

Generation of Rationality of Online Public Discussion and Its Implications

【作者】 刘大志

【导师】 郁建兴;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,互联网与中国公民社会发展的关系成为一个重要议题,在学界产生了互联网能否以及如何可以推动中国公民社会发展、中国是否形成了“网络公民社会”或“网络公共领域”的研究及争论。中国网民参与网络公共讨论时,能否以及何种程度上实现“理性言说”,在一定程度上,决定了网络监督、网络问政能否有效实施,以及“网络公民社会”或“网络公共领域”的前景,网络理性的研究具有重要意义。网络理性可以从不同角度和层面进行理解,对网络理性的概念进行梳理后,发现可分为形式理性与实质理性、论者理性与观者理性、言论理性与行动理性、个体理性与集体理性。其中,网民个体的实质理性,具有最重要和最基础的意义,对此,通过编制量表,对网民个体公共讨论理性程度进行了测度,并获得这一概念的结构维度。“超大”论坛和西西河社区是中国互联网上两个比较理性的网络社区,其理性的共同表现包括讨论中尊重事实,以资料和逻辑论述,包容多元观点,避免极端立场等。西西河社区还以平和友好的氛围和深度原创的内容著称。两个理性网络社区的发现,是一种范例,表明了网络理性的现实存在。运用扎根理论方法论,对两个网络社区的进一步研究,发现网络理性是在“规训对抗”机制中生成的。首先,在一个网络社区中,对抗性讨论必须获得比较平等和充分的支持或展开,其次,参与对抗性讨论的各方,实施和接受规训(规范、引导、惩戒和训练),当这种规训形成比较稳定的机制时,也就促进了网络理性的生成。“规训对抗”具有一定的适用性和普遍性,能够较好的解释不同网络平台理性程度的差异。网络监管也与网络理性的生成有关。现行网络监管过于严格、僵硬保守且不够透明,对网络理性的生成主要起负面作用。网络监管使得网络社区为了生存顾虑而自我设限,网络监管部门对某些话题和内容的封堵,使网民失去了在充分讨论中自我培育理性的机会,还刺激了谣言等非理性言论的产生。网络理性的自发生成,反映了网民和网络社区良好的自治精神和自我管理能力,是公民社会内生力量的反映。意味着互联网作为中国公民社会发展的可能路径,同时也意味着放松和改善网络监管的必要性。

【Abstract】 In the21st century, the relationship of Internet and civil society in China has become an important topic in the academic community. Whether and how Internet can facilitate the growth of civil society in China, and whether "online civil society" or "cyber public sphere" is emerging in China is under debated. This paper argues that when Chinese Internet users discussing public issues, whether and to what extent they are rational or deliberate, to a certain extent, determines the effect of online supervision of governments and online political participation, as well as the prospect of "online civil society" or "cyber public sphere". Therefore, the research of rationality of online public discussion has important significance.Online rationality is a multi-dimensional and multi-level concept which can be divided into formal rationality and substantive rationality, discussants’rationality and viewers’ rationality, rationality of speech and rationality in action, individual rationality and collective rationality. Among them, substantive rationality of the individual Internet users plays a most fundamental role, so, this paper makes a measurement of it.In Chinese Internet,"CD" and "CCH" are two rational online communities. Their common features including respecting the facts, arguing by data and logic, tolerating multiple perspectives, avoiding extreme positions, etc. In addition to that,"CCH" is famous of calm and friendly atmosphere and depth of original thought. The discovery of these two rational online communities, as an objective fact, means that the generation of online rationality is possible.Next, using grounded theory methodology, this paper continues the study of "CD" and "CCH" in a more comprehensive way, and discovers a grounded theory of "disciplining confrontation" about the generation of online rationality. That means, first, in an online community, confrontational discussion must be facilitated in a highly equal and free manner, and secondly, the parties involved in confrontational discussion face the discipline mechanism(regulating, guiding, disciplining and training), and learn how to debate with others in an acceptable way. When this kind of discipline mechanism can run continuously, it promotes the generation of online rationality."Disciplining confrontation" has good applicability and universality that can explain why the degrees of online rationality in various communities are different.Internet censorship also play a role in the generation of online rationality. The existing Internet censorship is very strict, rigid, conservative, and low transparent, which is harmful to the generation of online rationality. By affecting online communities’ survival, Internet censorship compels them to implement a strict self-censorship, at the same time, blocks certain topics and content, this not only makes Internet users lost opportunities for self-development of rationality in a heated discussion context, but also stimulates the rumors and other non-rational speech.The spontaneously generation of online rationality has important implications. It reflects a kind of good spirit of autonomy or capabilities of self-management embedded in Internet users and online communities, also, it is a reflection of endogenous forces in civil society, which means Internet as a possible path of Chinese civil society development. Lastly, it means necessary to loosen and improve Internet censorship.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】D669
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1067