

The Research on New Economic and Trade Strategy Within China and Low and Middle Income Developing Countries

【作者】 肖艳

【导师】 张汉林;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 世界经济与政治, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 近三十年来中国经济发展的成绩有目共睹,作为发展中国家的发展的典范,中国已经跨入了中等收入国家的行列,中国发展所取得的成绩令所有中低收入发展中国家羡慕;随着中国出口多元化战略的实施,中国与世界主要贸易伙伴继续保持着密切的交往,与此同时,中国与亚太、非洲、拉丁美洲的中低收入发展中国家的经贸往来也日益紧密。即使在2008年金融危机后,中国庞大的经济体量以及增长速度仍表现强劲,随着中国综合实力的增强,国际社会普遍加大了对中国在国际事务中发挥更大作用的期许。如何与世界其他发展中国家加强合作,谋求互利共赢,充分表达中国强烈的发展意愿的同时尊重其他发展中国国家的利益考量,从而实现中国综合国力的全面提升是本文研究的中心。本文就中国与其他143个中低收入国家的货物贸易发展的现状和趋势进行分析,总结概括了中国与这些国家的商品贸易额及商品贸易结构的特征;其次对中国与非洲国家间服务贸易的发展现状和特征进行了分析概括;然后分析了中国对这些国家的投资状况和投资结构,结合中国与中低收入国家现行合作机制的现状以及存在的问题;最后就构建中国与中低收入发展中国家的经贸合作的战略提出了意见和建议。文章的结构层次如下:第一章是陈述了该课题的选题背景和选题意义,列出了本课题研究的中心内容,分别就与本课题相关的研究成果进行了详细的文献综述,文献回顾从六个方面进行了细致的阐述:新殖民主义研究、中低收入国家贸易研究、中非合作研究、中亚合作研究、中南美洲研究、优惠贸易安排研究;在众多学者前期研究的基础上,明确了本课题研究的重点和创新点;列明了该课题研究将涉及的研究方法,为下一步论文的写作明确了方向。第二章就中低收入发展中国家的传统界定进行了分类,中低收入发展中国家中最不发达国家、内陆国家和部分小岛国成为其构成的主体;本课题研究目标体依据世界银行的收入标准划分标准,而收入划分标准随时间的推移呈现一定的波动。其次,就基本社会属性中的人口、地理面积、贫困状况、医疗服务、生育率、国民受教育情况、政体特征以及与台湾的邦交情况分别进行了概括总结,发现其共性和差异性;然后,就自然资源方面分析了七个领域的属性特征:石油、天然气、煤炭、水、土地、森林、矿产;最后,就基本经济属性进行了概括总结:交通运输基础设施状况(公路、铁路、港口、航空)、通讯设施、电力及能源供应、GDP变动、货物贸易和服务贸易状况、债务情况分别作了大量的数据分析整理和概括说明,详细数据见附录,大量的分析对中国与这些国家可能的合作领域进行了初步的梳理。第三章首先分析了其商品贸易的发展趋势和变化,最近60年的时间内,中低收入发展中国家出口在世界出口市场中的份额变化趋势,并非持续上升,而是出现了明显的筑底反弹过程,底部区域出现在20世纪70年代初-90年代初期间,进口则出现了与出口非常类似的状况;除去金砖五国后,出口和进口在全球的平均占比普遍在9%-27%间波动,中低收入国家的在全球贸易中的参与度仍然极低;从出口商品结构看,制造业产品出口和食品出口对于中低收入发展中国家比较重要;从进口结构发现同为新兴经济体的金砖国家在对于基础原材料的需求上是不尽相同的,金砖国家在全球的采购市场面临来自外界的竞争远远高于内部的竞争,内部合作的可能性极大。其次,就商品贸易的出口和进口区域结构特征分别进行了总结概括,地理远近的因素在出口目的地的选择上具有显著的影响,中低收入发展中国家的主要进口来源国高度集中在发达国家,阿拉伯国家间由于有共同的宗教背景使得该类国家间的贸易往来比较密切;第三,就中低收入发展中国家的服务贸易的总额变动和结构特征分别进行的分析总结;第四,就吸引直接投资和对外直接投资的变化趋势进行了分析总结;从而建立起对中低收入国家经贸发展现状的整体认识。第四章就中国与亚洲区、非洲区、中南美洲区、欧洲区、非洲区、小岛国中的中低收入发展中国家贸易额变化情况和贸易商品结构情况作了细致的数据整理和分析研究;在大量的数据汇总的基础上,总结出中国出口商品类型比较广泛,工业制成品出口满足了其他发展中国家自身发展的需要;而中国自中低收入国家进口的商品结构中矿产品和特色农产品的进口占比较高。第五章由于全球在服务贸易的统计上还处于不完善的状况,故服务贸易的国别数据严重匮乏,将中国与非洲国家服务贸易发展的状况进行梳理总结具有一定的代表意义,基本可反映中国与中低收入发展中国家间的服务贸易的特点;非洲服务贸易在全球服务贸易整体中的占比较低,中国服务贸易仍然以传统服务贸易为主,在高层次的服务贸易上中国出口能力略胜非洲国家;中非间服务贸易合作的现状和特征是:传统服务贸易稳步发展、现代服务贸易快速起步;中非服务合作中的问题主要集中在中非间服务贸易规模较小、中国对非相关服务贸易严重依赖中国的单方面扶持、中医药服务贸易方面的推广面临障碍;最后就中非服务贸易合作提出了相应的意见和建议。第六章首先就中国2011年对外投资的特点进行了总结概括:投资流量再创新高、对大洋洲、非洲、欧洲投资快速增长,对北美洲投资略有下降、大部分投资流向发展中国家、地方企业对外投资活跃、投资主体日益多元化、投资领域不断扩大;然后基于中国对全球直接投资的产业分布的数据,就中国对中低收入国家投资的产业分布进行了梳理,主要对电力、矿业、农业、银行业、制造业这五大行业的投资详细分析了中国对中低收入国家投资的产业趋势和规模;根据世界贸发会议公布的数据资料预测不断上升的中低收入国家投资吸引力和潜能排名变化,为中国企业的对外投资创造新的方向和市场。第七章就目前中国与中低收入国家的经贸合作机制及特点进行了概括总结:多哈回合中国融入以G20为代表的发展中国家形成集团化谈判机制;中国已启动多区域条件下对中低收入国家经贸合作机制的布局建设;中国对中低收入国家自贸区建设以税率优惠和贸易便利化为主;中国与中低收入国家的货物贸易开放灵活性较高;中国与中低收入国家的服务贸易协议的开放程度较高;中国对中低收入国家的长期援助成为关系发展的纽带。探讨了中国与中低收入国家经贸合作机制中存在的问题:自贸区建设满足了中国对资源性产品和特色农产品的高度需求;中国面临亚太区域经贸合作机制重叠交叉复杂性增加的困局;中国与非洲经贸合作机制覆盖范围小、常态机制缺乏;中国与欧洲区中低收入国家合作机制被欧洲发达国家的贸易给惠政策冲淡;中国与金砖国家合作制度化机制缺乏;中国与金钻中低收入国家经贸合作机制严重匮乏;中国与中低收入国家间发展战略规划仍未列入中国经贸发展的中心;故加强机制化建设应成为中国与中低收入发展中国家经贸合作中首先需要解决的问题。第八章就中国与中低收入发展中国家经贸合作新战略的制定背景,经贸合作新战略的目标和原则进行了阐述,最后就中国与中低收入发展中国家经贸合作新战略的政策选择谈了相关的意见和建议:加快制定以发展为目标促进LMI自主发展能力提升的中长期战略纲要,从制度层面建立政府间、高层间定期长效的沟通交流机制,加快制定和实施对LMI国家的新贸易优惠安排时间表,加快制定对LMI国家投资的产业指导目录,加强我国相关部门间会商制定对LMI国家投资的社会责任指南,构建促进LMI国家政府能力建设以及政府间的合作保障体系,为推动多哈回合谈判的早日达成贡献力量。第九章明确了进一步研究的重点。第一,明晰中国在各区域与中低收入发展中国家经贸合作的重点产业的明晰,相关项目的整合与推进,以实现和提升中国在各区域经济发展中的实际作用和参与度。第二,规划中国依赖中低收入发展中国家以实现基本生产物资储备和物资保障的战略布局。第三,如何激励地方政府在国家的战略布局下发挥主观能动性大力拓展与发展程度相关的中低收入发展中国家的特色产业领域的合作,以提升我国欠发达地区的开放度和经济实力。

【Abstract】 The past three decades see the emergence of China’s dynamic economy developmentachievements. China, as the one of the biggest world’s middle-income countries,whose progress and economy expansion is the envy of many other states; With theimplementation of China’s export diversification strategy, China continues to maintaina good and close relationship with the advanced countries, but at the same time, Chinaenlarge increasingly the cooperation with the LMI countries, especially the LMIs inAsia-Pacific, Africa, Latin America areas. China has huge economic volume, evenafter the financial crisis in2008is still showing strong economic performance, theinternational community generally increased expectations of China in internationalaffairs. How to strengthen cooperation with developing countries, to seek win-winsituation adequately which represents the wishes and requirements of China’sdevelopment, and in order to achieve a comprehensive upgrade of China’scomprehensive national strength are the premise of this writing.The paper analyzes the status and trends of development of trade and investment withChina and the rest of143LMIs, sums up the characteristics of China and thesecountries merchandise trade and commodity trade structure; the characteristics ofservice trade status and structure between China and African countries; thecharacteristics of inflow and outflow investment and the invested fields; According tothe status quo of China and middle-income countries cooperation mechanism, thepaper analysis the existed problems and gives the suggestions to solve them. Finally,the paper made pertinent comments and suggestions for China and LMIs on theeconomic and trade cooperation. Institutional levels of the article is as follows:Chapter Ⅰ sets out the background and significance of the topics of the paper, liststhe center of this research content, respectively, carries out a detailed literature reviewon the related research results about the subject, the review of research results baseson six aspects of the detailed exposition: research on neo-colonialism, research onlow-and middle-income countries trade and investment, research on China-Africacooperation, collaborative research in Central Asia, Central and South America study;research on preferential trade arrangements for LMIs; On the basis of the preliminaryresearch of many scholars, the focus of this research and innovation, setting out theresearch methods, the research will involve a clear direction for the next step---thesiswriting.Chapter Ⅱ gives a clear definition on LMIs on the bases of World Bank, at the sametime showing the traditional classification on low-and middle-income developingcountries, involved with the general items, such as the least developed countries,landlocked developing countries and small island, which constitutes the main part ofLMIs; The paper is on the accurate basis of World Bank income criteria, which showssome fluctuations over time. Population basic social property, geographic area,poverty, health care, fertility, national education, the regime characteristics and diplomatic relations with Taiwan are summarized to find the commonalities anddifferences within the LMIs. The paper carries the resources endowmentscharacteristics on seven areas: oil, gas, coal, water, land, forests, minerals; Finally, thebasic economic attributes summarized: the condition of the transport infrastructure(roads, railways, ports, aviation), communication facilities, electricity and energysupply, changes in GDP, trade in goods and services trade situation, the debt situationmade a lot of data to collate and summarize instructions, see Appendix for details. Alot of analysis on China and these countries may show the possible cooperative fieldsfor future.Chapter Ⅲ firstly analyzes the development of its merchandise trade trends andchanges in the last60years, low-and middle-income developing countries’ exportsshare of the world export market trend does not continue to rise, but there is a clearbuilding bottom rebound process, the bottom of the region in the early1970s, early90s, imports appear very similar to the situation with exports; if removes theinfluence of BRICS, the average proportion of exports and imports in the worldgenerally in the0.27%-0.09%and fluctuated between the low-and middle-incomecountries’ trade participation is still very low; from the structure of exportcommodities, manufacturing exports and food exports are more important for low-andmiddle-income developing countries; import structure with emerging economiesBRIC countries on the demand for basic raw materials is not the same from theoutside world is facing competition in the global procurement market is much higherthan the internal competition, the possibility of internal cooperation. Secondly,exports and imports of merchandise trade, regional characteristics are summed,geographic distance factors have a significant impact on the export destination ofchoice, the main source of imports in low-and middle-income developing countries ishighly concentrated in developed countries inter-Arab common religious backgroundclass trade between countries more closely; third, the change in total trade in servicesand structural characteristics of the low-and middle-income developing countrieswere analyzed and summarized; fourth, attract direct investment and foreign directinvestment trends were analyzed and summarized; thus forming a generalunderstanding of the economic and trade cooperation in low-and middle-incomecountries.Chapter Ⅳ makes a detailed analysis on China and Asia, Africa, Central and SouthAmerica, Europe, Africa, small island states in low-income developing countries,trade volume changes and trade commodity structure case; sums up the trade structureon the basis of large amounts of data analysis and makes summary based on Chineseexports more widely, generally countries according to their own development needsimports of manufactured goods; relatively high proportion of minerals andcharacteristics of agricultural imports in the structure of imported goods of China.Chapter Ⅴ sorts out the situation of the development of China-Africa service trade,summarizes the meaning characteristics within China and LMIs, because of the imperfect situation in services statistics, the research is in serious lack of thecountry-specific data. It is very a low proportion of African service trade in worldservices, China’s service trade is still flourish in traditional trade in services, China’sslightly in better trade in services in the high-level than Africa; and then on the statusand characteristics of the services and trade cooperation between China and Africasummed up: the traditional trade has developed steadily, modern service trade goesfast; problems in China-Africa cooperation is mainly concentrated in the smallerservice trade between China and Africa, the unrelated trade in services rely heavily onChina’s unilateral support, face barriers to trade in services, the promotion ofTraditional Chinese Medicine; The paper proposes strategy suggestions onChina-Africa trade in Services.Chapter VI firstly gives the characteristics of2011China’s investment situation:China’s outflow investment dramatically to states with a rapid growth rate, maininvestment outflow to Oceania, Africa, Europe; The scale of investment declinesslightly in North America. Most of the investment flows to developing countries, localenterprises actively to invest overseas, investment entities increasingly diversifiedexpanding the areas of investment; then paper shows the distribution on the basis ofthe general global direct investment in the industry and the industry distribution ofChinese investment in low-and middle-income countries, mainly on the fiveinvestments sectors: electricity, mining, agriculture, banking, manufacturing. Thepaper gives a detailed analysis of industry trends and scale of investment on eachindustry. According to data of the World published by UNCTAD, it predictsinvestment attractiveness and potential of low-and middle-income countries, showingthe choices for future cooperation fields for China’s investors.Chapter VII analyzes the mechanism and characteristics of China economic and tradecooperation with middle-income countries: the Doha Round of China’s integrationinto the negotiation mechanism of the G20developing countries represents demandsand formation of the Group; China has started a multi-region under low-andmiddle-income countries, the layout of the building of economic and tradecooperation mechanisms; construction of low-and middle-income countries free tradezone mainly the rate of promotions and trade facilitation; China and middle-incomecountries for trade in goods open flexibility; China and in low-income countries thehigh degree of openness of trade agreements; become the bond of the development ofrelations between China’s long-term assistance to low-and middle-income countries.Explore China with low and middle income countries, economic and tradecooperation mechanism: the free trade area to meet the high demand of China’sresource-based products and characteristics of agricultural products; facing theAsia-Pacific regional economic cooperation mechanisms overlapping cross thedilemma of increased complexity; Africa economic and trade cooperation mechanismcovering a small area, the lack of a normal mechanism; China and Europe in low-andmiddle-income countries cooperation mechanisms developed countries in Europe todilute; lack of institutionalization of cooperation mechanisms in China and the BRIC countries; compared with Diamond in low-and middle-income countries economicand trade cooperation lack of mechanisms; development planning non-Chinesestrategic development center in China and in low-and middle-income countries. Theprimary economic and trade cooperation problem to be solved is to strengthen theinstitutional building of China and low-income developing countries.Chapter VIII states the background on the development of China and in low-incomedeveloping countries economic and trade cooperation in the new strategy, the goal ofthe new strategy of economic and trade cooperation and principles are described, andfinally speak about policies of China and the low-and middle-income developingcountries economic and trade cooperation in the new strategy the observations andrecommendations: accelerate the formulation of development-oriented to promote theLMI self-development capacity to enhance the long-term strategy Outline, from thesystem level to establish intergovernmental, senior long-term communicationmechanism on a regular basis, accelerate the formulation and implementation of theLMI countries new preferential trade arrangements schedules, accelerate theformulation of the investment industrial Guidance Catalogue LMI countries,strengthen consultation between the relevant departments in China to developguidelines for social responsibility investment LMI countries to build the promotionof the LMI national government capacity-building and cooperation between thegovernment security system, contribute to an early conclusion of the Doha Roundnegotiations.Chapter Ⅸ states the further research points. First, to define the fields between Chinaand low-income developing countries the economic and trade cooperation in allgeographical area, especially the key industries; and how to promote the integration ofrelated projects to achieve and enhance China’s economic development in the regionsto exert China’s actual role and upgrade its participation. Second, to set the strategyfor China’s dependence on low-income developing countries planning to implementbasic production material reserves and material support of the strategic layout. Third,how to motivate local governments in the country’s strategic layout to take theinitiative and vigorously expand the degree associated with the development oflow-income developing countries, cooperation in the field of special industries, toenhance our underdeveloped regions openness and economic strength.
