

Research on Internet Industry Innovation System and Its Efficiency Evaluation

【作者】 罗文

【导师】 李学伟;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 互联网作为20世纪人类最伟大的发明之一,正成为信息时代极为重要的战略基础设施,深刻地影响和改变着社会生产方式和人们生活方式。近年来,互联网产业迅猛发展,技术创新和商业模式创新异常活跃,加速向传统产业渗透,衍生出一系列新模式新业态,成为新的经济增长点。与传统产业相比,互联网产业创新更加活跃,渗透作用更加突出,创新效率更高,呈现出许多新特征。本论文采用理论与实践、定性与定量、实证与规范相结合的方式,分析了互联网产业创新系统的构成及运行机制,分析了其动力学机理,实际测度和评价了互联网产业创新系统效率,提出了政策建议。论文的主要内容共分为四个部分:1.综述了国内外关于创新系统、产业创新系统和互联网产业创新系统等领域的相关研究进展情况,介绍了复杂性科学、系统动力学、效率理论和灰色系统理论及相关分析评价方法,并总结了这些理论和方法在研究创新问题中的应用,为本论文的研究奠定了理论和方法论基础。2.界定了互联网产业、产业创新系统和互联网产业创新系统的概念,建立了互联网产业创新系统的五要素构成模型,概括了互联网产业创新系统区别于传统产业的四大特征。指出了在该系统中,市场需求、企业家精神和产业政策是三大创新动力;互联网企业、科研院校、金融机构、中介组织和各级政府是五类创新主体;技术创新、产品及服务创新、组织创新和商业模式创新是四项创新内容;宽带网络、科研设施等硬条件,与体制机制、文化等软环境共同构成创新环境;创新资源配置、创新活动组织、创新成果扩散和行为者协同是保障整个创新系统能否正常运行的四个机制。3.分析了互联网产业创新系统的复杂性,构建了互联网产业创新系统动力学模型,建立了系统的因果关系图和系统流程图,并对互联网产业创新系统进行了实证分析。从系统仿真结果看,金融政策的调整对互联网产业呈现明显的同向影响,国家应该鼓励金融机构向企业研发投入倾斜,金融政策应更好地服务于互联网产业创新;人才政策对当前一个时期互联网产业创新的影响相对较为微弱,这也反映出我国研究人员结构不够合理,研发经费支出难以满足创新需求。4.运用DEA方法评价了互联网产业创新系统效率。通过与15个传统产业进行量化对比分析,可以看出,无论是基于行业视角还是板块视角,互联网产业创新系统效率都明显高于传统制造业。通过中美互联网产业创新系统效率的量化对比分析可以看出,我国互联网产业创新系统效率波动相对较大,表明基于自主创新的内生增长动力机制尚未完全形成;同时,美国互联网产业创新系统效率增长主要由技术进步和技术效率交替驱动,这启示我们推进互联网产业创新发展,既要注重技术引进、消化和吸收,也要注重管理水平的提高。5.提出了提高互联网治理水平,完善以企业为核心的多主体协同的互联网产业创新体系,强化知识产权运用和保护,构建基于自主创新的内生增长机制,完善政策支持体系等五条政策措施建议。这些研究和结论不仅有利于促进互联网产业的创新发展,也为探索研究相关产业领域创新发展提供了新的思路和方法。

【Abstract】 Internet, one of the greatest inventions of the21st century, is becoming the imperative strategic infrastructure and the era of information while radically changing the social production and lifestyle. In recent years, the Internet industry rapidly flourishes, technological innovation and business model innovation develops vibrantly, infiltrating Internet towards the traditional industries at the same time spawning a series of new services which becomes the new growth points of economy. Compared to the traditional industries, Internet features itself for more new characteristics, such as its vibrancy, infiltrated phenomenon and innovative efficiency. This paper, utilizing a theoretically and practically, qualitatively and quantitatively, empirically and specifically combined methodology, analyses the constitution and operative mechanism of the innovative system of Internet, the dynamics, actual measurement and the innovative system efficiency of Internet as well as putting forward with political proposals. The paper can be divided into four parts:1. This paper briefly introduces the research on innovation system, industrial innovation system and Internet innovation system both within China and the globe. Complexity science, system dynamics, efficiency theory and grey system theory are also introduced to conclude their application in the research of innovation, forging the theoretical and methodological foundation of this paper.2. This paper defines Internet industry, industrial innovation system and Internet innovation system, constitutes the five-element model of Internet innovation system, briefs the four characteristics which distinct Internet innovation system from the traditional industries. In has been pointed out that in this system, market demands, entrepreneurship and industrial policy are the three innovative engines; Internet enterprises, academies, financial institutions, intermediary organizations and governments of all levels are the five innovative entities; technological innovation, products and service innovation, organizational innovation and business model innovation are the four innovative contents; hard science, such as broadband network, scientific research infrastructure, jointly with soft science including institutional mechanism and culture, constitutes the innovative environment; configuration of innovative resources, organization of innovative activities, distribution of innovative accomplishments and collaboration of activists are four mechanisms determining the well-being of innovative system.3. This paper analyzes the complexity of the innovative system of Internet industry, builds its dynamics model, draws its cause-effect diagrams and flow charts, and conducts an empirical research on it. Based on the system simulation, it has been found the modification of financial policies poses obvious influences on the Internet industry. Thus, a nation is supposed to encourage its financial institutions inclining to the R&D of enterprises, enabling the financial policy better support the innovation of Internet industry. The impact from the human resource policy is relatively subtle, indicating the unreasonable structure of scientific and research personnel, and the fact that R&D expenditure is insufficient to meet the innovative demands.4. This paper comments on the innovative system efficiency of Internet industry by using the DEA methodology. In can be discovered that regardless of perspective from industries or sectors, the innovative system efficiency of Internet industry significantly outweighs that of traditional manufacturing industry. Through the quantitative comparison on the Sino-America innovative system efficiency of Internet industry, it can be seen that the fluctuation in the innovation system efficiency of Internet industry of China is more volatile, demonstrating the endogenous-growth dynamic mechanism on an independent-innovation basis has not been completed formed; meanwhile, the growth in the innovative system efficiency of the US Internet industry is mainly contributed by alternate driving of technological advancement and technological efficiency, implying the innovative development of Internet industry shall not only focus on the importation, digestion and application of technology, but the improvement of managerial quality as well.5. This paper comes up with five proposals including the elevation of Internet management, a collaborative multi-entity innovative system of Internet industry which cores in enterprises, the protection of intellectual property rights shall be strengthened, an endogenous-growth dynamic mechanism shall be built and supporting policies mechanism shall be optimized.The research and conclusions can facilitate the innovative development of Internet industry as well as providing new thoughts and methodologies to research on relevant industrial sectors.
