the means. Chapter Six analyses the mythical motifs, images and archetypes of some characters in the novel from the perspective of archetypal theory and collective unconsciousness by Jung and Frye and meanwhile summarizes the cultural influence of Greek and Hebrew myths upon Hardy and his writing. Chapter Seven explores Hardy’s ballad art in his novels by interpreting the intertextuallity between the novel and ballad and discussing the metaphorical function of ballad after highlighting the ballad tradition in English literature. Chapter Eight explains how folk beliefs centered on fatalism and primitive thinking create mysterious atmosphere and pastoral colors as the aesthetic significances within the text; besides it indicates the profound social and cultural significances beyond. Chapter Nine studies drinking customs of Wessex and uncovers the underlying meaning of "wine, drinking and drunkenness" in Hardy’s novels. It mainly analyses the drunkenness narrative in the light of Nietzsche’s Dionysian theory and discusses the dialectical relationship between drunkenness and tragedy. Hardian novels are deeply connected with folklore, from which Hardy obtains materials and ideas for his novels. Psychologically based on folklore identity, Hardy creates his Wessex with folklore items by artistically modeling his writing on the style of folk literature. Wessex in his novels is not only local, but also universal. It belongs to both Wessexians and mankind, for here its creator meditates on human life and analyes humanity.
