

The Dilemma and Solutions of Copyright Law in Digital Network Environment

【作者】 姜福晓

【导师】 梅夏英;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 民商法学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 自十七世纪晚期以来三百年的历史看,著作权法的发展很大程度上起因于作品复制和传播技术的发展。数字网络技术是活字印刷以来最强有力的复制和传播工具,主要从三个方面对传统著作权法提出了严峻挑战:打破了著作权法上的利益平衡格局;冲击了著作权法的理论预设和基础架构;给著作权的保护和实现带来挑战。数字网络技术引起的著作权法律问题在法律、经济、社会和政治领域引起了广泛的讨论。如何应对数字网络技术给著作权法带来的挑战成为一个全球化的难题。本文将从权利配置、权利保护和权利实现三个角度研究著作权法在数字网络技术背景下面临的困境,并试图探寻著作权法应对新技术带来挑战的对策。除导论和结论外,本文正文部分共分五章。第2章数字网络技术对著作权法的挑战本章主要从宏观层面分析数字网络技术对著作权法的挑战,并对著作权法在新技术背景下的困境进行了分析和理论抽象。第一节从历史的视角对新技术影响下的著作权制度的产生和发展进行了系统梳理,为寻求数字网络技术背景下的著作权法的出路提供一定线索。第二节主要阐述了数字网络技术对传统著作权法的冲击和挑战。第三节则对数字网络技术影响传统著作权法的机理进行了分析,并从著作权人与使用人之间行为博弈的角度对传统著作权法在数字网络环境下的困境进行理论分析和抽象,为寻求数字网络技术背景下的著作权法的出路提供理论起点。第3章权利配置:著作权法的基础架构及调整本章在对著作权法基础架构进行分析和讨论的基础上,从权利配置的角度对几个关乎著作权法基础架构的重要问题进行分析研究。第一节首先对著作权的正当性理论进行了剖析,并提出了自己的看法;然后分析了著作权法的价值目标,在此基础上阐述了基于利益平衡的著作权法基础架构。第二、三、四节分别以临时复制、首次销售原则、合理使用制度这三个关乎著作权法基础架构的问题为例,分析著作权法在权利配置层面的困境和出路,对著作权如何应对数字网络技术的挑战提出了自己的见解。第4章权利保护之一:使用者行为的失范与规制本章以著作权人与使用人之间行为博弈的视角,从使用人的角度,分析了传统著作权保护模式的困境,并对数字网络环境下著作权保护的新思路进行了探索。第一节主要从权利保护的层面对著作权保护面临的挑战进行了分析。第二节对传统的“闭锁型”著作权保护模式及其困境进行了分析。第三节对“开放型”著作权保护模式的必要性、实践及效果进行了研究。第四节以莱斯格的规制理论为基础,描绘了整体性著作权保护机制的大致框架。第五节对整体性著作权保护机制在云计算、大数据、3D打印技术背景下的可能作为进行了展望。第5章权利保护之二:权利人技术保护措施的保护与限制本章以著作权人与使用人之间行为博弈的视角,从权利人的角度,对技术保护措施的保护和限制问题进行了研究。第一节介绍了技术保护措施的产生背景、概念和性质。第二节对域外技术保护措施的保护立法和司法实践进行了分析评价,并对我国的立法提出了建议。第三节主要从合理使用和反不正当竞争两个角度对技术保护措施的限制进行了研究。第6章权利实现:数字网络环境下的著作权市场机制本章从著作权实现层面,对数字网络环境下著作权市场机制进行研究。第一节对著作权授权模式转型的必要性进行了分析。第二节则阐述了网络著作权授权信息系统的基本构造。第三节对如何完善我国的集体管理制度尤其是如何防止集体管理组织垄断地位的滥用问题上提出了的建议。

【Abstract】 With a history of more than three hundred year from the late17thcentury, thedevelopment of copyright law can be attributed to the advance of technologies ofreplication and dissemination to a large degree. The digital network technology is themost powerful tool of replication and dissemination after movable-type printing. It hasbroken the balance of interests within copyright law, shocked the theoreticalpresupposition and infrastructure, and presented great challenges to the protection andrealization of copyright.The legal issues in terms of copyright caused by digital network technology havetriggered extensive discussion in the fields of law, economy, society and politics. Itbecomes a global puzzle for the copyright law to cope with the challenges brought bythe technology of digital network. This research studied the dilemma of copyright lawin the environment of digital network from three dimensions, which are configurationof copyrights, protection of copyrights and realization of copyrights, and tried toexplore the measures to cope with the challenges caused by new technologies.Besides the introduction and conclusion parts, this research includes five chapters.Chapter Two: The challenges to copyright law brought by digital networkThis chapter made analysis of the challenges to copyright law by digital networktechnology from the macro level, and made an analysis and theoretical abstraction ofthe dilemma of copyright law in the environment of digital network. Section one madea historical study of the emergence and development of copyright law, providing someclue to the exploitation of the way out of the digital dilemma. Section two analyzed thechallenges to the traditional copyright law brought by the digital network technology.Section three analyzed the mechanism of how the digital technology influencedcopyright law, and made an analysis and theoretical abstraction of the dilemma ofcopyright law from a perspective of game behavior between the right holder and theuser. This chapter serves as the starting point of the exploitation of this research.Chapter Three: Configuration of Rights: the framework of copyright law andadjustment of it This chapter studied some important issues relevant to the framework of copyrightlaw from the perspective of configuration of rights. Section one analyzed thejustification theories of copyright law and gave some opinions. Then this section madea concise analysis of the values and framework of copyright law. The next threesections studied the dilemmas of copyright law and the way out by addressing theissues of temporary copies, the first sale doctrine and the fair use doctrine, which arevery important parts of copyright framework.Chapter Four: Protection of rights (I):The deregulation and regulation of behaviorof usersThis chapter analyzed the dilemma of the traditional mode of copyright protectionfrom the perspective of the game between the right holders and users, and explored thenew mode of copyright protection. Section one made a brief introduction of thechallenges to copyright protection. Section two reviewed the traditional mode ofcopyright protection, which is featured “lock up”. The third section addressed thenecessity, practice and effects of the “open license” protection mode. Section fourdepicted a basis structure of the integrated mode of copyright protection based on theregulation theory of Lessig. Section five made an outlook on the potential role of“open license” protection mode in the environment with cloud computing, big data and3D printing.Chapter Five: Protection of rights (II): The protection and restrictions of TPMThis chapter made a study of the protection and restrictions of TPM from theperspective of game theory in terms of right holder. Section one introduced thebackground, conception and nature of TPM. Section two analyzed the foreignlegislation and judicial practice of the TPM, and then gave some suggestions to theimprovement of Chinese copyright law. The third section studied the restrictions onTPM from the perspective of fair use and anti-unfair competition.Chapter Six: Realization of rights: The copyright market mechanism in theenvironment of digital networkThis chapter studied the copyright market mechanism in the environment of digitalnetwork. The first section analyzed the importance of the transition of the copyrightlicensing mode. Section two addressed the basic blocks of the information system for copyright licensing. The last section gave some suggestions on how to improvecopyright collective management, especially how to prevent copyright collectivesocieties from abusing the monopoly position.
