

The Research on the State-owned Capital Operation Budget Reforms in China

【作者】 谭啸

【导师】 王军;

【作者基本信息】 财政部财政科学研究所 , 财政学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 自2007年国务院决定实施国有资本经营预算制度以来,经过7年实践,国有资本经营预算初步建立了一套制度体系和工作机制,预算规模和影响力不断扩大,但对其的争议和质疑也从未断绝。目前,《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》、《国务院批转发展改革委等部门关于深化收入分配制度改革若干意见的通知》(国发[2013]6号),以及十八届三中全会决定等重要文件都对完善国有资本经营预算制度提出了要求。特别是十八届三中全会决定还指明了国有企业和国资监管体制的改革方向,这些改革,比如积极发展混合所有制经济、组建若干国有资本运营公司等,都将对国有资本经营预算的运行产生重大影响。为了推动完善我国国有资本经营预算制度,本文对国有资本经营预算的相关理论和实践情况进行了系统的梳理,并分析了国家有关政策要求和国企改革形势任务对国有资本经营预算管理工作可能造成的影响,在借鉴我国历史经验和相关国际经验基础上,基于双元结构财政理论,提出我国国有资本经营预算改革的总体思路和具体措施。本文逻辑上分为六部分内容。第一部分为导论和理论基础分析,阐述研究背景和意义,为国有资本经营预算改革研究做理论准备。第二部分阐述我国政府与国有企业分配关系的历史沿革及其经验,目的是通过梳理情况,弄清政府与国有企业分配关系变迁的历史脉络,总结实践经验教训,分析其中蕴含的客观规律,供当前国有资本经营预算改革参考。第三部分系统梳理我国国有资本经营预算当前的管理体系、具体收支管理等情况,分析目前存在的主要问题。第四部分整理国外典型国家政府与国有企业分配关系的管理经验,目的是开阔研究视野,在下一步改革中借鉴国外相关管理的有益经验。第五部分对当前国有资本经营预算改革面临的形势进行分析,目的是使研究提出的政策建议更有现实针对性。第六部分针对当前实践中的问题,结合十八届三中全会指出的财税体制改革和国有企业改革方向,研究提出国有资本经营预算改革的总体思路和具体措施。本文的研究方法以规范研究为主,主要通过对国有资本经营预算理论基础、历史经验、国际经验、当前实践,以及未来改革方向等的情况梳理,通过演绎推理的方法,按事物内在联系运用逻辑推理形成研究结论。在总结分析当前实践存在的问题及相关国际经验时,本文也运用一定实证和案例研究的方法,根据现实经验情况进行分析推理。本文的创新点主要包括:一是从“收”与“支”两方面,系统总结我国政府与国有企业分配关系调整的历史经验,并进一步分析其中的规律与启示,用于指导国有资本经营预算改革工作。二是整理分析了2008年金融危机时期美国、加拿大等国政府对通用汽车和银行业等的注资救助经验,作为我国实施国有资本经营预算的借鉴,拓宽了研究视野。三是从制度和机制层面,分析了我国国有资本经营预算管理目前存在的主要问题,避免就事论事。四是根据十八届三中全会提出的国有企业改革和国资监管体制改革方向,系统分析了国有资本经营预算管理面临的形势和任务,提出了国有资本经营预算改革的总体思路和具体措施,其中很多内容和观点都是结合当前新情况提出的,具有很强的现实针对性、创新性和可操作性。本文的核心观点如下:1.关于我国政府与企业分配关系管理历史经验的启示。一是政企分开、政资分开是理顺政府与国有企业分配关系的基础;二是税利分流是政府与国有企业分配关系的合理模式;三是专门机构独立行使出资人职责有利于规范政府与国有企业分配关系。未来的国有企业改革和国有资本经营预算改革应当坚持以上三个原则。2.关于国外政府与企业分配关系管理经验的启示。一是市场化经营的国有企业应当实施市场化的分红方式。二是我国的国有资本收益上交比例还有提高的空间。三是国有资本收益应当有一定比例转入公共财政,直接服务于全民公众利益。四是国有资本收益可以尝试将一部分投入国家主权财富基金。五是涉及国民经济命脉和国计民生的大型企业陷入财务危机时,政府或出资人实施直接注资存在客观必要性,但应体现“救助与责任追究两不误”原则,并应严格监管,并可在适当时候以合适的方式收回。3.关于当前国有资本经营预算存在的主要问题。一是尚未形成指导预算安排的理财理念;二是尚未将全部国有企业纳入预算实施范围;三是尚未厘清预算的事权和支出责任;四是尚未充分实现预算的宏观调控功能;五是尚未形成市场化的国有资本收益收取机制;六是尚未形成适合自身特点的预算执行管理机制;七是尚未建立合理的国有资本收益分享机制。4.关于国有资本经营预算改革面临的形势与任务。主要形势:一是仍要毫不动摇巩固和发展公有制经济;二是要进一步提高国有资本收益上交比例;三是要将更多国有资本收益用于民生支出;四是要积极发展混合所有制经济,五是国有资本授权经营体制面临改革,将建立国有资本运营和投资公司承担政府出资人部分国有资本经营管理职能;六是国有企业面临分类监管。主要任务:一是巩固和扩大国有资本经营预算制度的政策影响力;二是完善国有资本收益收取机制;三是建立和完善国有资本收益分享机制;四是建立适应新形势的国有资本经营预算管理体系。5.关于国有资本经营预算改革的总体思路。一是坚持和完善国有资本经营预算的相对独立性,包括细化相对独立的政策目标、明确相对独立的理财理念、加强相对独立的预算管理等。二是进一步明确国有资本经营预算的运行区间,包括设定国有资本投资范围、厘清国有资本经营预算的事权与支出责任,厘清国有资本经营预算与国有资本运营和投资公司的职能分工等。三是加强和完善国有资本经营预算与各方面的有机衔接,包括加强与国家战略目标和宏观经济政策的衔接、完善国有资本收益分享机制、建立中央与地方国有资本经营预算的转移支付机制等。四是进一步扩大国有资本经营预算的实施范围,将包括金融企业、国家主权财富基金、全国社保基金等在内的全部国有企业都纳入预算实施范围,并向非国有企业开放预算资金申请渠道。6.关于国有资本经营预算改革的具体措施。一是在收入管理方面,措施主要包括建立以相关者利益最大化为目标的国有企业利润分配政策体系,建立个性化、市场化的国有企业利润分配管理机制等。二是在支出管理方面,措施主要包括建立基于企业资本经营的支出管理机制,强化“自上而下”的预算编制工作机制等。三是在执行和绩效管理方面,措施主要包括以落实国有资本权益为重点加强预算执行管理、探索对国有资本宏观经营情况开展绩效评价等。四是在完善预算信息公开方面,措施主要包括建立科学的收支科目体系和国有资本经营预算报告体系等。

【Abstract】 Since2007, the State Council decided to implement State-owned capital operation budget (SCOB). After7years, the SCOB establish a set of institution and working mechanism, and has achieved positive results.But the controversy and doubt about the SCOB never cut off. Now, The national policy Clearly require to improve the SCOB. In order to promote the improvement of the SCOBstate-owned, this papers focus on the theory and practice of the SCOB, and put forward the general ideas and specific measures of reform.This paper logically divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction and analysis of the theoretical basis. The second part describes our historical experience about the distribution relationship management between government and the SOEs.The third part systematically analyses the practice of the SCOB,and Pointed out the Defect of the management.The fourth part describes the international experience about the distribution relationship management between government and the SOEs. The fifth part is the analysis of the current situation, which makes the policy recommendations more practical. The sixth part,aiming at the problems of practice,study and put forward the general idea and specific measures of reform of the SCOB.This paper mainly uses standardize research method, and takes up some empirical and case study also.The innovation of this paper mainly includes:Firstly, this paper analyse the historical experience of our government,and make further analysis of law and enlightenment which can be used to guide the reform of SCOB.Secondly, this paper analyse capital injection case taken by the American,and Canadian government during the2008financial crisis, which broaden s the research field of vision. Thirdly, this paper analyses the main problems existing in practice of SCOB.Fourthly, this paper study and put forward the general idea and specific measures of reform of the SCOB,according to the reform of the state-owned enterprises and the state owned assets supervision released by the Third Plenary Session of the eighteen.The key points of this paper are as follows:1.The separation of government and enterprise is the basis of reasonable distribution relationship between government and state-owned enterprise. The separated collection of the tax and profit is the reasonable mode.2. Firstly, the dividends of SOEs should be market-oriented. Secondly, the dividends can be increased.Thirdly, a certain proportion of the dividends from SOEs shall be transferred to public finance.Fourthly, the state-owned capital gains can be used to be form a country’s sovereign wealth fund investment. Fifthly, the government need to offer Financial aid to some big enterprises in some Special circumstances.3. The main problems existing are as belows:Firstly, the SCOB does not form its financial idea. Secondly, the SCOB is not appled to all SOEs.Thirdly, the SCOB has not specific governance and accountability.Fourthly, the SCOB does not make ennough function of macroeconomic regulation and control. Fifthly, the SCOB does not formmarket-oriented state-owned capital gains charge mechanism.Sixthly,state-owned capital gains are still not shared reasonably.4.The facing situations are as belows:Firstly, the nation still need to unswervingly consolidate and develop the public sector of the economy. Secondly, the nation need to raise the capital gains from SOEs. Thirdly, more state-owned capital gains should be use for improving the people’s livelihood. Fourthly, the nation will actively develop the mixed ownership economy.Fifthly, the state capital authorized management system facing reform.Sixthly, the government will implement the regulatory classification on SOEs.5.The general idea are as belows:Firstly, government need to adhere to and improve relative independence of the SCOB.Secondly, government need to furtherly clarify the responsibility and the scope of expenditure of the SCOB.Thirdly, government need to strengthen and improve the cohesion between the SCOB and other policys.Fourthly, government need to expand the scope of implementation.6.The specific measures are as belows:Firstly, government need to form the market-oriented mechanism in revenue management. Secondly,government need to strengthen the "top-down" budget work mechanism.Thirdly, government need to grope for the macro performance valuation.Fourthly, government need to improve the information disclosure system of the SCOB.
