

【作者】 王佳宁

【导师】 王冬龄;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 美术学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 现代书法作为连接传统书法与西方现当代艺术之间的桥梁,其时代意义日益彰显,其视觉属性自不待言。拙文将其置于大的视觉艺术的范畴中,从“图式”理论的层面对其进行深入系统地分析,试图从宏观角度理清上世纪八十年代中期以来中国现代书法创作中的诸多问题。在研究过程中,笔者采用了以下研究方法:1、文献归纳法,综合前人研究成果,归纳其他视觉艺术门类有关的“图式”研究成果以及与现代书法相关的研究文献,为本文奠定理论基础;2、调查法,对于具体作品的诠释,笔者亲自联系一些艺术家进行了访谈,为作品的深入解读提供了第一手材料;3、交叉研究法,现代书法的学科交叉属性毋庸多言,“图式”理论更是涉及了哲学、心理学、视觉艺术等领域,故离不开相关交叉学科的综合研究;4、图像学分析法,运用图像学分析法对具体的现代书法作品,从外在的视觉形式到内在的文化内涵、创作历史背景等进行深入分析。拙文“中国现代书法图式研究”由五章构成:第一章——现代书法图式概述,通过对“图式”的由来、“图式”的发展论述最后对“现代书法图式”概念作以界定;第二章——现代书法图式之视觉元素,从“线条”、“空间”、“张力”、“材质、工具与媒介”进行分析研究;第三章——现代书法图式演变,以现代书法史为线索,将近30年来的中国现代书法分为三个阶段进行纵向研究;第四章——现代书法图式类型,以中国现代书法发展过程中的诸多作品为对象,对其创作类型作横向划分;第五章——现代书法图式之精神内涵,文中从现代书法艺术的纯粹化、观念化、生活化、多元化四个层面对其精神内涵进行综合分析。当然,关于中国现代书法图式研究目前尚属全新的研究领域,限于水平,笔者诚知,拙文的完成对该课题的深入探索不过是抛砖引玉,若能为当前的现代书法创作有些许补益,便是欣慰的事了。

【Abstract】 Modern calligraphy is the bridge connecting traditional Chinese calligraphy andmodern western arts, which has been more and more obvious in terms ofepoch-making significance. Its visual property is significant to say the least. Thisthesis would put modern calligraphy in broad sense of visual arts and deeply analyzeit in system upon the level of “schematism”theory, trying to answer amount ofquestions about Chinese modern calligraphy creation since1980s in broad sense.When doing the research, the author has taken the following researching methods:1. Literature Induction, namely, inducing the previous research results of theschematism from other visual arts categories and the relative researching papers aboutmodern calligraphy, so as to forming the theoretical basis of this thesis.2. Survey,namely, interviewing several artists with their works to better understand the works,so that the explanation and understanding of the works would be deeper withfirst-hand information.3. Cross-study method: Modern calligraphy is with property ofcross discipline, and the “schematism analysis” involves philosophy, psychology,visual arts, etc, therefore, the research cannot leave without the comprehensive studyof the cross discipline4. Image analysis method, namely, analyzing the detailedmodern calligraphy works from exterior visual form to internal cultural connotationand the history background of creation.The thesis named as “schematism analysis of Chinese modern calligraphy” ismade of five paragraphs: Para I. The general introduction of schematism for moderncalligraphy. The conception of schematism for modern calligraphy is defined byexpounding its origin and development. Para II. The visual element of schematism formodern calligraphy. The analysis and research includes lines, space, tension, material,tool and agent. Para III. The development of schematism for modern calligraphy. It islongitudinal study with three stages since1980s, along with the modern calligraphyhistory as the clue. Para IV. The styles of schematism for modern calligraphy. It iscross-sectional study of several works chosen during the developing process ofChinese modern calligraphy, so as to divide their creation styles. Para V. The spiritualconnotation of schematism for modern calligraphy. The analysis is about four levelsas purity, idealization, of life and diversification of modern calligraphy arts.The research of schematism for modern calligraphy is still a new researchingarea in China now, so due to the limitation of the knowledge, the author’s research of this topic is only to throw out a minnow to catch a whale. It would be with greatpleasure if this thesis can be supplement and beneficial to the current moderncalligraphy creation.

  • 【分类号】J292.1
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