

Research of Social Responsibility and Its Cultivation of the Contemporary Chinese Youth

【作者】 郑士鹏

【导师】 陈树文;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 当代青年是在我国改革开放条件下成长起来的,是最具有革新和创造精神的群体,是我国社会发展的未来力量,是中国梦实现的希望所在,也是最为宝贵的社会力量。当代青年社会责任感的状态体现着一个民族整体素质的高低,反映着一个国家未来竞争实力的强弱,直接关系到整个民族及国家未来发展的走势。当代青年的社会责任感从其本质上讲就是当代青年对其责任对象的自觉意识和体验,也是青年对自己在承担人类社会发展责任中的情况是否符合内心需要而产生的情感体验。当代青年的社会责任感主要包括对自我和他人的责任感、对家庭和社会的责任感、对国家和民族的责任感以及对全球和生态的责任感等。青年在我国近现代发展史上占据着重要的历史地位,青年运动追随了我国近现代历史发展的潮流,为国家和民族的救亡图存及伟大复兴做出了极大的贡献。无论是在新民主主义革命时期,还是社会主义革命和建设时期,以及改革开放初期,每个时期的青年都具有高度强烈的社会责任感,正是因为这种强烈的社会责任感,使我国的近现代史进程时刻具有前进发展的强大动力和顽强的生命力。当代青年社会责任感的主流是健康、积极、向上的。他们热爱党,热爱祖国,热爱社会主义,坚决拥护党的路线方针政策,高度认同毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系,对坚持走中国特色社会主义道路,实现全面建成小康社会充满信心,坚决支持以习近平同志为总书记的党中央领导下进行的全面深化改革。同时,当代青年参与社会活动的范围不断扩大,社会责任意识比较强烈,尤其是在国家面临重大事件时,青年总会积极响应党和国家的号召,积极履行一个青年应有的社会责任。但是受西方个人主义价值观不断渗透、社会转型的负面影响、市场经济的挑战、网络传媒的消极影响以及青年自身主体性的弱化,部分青年在社会责任认知上出现了一定程度的否认,社会责任情感上陷入一定程度的被动,社会责任意志方面存在一定程度的薄弱,社会责任行为也有一定程度的失落。当代青年社会责任感的缺失对社会的健康和谐有序发展、全面建成小康社会的实现、中华传统美德和雷锋精神的弘扬、青年自身的社会化和全面发展极其不利。由此,着力提高当代青年社会责任感,引导当代青年自觉履行社会责任,进而迸发其对全面建成小康社会和中国梦的实现发挥正能量将成为青年教育工作者和全社会高度关注的重大课题。青年社会责任感培养是青年社会责任感形成和发展的重要保障,对加强和提升青年的素质教育起着重要的作用和意义。但当代青年社会责任感培养的路径还存在一些需要加强和完善的地方,如:当代青年社会责任感培养的观念淡薄,培养的内容不够系统性,培养的方法不够科学,培养的途径和载体较为单一,培养模式协调性不足等问题。在新时期,我们要根据青年社会责任感形成的过程和规律,在正确理论的指导下,确立科学的原则和评价,以积极的态度应对现实的挑战,提升培养的力度;以社会主义核心价值体系为引导,确立培养的内容坐标;以创新驱动为动力,丰富和完善培养的方法、途径和载体;以多方联动机制防控责任失范,构建四位一体的培养模式;以优化文化氛围为工作重点,营造和谐的培养环境;注重借鉴和吸收国内传统与国外先进的责任伦理思想。从而从全方位的角度构建当代中国青年社会责任感培养的路径,以切实提升当代中国青年社会责任感培养的针对性和实效性。进而使当代中国青年树立起高度强烈的社会责任感,为实现中国梦提供正能量,真正担负起社会主义事业的建设者,时代发展的推动者。

【Abstract】 The contemporary youth are growing up in China’s reform and opening up conditions. They are not only a group of the most innovative and creative spirit, are the strength of the future development of our society, are the hope for realizing Chinese dream, but also the most valuable social force. The state of contemporary youth’s social responsibility reflects the nation’s overall quality and the competitive strength of a country in future, is directly related to the trend of future development of the entire nation and country. The social responsibility of contemporary youth from its essence is not only the responsibility consciousness and experience of object, but also is the youth to assume responsibility whether is conform to the inner need of emotional experience in the case of human social development. The social responsibility of contemporary youth mainly include the sense of responsibility for the self and others, the sense of responsibility to the family, society, state and national as well as on the global and ecological responsibility, etc.The youth occupied an important position in the modern history of our country, the youth movement followed the development of China’s modern history, and they made great contribution to saving the nation country and people from subjugation and bringing about a great rejuvenation. The youth has strong sense of social responsibility in each period, whether it is new-democratic revolution, or socialist revolution and construction period, as well as the beginning of reform and opening up. The process of China’s modern history always has the advance development and tenacious vitality, because of the strong social responsibility.The mainstream social responsibility of contemporary youth is a healthy, positive and upward. They love the party, the motherland and socialism, and adhere to the Party’s line policies, highly agree with principles and policies of Mao Zedong Thought and theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, to achieve a comprehensive well-off society with confidence, strongly supported the comprehensively deepen reform and opening up by xi jinping comrade as general secretary of the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) central committee leadership. Meanwhile, the scope of social activities which the contemporary youth participate in are expanding, and the social responsibility consciousness are strong, especially when the country is facing a major event, the youth will always respond positively to the call of the party and the state, actively fulfill their social responsibility. However, because of the continuous penetration of Western individualism values, the negative impact of social transformation, the challenges of the market economy, the negative impact of network media and the attenuation of the youth’s own subjectivity, some youth denied a certain degree of awareness on social responsibility, showed a certain degree of emotional passive in social responsibility, weaken a certain degree of social responsibility, and lost a certain extent of social responsibility behavior. Lack of contemporary youth’s social responsibility will cause a serious disadvantage for developing a health and orderly harmonious society, achieving a fully completed well-off society, promoting traditional Chinese virtues and the Lei Feng Spirit, and accelerating the youth’s socialization and their overall development. Therefore, a major issue that strive to improve the contemporary youth’s social sense of responsibility, and guide them consciously fulfill social responsibility, and then burst to a positive energy to build a comprehensive well-off society and achieve to Chinese dream, will become of the youth education workers and the whole society’s attention.The culture of social responsibility plays an important role in protecting the youth formation and development of social responsibility, and also plays an important role and significance in strengthening and improving the quality of education for young people. But the processes are still some need to strengthen and improve in cultivating in the youth’s social responsibility, such as:the concept of social responsibility to cultivate is weak, the training content is not enough systematic, the training methods is not enough scientific, the approaches and training of culture is relatively single, coordination of cultivation model is lack. In the new era, we should be according to the regularity and process in forming of the social responsibility, establish the scientific principles and evaluation by the guidance of correct theory, response the challenge of reality with a positive attitude and increase training efforts; establish the content of the training target in the socialist core value system as guidance; enrich and perfect the training methods, ways and carrier by innovation-driven; build four one of the training mode with multiple linkage mechanism of prevention and control responsibility; optimize the culture as the focus to create a harmonious culture; pay attention to drawing on and assimilating traditional domestic and foreign advanced responsibility ethics. Therefore, the training path of contemporary Chinese youth’s social responsibility will need construct from the comprehensive perspective, in order to promote the training pertinence and effectiveness of social responsibility. Thereby, enabling the contemporary Chinese youth set up strong sense of social responsibility, provide positive energy to achieve Chinese dream, really take the builders of the socialist cause and promoters of era development.

【关键词】 当代青年社会责任感培养
【Key words】 Contemporary youthSocial responsibilityCulture