

The Research on the Relationship between Hua-Yi in the Zhou Dynasty

【作者】 冯盛国

【导师】 王晖;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古典文明, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文从金文资料入手,结合历史学科相关理论讨论了两周华夷关系的问题,在华夷流变的过程中以两周作为研究对象,研究两周时期华夏与四夷的关系和造成这种变化的过程和根源。第一部分,主要对前人对于本课题的研究情况进行了回顾,对研究现状进行了总结。然后,对先秦华夷关系问题研究的价值与意义进行了说明,阐述了基本概念,指出进行本研究的主要理论与方法,即充分运用金文资料来展开研究,运用相互作用圈理论、长时段理论和资源环境的视角中人群与环境的互动影响。第二部分,对于滥觞期的华夷问题族群关系做了回顾,主要分为三个部分。从庙底沟二期开始就出现了“华夏”文化向外传播的趋势,二里头时期开始形成的中原文明对四周的优势,就具备了充当文化中心的地位。夏朝与东夷诸族存在着联姻与合作关系。殷商时期王朝与方国的关系也具备了中心和周边的关系。华夷族群关系的形成伴随着夷夏观念的产生,西周时期的夷夏观念,主要是以我族与他族之分以及是否加入诸夏联盟成员作为标准。第三部分,春秋时期是华夏族群与周边四夷关系非常紧张的时期,也是华夷思想迅速发展的一个历史阶段。春秋初期华夏面对北狄与南夷咄咄逼人的攻势,生发出“尊王攘夷”的观念,诸夏进行集体自卫,管仲相齐桓公完成霸业同时也开始了对夷狄的反击,保卫华夏文明。春秋中期以后,出现了各国联合戎狄攻击其他华夏国家的情况,霸主政治已经大于华夷的界限了。这时出现了超越血缘和地域的夷夏标准,以文化划分华夷的思想,主张行周礼者即为华,行夷礼者即为夷。在观念上既有以族群为中心的华夏中心主义,也有以德怀远,包容天下的世界主义。对于华夷的认识既有生活习俗,价值观方面的文化差别,也有社会发展程度不同的文明高低之分,二者交织在一起。第四部分,在这一历史时期,经过春秋阶段族群融合,华夏诸国在长城以南明显处于优势,一些周边国家也完成了华夏化的进程,秦、楚、吴、越也演化为诸夏的成员,开始争霸战争。在大一统思想的笼罩下,诸子百家开始提出各自的华夷主张,其中儒家的以夏变夷,华夷互变的思想影响巨大。在北方则表现为游牧文化带的兴起,由于文明的差异区形成更深的冲突,成为华夷之分的新内容。第五部分,进一步分析华夷关系的产生机制,分析造成先秦历史上族群态势的内在原理和机制,从中国的地理特征、气候变迁、矿产分布几个方面着手,分析影响族群关系长时段因素。然后剖析早期中国文化中内在凝聚力的源泉,中华文化的包容性问题。最后对于肇始与先秦时期的处理文明冲突思想和策略的利弊进行了辨析,对文化遗产进行了整理。第六部分,结语,对文章主要观点进行总结。

【Abstract】 Abstrct:The essay obtains from the material of inscriptions on ancient bronze objects, combining the history related theories to discuss the issue of the relationship betweenHua-Yi in both West Zhou and East Zhou Dynasty. By the rheological process of Hua-Yi to the Zhou Dynasty as the research object, research the concept of Hua-Xia and Si-Yi for a period of the Zhou Dynasty and the process of change and roots what caused these concept.Firstly, it is mainly a brief review of the research in this issue on the predecessors’ research and a summary of the research status. Then, the value and significance of the research relationship between Hua-Yi before Qin Dynasty described, explained the basic concepts, theories and methods pointed principal of this study, which is use the material of inscriptions on ancient bronze objects, using the theory of interaction between circle theory, the long period of time and resources and environment in the view of the crowd and the environment interaction effects.Secondly, to review the issue of ethnic relation of Hua-Hi in early period, it mainly divides into three parts. The first part is from Miaodigou2nd period, the Huaxia civilization showed the outspreading tendency, and the central plains began appearing the superiority, when compares to the surrounding civilization, possessed the central status of civilization. The second part is the Xia Dynasty built up a relationship with Eastern Yi through marriage and cooperation. The kingdom was in a central status when compared to the dependencies also having the relationship between center and the surrounding in Shang Dynasty. The third part is that the formation of Hua Yi ethnics relations accompanied with the generation of concept of Yi-Xia, and the concepts of Yi-Xia in West Zhou are mainly used2principles, which is in our ethnic groups or his their ethnic groups and whether to join the Xia league members as standard.Thirdly, the Chun-qiu period is the time when Hua-Xia ethnic groups and the surroundings Yi ethnic groups were in a stressed relations, also is a concept of Hua-Yi quickly-growing time. When facing the aggressive North Di and South Yi, the group of Hua-Xia generated an idea of honored the King and drive off the Yi. The Xia ethnics groups began a collective self-defense. While the Prime Minister Guanzhong helped King Qihuan finishing the work, which gained a dominant position, and he also fight back against Yi-Di, defended the Huaxia civilization perfectly. After Mid-Chunqiu, various countries united the Rongdi to invade the other countries of Hua-xia, that means the dominant position is overweight the relationship of Hua-Yi. And in this time, arising a principle of Yi-Xia beyond the ties of blood and territory, the thought of to cultural divide the Chinese tribes from Hua to Yi, it’s only judge the countries performed the rites of Zhou or not. As for the concept, it contains Hua-xia centralism which mainly relies on ethnic and the cosmopolitanism that showed its morality also its containment. To be more cognitive, the differences between Hua and Yi appear to us are culture diversity, the living habits and value, and civilization and social development level of high and low points, the two are intertwined.Fourthly, in this historical period, through ethnic fusion of Chunqiu, the obvious advantage in Hua-xia states in the south of the Great Wall, some neighboring countries have completed the process of transformation of Hua-xia civilization, qin, chu and wu, the evolution for all the members of the Xia, the hegemony of war began. Under the atmosphere of political structure of great unity, The Hundred Schools of Thought(诸子百家) initiate their own proposition in the Hua-Yi issue. Among all the propositions, the Confucian thought of change the Yi based on the culture of Hua and the Hua-Yi interconversion has roused great influence. In the north, it manifested as the rise of the nomadic culture, because of the difference of civilization and create deeper conflict, become the new matter of the relationship of Hua-Yi.Fifthly, it further analyzed the generation mechanism of Hua-Yi concept, analysis of the intrinsic principle and mechanism of the pre-Qin history ethnic situation, which is based on the geographic feature, climatic variation and map of mineral deposit, analyzed the factors affecting ethnic relations for a long period of time. Then, it dissected the source of the internal cohesion and inclusiveness issue of Chinese culture. At last, it differentiated and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages for began with the processing of the thought and strategy of civilization conflict in the pre-Qin period, when at the start and before Qin Dynasty the thought and strategy dispose the clashes of civilization, also organized cultural heritage.Finally, this part is a conclusion, which summarized the main ideas.
