

Study on Inland Port Container Flow’s Optimization Based on Business Intelligent Agency

【作者】 曾景远

【导师】 张真继;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:随着我国港口业务的飞速发展,内河港口的总体装卸能力、货物吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量也稳步增长。但与发达国家的港口相比,还存在着较大差距,传统的港口操作流程越来越无法满足激增的业务需求,亟需一套更为优化的业务操作流程和更为先进快速的信息化系统,以辅助我国内河港口的发展。已有研究指出,内河港口对于一个国家货物周转运输具有非常重要作用。因此有必要找到一个与行业发展相适应的操作模式,加强内河港口的信息化、自动化和智能化建设。尽管国内外学者都认识到了建立一个集装箱业务流程的信息化平台的重要性,但对于内河港口货物的运输的研究,主要集中在研究泊位分配的问题上,针对内河港口的集装箱流程优化的建模仿真研究还不多见。本文研究正是为了弥补这一领域的空白。本文在具体分析业务流程存在问题时,采用了定性和定量分析相结合的方法,以使研究结果更为全面可靠。之后借鉴商业智能理论和模式,构建起一套系统的堆场计划优化分析的解决方法;应用分布式智能代理理论,设计了一个集装箱指挥调度系统,以管理创新为先导,从业务流程优化入手,提出相应的优化方案。论文的研究内容和成果主要为:(1)内河港口集装箱业务流程的定性分析。以黄埔仓码为例,对其现行集装箱关键业务流程进行了研究分析。主要从定性的角度分析了内河集装箱港口的布局和规划、内河集装箱港口的工艺选型和机械配置、内河港口集装箱业务的基本流程、关键业务流程的分解与协调,对装船和卸船作业流程、交箱和提箱作业流程、出库作业流程、卸车作业流程和箱边提货流程进行了详细的分析。(2)集装箱业务流程的定量分析——系统建模。在对黄埔仓码相关作业流程进行了详细定性梳理的基础上,对集装箱的业务流程进行了划分,运用Arena仿真软件,对集装箱港口不同作业流程方案进行仿真。通过对调度作业模式的仿真分析以及评价系统效率,如泊位利用率,年吞吐量,岸桥利用率、船舶服务时间等,找到了影响系统效率的瓶颈流程——堆场计划,将其制订为优化目标。(3)通过研究堆场计划优化分析体系结构的特点,结合基于商业智能技术的调度方法,提出解决集装箱堆场计划的优化设计思路。应用典型的仿真模型,梳理堆场计划的关键流程,并通过对相关数据的利用和分析,提出较为可行的基于商业智能技术的堆场计划优化分析模型,最后对模型应用的成果进行分析和总结。运行结果证明该模型可以有效地提高系统的作业效率和设备的利用率。(4)基于分布式智能代理理论,设计和构建了集装箱指挥调度系统,用以提高港口的信息化建设水平。首先,设计了内河港口的信息化体系框架。针对内河港口的关键流程——集装箱的指挥调度,设计了基于智能代理的集装箱指挥调度系统,并着重分析了其中重要模块。最后,通过该系统在黄埔仓码公司实施前后的效益对比分析,证明该系统确实具有明显的实际效益。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of port business in China, general loading and unloading capacity of inland port, cargo throughput and container throughput are also growing steadily. But compared with the developed countries’port business, there is much more gap. Because the traditional port operation process more and more can’t meet the needs of the business, it need a more optimized business operating processes and a more advanced rapid information system to assist the development of inland port in China.It has been indicated that the development of inner ports plays an important role in national freight transportation. Therefore, it is necessary to find a compatible with industry development mode of operation, to strengthen the construction of inland port’s informatization, automation and intelligent. The academics have already realized the importance of informatization of container business process. However, most of them are focused on berth allocation, and there are few odeling and simulation researches on container process optimization. This paper will make up the blank of this field.Firstly, this paper combined the qualitative and quantitative analysis in the specific business process analysis, to make the results more comprehensive and reliable. In recent years, more modeling and simulation technologies are applied in container terminal logistics system design and operational decisions. Therefore, based on business intelligence theory and model, this paper tries to build up a solution of container business process optimization in a systematic way. And then, applying distributed intelligent agent theory, this paper designes container scheduling command system. Regard manage innovation as the guide and based the business process optimization, this paper puts forward the corresponding optimization solution. Based on this, the paper’s research content and results are mainly,(1) Qualitative analysis of the inland river ports’container business process. Take Huangpu Terminal as an example, this paper studied and analyzed the current containers’ key business process. Mainly analyze the inland river container ports’ layout, process selection and planning, inland river container port mechanical configuration, the basic process and key business process decomposition and coordination on the qualitative way. Then it studied the processes which have loading and discharging operation process, the container delivery process and suitcase, Ex-warehouse, unloading process and take delivery of goods by containers in detail.(2) Quantitative analysis of the container business process-system modeling. On the basic of detailed qualitative analysis of Huangpu Terminal business process, the paper made a division of the business process of container and the simulation scheme of container ports in the different process by Arena simulation software. By dispatching model simulation analysis and evaluation of system efficiency, such as berth utilization, throughput and utilization rate of land bridge, ship service time, etc., we found the bottleneck process that affected system efficiency-yard plan, and formulated it as the optimization goal.(3) By studying the yard plan’s characteristics of optimization analysis of the architecture, combining with the scheduling method based on business intelligence technology, the paper put forward the solution to the container yard plan optimization design. Application of typical simulation model to combine yard plan key processes, and through the use of relevant data and analysis, we put forward a feasible yard plan optimization analysis model based on business intelligence technology. Finally, we analyse on the application of the model. The results show that the model can effectively improve system efficiency and the utilization rate of equipment.(4) Based on the distributed intelligent agent theory, we designed and built the container scheduling command system in this paper, to improve the level of port information construction. First, design the inland port information system framework. For Key processes of inland port-container command scheduling, design a container scheduling command system based on intelligent agent. The system is composed of data layer, data warehouse, data analysis, query service layer and user layer, such as the four key levels. And we focused on analysis of some important modules. Finally, through comparison between and analysis on the benefit of before and after its application in Whampoa Terminal, we found that the system has obvious practical benefits.
