

Research on Strategies and Methods of Rural Settlements Construction from the Perspective of Subjective Cognition on Villagers

【作者】 王韬

【导师】 王竹;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 自改革开放以来我国乡村建设已走过了三十余载,在取得巨大成就的同时也伴随着一些负面的变化。随着全球化、现代化、市场化和城市化的不断延伸,一些曾经质朴的田园风貌正面临着地域文化失语、生态环境退化,空间形态无根等问题的蔓延。对于乡村聚落的营建而言,如何在巩固成果的同时化解当下的问题,从而使乡村风貌得以全面改善和村民生活获得实质提升具有重要的意义。在借鉴国外乡村建设的经验和对现状问题分析的基础上,本文选取村民主体认知为研究视角,试图探求一种超越主体与客体、认知与存在、真实与想象的营建策略与方法,为中观和微观层面的乡村聚落营建提供依据。本文以聚落空间营建为主旨内容通过“乡村解读、理论把握、机制分析、策略提出、实证研究”五个方面形成逐层推进的研究路径。首先,对乡村营建的本质意义、演进特征与营建的参与者进行了解读,明确了乡村聚落始终在自组织与他组织两种方式的共同作用和相互博弈中演进,并且确立了基于村民主体的研究立场。其次,围绕村民主体认知的发展框架、演化动力、交互途径与物化基础四个方面,通过借鉴相关理论的核心概念,建立了主体认知视角下乡村聚落营建的研究框架,完成由问题到方法的转化。随后,通过对乡村聚落营建与村民主体认知关系的梳理,分别对自然环境、社会环境以及建成环境影响下村民的认知方式和演变特征进行了详尽的解析,进而归纳了乡村聚落的发生机制。在此基础上,针对乡村营建中生态自然、社会人文与聚落空间三个层面提出了具有针对性的营建策略与实施原则,并以浙江长兴塔上村为例加以论证,以期研究成果对实践起到一定的方法指导。本研究力图以一种开放和融合的方式提炼出一些在村民主体融入乡村聚落营建时所普遍具有的意义、特征和规律。虽然任何总结都可能是片段的和局部的,但其基本目的在于通过对村民主体认知的考量,“以小见大”的引发对我国乡村聚落营建方法的思考和提升。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening up the rural construction in our country has gone through more than30years, it has made great achievements, but also accompanied by some negative changes. With the development of globalization, modernization, marketization, some pristine pastoral scenery of villages are facing the problem of region culture aphasia, ecological degradation of the environment, space form without the root. For the rural settlement construction, how to solve the problem of the rural landscape while improving the real ascension is significance. In reference to the experience of foreign rural construction and analysis of the current status on the basis problem, the paper based on the perspective of villagers’subject cognitive, tries to explore a transcendental subject and object, cognition and exist, the real and imaginary construction methods, and provide the basis for the construction of rural settlements in meso and micro level.The article take the construction of rural settlements space as the theme content, through the "rural interpretation, theories, mechanism analysis, strategy, empirical research" five aspects, study on a step-by-step research path. First of all, the rural intention, evolution characteristics and construction of participants is analyzed, the evolution of rural settlement is always in the action of self-organization and hetero organization, and established the position of the villagers. Secondly, focus on four aspects of the framework, evolution, development and foundation of subjective cognition, by drawing on the core concepts related to theory, established the theoretical framework of the construction of rural settlement from the perspective of cognitive subject, complete the transformation from the problem to the method. Then, based on the adjustment between rural settlement construction and the subject of cognitive, analised the natural environment, social environment and the built environment under the influence of the cognitive schema and characteristics, and then summarizes the development mechanism of the rural settlement. On this basis, according to the three aspects of ecological, social and spatial, suggest the strategy and the implementation of the principle of construction, and take the Ta Shang Village of Zhe Jing Chang Xing as an example to demonstrate the research results, to provide certain guiding significance for practice.This paper tries to make an open and fusion way to summarize some common things with the rural settlement construction in the significance, characteristics and laws. Although any summary is likely to fragment and partial, but the basic goal lies in through to the villagers’subjective cognition,"imaging the big from the small" caused by our thinking and improving of rural settlement construction method.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期