

Research on the Correlations of Enterprises’network Competence, Network Position and Innovation Performance in the Innovation Network

【作者】 赵颖斯

【导师】 刘延平;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着当今世界经济形势的迅猛发展,越来越多的企业都意图在激烈的市场竞争中占据一席之地。作为企业的生命之源与不竭发展的动力,创新也日益成为影响企业生存与发展的关键因素之一。尤其是在高新技术发展集聚的产业中,企业能否保持持续创新以满足日益变化的市场需求,不断提高企业自身的市场竞争力,显得尤为重要。特别是随着创新活动的复杂性和不确定性的增加,使得企业已不能仅通过组织内部来获取所需的信息与知识来“闭门造车”,而必须在创新的各个阶段与其他企业寻求合作,以满足产品更新换代的时代要求。因此,也就导致了现代的创新模式发生了根本性的变革,即从简单的原子式过程变成了一个交互合作的过程,换句话说,也就是不断形成企业合作创新网络的过程。在当今企业组织网络化发展和企业创新范式网络化的背景下,企业如何运用自身的网络能力来占据合适的网络位置,解决创新资源(尤其是知识资源)的短缺,并设法将自身的地位从“依赖型”转化为“支配型”,以获得可持续发展的创新优势,已成为企业面临的重要问题之一。目前,虽然许多学者已针对这个问题进行了大量研究,也取得了一些成果,但大多集中在对企业所拥有的网络能力及良好的网络位置所带来的竞争优势方面的探究,而针对网络能力和网络位置这两者如何影响企业创新绩效的机理分析及实证研究方面,尚缺乏深度。论文在整理和研究了企业创新网络中成员企业的网络能力、网络位置和企业创新绩效相关文献的基础上,围绕着企业如何以网络能力来影响其占据核心的网络位置,从而最终提升企业创新绩效这一基本问题,深入挖掘了企业网络能力、网络位置以及创新绩效的维度划分,构建了网络能力、网络位置和企业创新绩效三者间相互作用的理论模型,发现网络能力、网络位置对企业创新绩效均有显著正向影响,并通过实证研究对理论模型加以验证,指出网络位置在网络能力和创新绩效中具有中介作用。针对传统的网络位置维度一般仅采用中心度和中介度(结构洞)作为测度这现状,论文从观察企业间的相互影响出发,创新性地构造并提出了企业的影响力的模型。该模型利用核心企业及其依附企业间的连接关系,使用局部拓扑数据来计算企业的影响因子。对其进行数值仿真和与使用AHP—模糊综合分析法分析的实证数据结果都表明:企业的影响因子与其创新绩效的度量指标之间高度相关。从而验证了利用影响因子表征创新绩效的可行性。由于影响因子是基于网络拓扑的局部数据进行计算的,弥补了传统研究中需要全局数据和多指标数据的缺陷,为进一步研究网络位置与创新绩效之间的关系提供了参考。在基于前人文献的研究基础上,针对现行创新绩效指标评价体系中存在的问题,提出了综合性的研究方法。该方法的主要思想是:通过引入了主成分分析法对创新绩效指标进行预处理,使用统计方法对评价体系进行降维、去重,并运用AHP—模糊综合分析法进行指标整合处理,使所提出的创新绩效指标评价体系既能尽量涵盖创新的主要方面,还可呈现出一个较为清晰与定量化的计量结果。研究采用问卷调查的方式,获取了实证研究所需的大样本数据,并通过信度效度检验、多元回归分析和结构方程模型等统计方法,对论文提出的理论模型与研究假设进行了验证。实证研究结果表明:企业的网络能力(网络前瞻能力、网络管理能力和网络反馈能力)对创新绩效确实有显著的正向影响;企业的网络能力也可以显著促进其网络位置(中心度、中介度和影响力)的提升;企业在创新网络中占据核心的网络位置,使其能够在知识转移、信息交换和资源获取等方面获得更好的机遇,有助于企业自身创新绩效的提高,从而验证了网络位置对创新绩效所具有的显著影响作用。实证分析结果还证实了网络位置在网络能力与创新绩效之间起到的中介作用。基于上述研究成果,论文分别从管理启示与政策建议两方面提出了建设性的意见,并对网络能力、网络位置理论发展和两者对企业创新的作用机理进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of today’s world economy, more and more enterprises intend to hold their positions in the increasingly competitive market. However, due to the considerable uncertainty caused by limited resources and a lack of theoretical support, many enterprises can’t develop smoothly, thus presenting a low survival rate. Innovation is the life of enterprise and the motive force for continuous development. Especially, in the high-tech industry which has rapid development of technologies, only the enterprises innovating continuously can meet the needs of ever-changing market and improve market competitiveness continuously. With the increase in the complicacy and uncertainty of innovation, enterprises can’t just get the information and knowledge needed for innovation within the organization, and it’s hard to complete the overall value chain of innovation activity within the enterprise. The innovation form of working behind closed doors can barely keep up with the speed of product updating, so enterprises have to seek cooperation at different stages of innovation. Therefore, modern innovation model has changed. The innovation is on longer a process as simple as an atomic pattern; instead, it is a process of mutual cooperation and also a process of continuously forming an enterprise cooperation&innovation network. How to improve enterprises’ innovation performance under the circumstances of business organizations’ network development and enterprises’ innovation paradigm networking is an interesting research subject.In the walk of the development of enterprise organization networked and enterprise innovation paradigm networked, how to use self-network-capacity to take up a proper network position to solve the lack of resource innovation (especially knowledge resource) and try to translate position from the reliant pattern into dominant pattern thus to provide innovation advantage continuously to the enterprise has become an important issue faced by enterprises. Various existing researches have explored on this issue, however, they mainly focus on the network capacities, network positions and the core advantages brought by them to enterprises, the researches on the mechanism of how the network capacities and network position affect the innovation performance of enterprise are obviously insufficient. Based on the review of literatures on the network competence, network position and innovation performance of member enterprises in an innovation network, the thesis digs into the division of dimensions for enterprises’ network competence, network position and innovation performance, and builds a model of the correlations of network position, network competence and innovation performance around the basic problem of how the enterprise builds a proper network position with its network competence to ultimately improve its innovation performance. The proposing model concluded that the network competence has positive influence on its innovation performance, and demonstration analysis verified that network location has an important intermediary role in the development of enterprises, though which the enterprise network performance can be improved. The main researches and innovations of this thesis are as follows:For the traditional network position division usually use centrality and betweenness (Structural Holes) as measurement, this thesis start from the perspective of observing the interaction between enterprises, and proposed the enterprise influence model innovatively. The proposed model calculated the impact factor of enterprise by the interaction relationship between the core enterprise and its attachment enterprises and local topological data. Results by both numerical simulation and demonstration analysis by AHP-Fuzzy comprehensive analysis method have proved that the impact factor of enterprises is highly related to the measure indexes of innovation performance. The proposing of impact factor remedy the defect of the requirement for global data and multiple index data in traditional research, as it is calculated by the local data of network topology, which provide a reference for further research of the relationship between network position and innovation performance.In view of the problems in the existing innovation performance indicator evaluation system, this thesis proposed a comprehensive research method based on the existence researches. The main idea of the method is as follows:Preprocess innovation performance indicators through principal component analysis(PCA), and then, perform dimensionality reduction, duplicate removal and AHP-Fuzzy comprehensive analysis for indicators integration for the evaluation system by using statistical method, thus to make the indicator evaluation system cover the main aspects of innovation and present a relatively clear and quantitative measurement results at the same time; Also, the proposed mode of selecting the indicator systems by experts increased the authority and applicability for the enterprises cluster system in our country. The thesis gets relevant data needed in the study through calculation, simulation and questionnaire survey, and verifies the theoretical model and research hypothesis proposed using statistical approaches, such as the correlation analysis, the factor analysis, the multiple linear regression analysis, and so on, and draws the following conclusions:The network competence of enterprises including network prospective ability, network management ability and network feedback ability have significant positive influence on enterprise innovation performance; the network competence can also promote the performance of properties for network position such as the centrality, the betweenness and the influence; the enterprise can get better opportunities of study, knowledge transfer and information exchange by taking up a network position with a high centrality and abundant structural holes, which verifies the important of network position for innovation performance. This thesis also verified the intermediary role of network position between network competence and innovation performance.Finally, based on the research conclusions above, the thesis proposes constructive suggestions on both management implications and policy recommendations, and further outlined the impact of network competence and network position on the enterprise growth.
