

Study on the Effect of Non-sufficient Lighting Environment on Driver’s Physiology in the Extra-long Tunnel

【作者】 杨锋

【导师】 朱守林;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 森林工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 我国是一个多山的国家,75%左右的国土是山地或重丘[1],隧道工程在道路建设过程中因其具有缩短通行时间、全天候、对生态环境干扰影响小的优点而受到广泛重视,而且,公路隧道已逐渐成为山地或重丘地形环境中高等级公路建设不可或缺的重要组成部分。公路隧道作为一种特殊的交通构造物,因其空间高度受限、纵深长,且空间宽度比常规公路小而形成了一个相对封闭的空间环境。在这样一个封闭空间中,对光照环境的设置在理论上必须符合《规范》要求,而在实际运行管理过程当中,完全按照《规范》要求的隧道照明产生的巨大能耗给隧道运营管理带来了极大的压力,因而在实际运行过程中,经常会在日常行车过程中采用低于设计照明要求的非充分照明来节约成本和维系日常运营。调查表明,多数隧道照明都会因为巨大的能耗压力而处于非充分照明状态,而这种非充分照明状态正是导致高等级公路上的交通事故发生主要集中在隧道这一瓶颈路段的主要原因。因此,研究特长隧道内非充分照明环境对驾驶员的心理和生理影响,能够进一步明晰公路隧道交通照明环境的必要条件,从而在提高行车安全、进一步发挥公路交通人机环境系统有效性、降低隧道照明运行管理成本等方面发挥其应有的积极作用。本文通过对特长隧道交通环境中实时动态照度分布实验,分析了隧道内照明环境基本状况,确定了特长隧道内非充分照明环境的基本特征;通过实驾实验初步分析非充分照明环境对驾驶员的生理指标的影响,并通过实验过程中采集的心电及眼动信号的敏感性分析确定本实验研究的心电及眼动指标;运用心率变异分析方法对实驾实验中的驾驶员心电信号进行分析,进一步深入研究特长隧道内非充分照明环境对驾驶员生理反应的影响;基于生理学角度对各实验驾驶员进行分析,探讨特长隧道内非充分照明环境卞驾驶员的眼动变化特性;根据眼动与心电变化的共同之处并加以分析,确定特长隧道内非充分照明环境对驾驶员产生的生理变化共性规律,提出隧道光环境建设的具体思路和想法。研究结果表明,在特长隧道内非充分照明环境对不同速度下驾驶员的生理影响存在一定差异,主要表现为以下几个方面:(1)通过对秦岭终南山隧道内照明状况实测与分析,得出两个通行方向隧道的实际照明环境与《规范》及隧道设计照明要求存在较大差距,其中入口段照度差距比为1/7.425(双向均值),中间段差距比为1/8.8(双向均值),出口段差距比为1/4.205(双向均值),该隧道的非充分照明环境特性显著。(2)在非充分照明环境下,通过HRV指标的综合分析得出:在低速(60kmm/h)状态下,驾驶员普遍表现出稳态区间内的心生理压力上升,产生了不同程度的生理紧张情绪,且驾驶员的驾龄、驾驶经验、环境熟悉程度越高,其生理压力的差异性表现越小;在高速(80km/h)状态下,驾驶员在稳态区间内的心生理压力波动变化加剧,对自身生理变化的综合控制能力存在较为明显的个体差异:不同速度下,受驾驶员对自身生理变化的综合控制能力影响,驾驶员的生理适应性表现不同,驾驶员的驾龄、驾驶经验、环境熟悉程度等外在因素影响微弱。(3)在非充分照明环境下,通过对驾驶员眼动指标综合分析得出:在隧道出入口段,驾驶员对黑洞效应和白洞效应的生理适应性存在差异,入口暗适应时间短于出口明适应,速度越大,差异越小;眨眼时间在低速和高速状态下的趋势变化及结论基本一致,有80%的驾驶员表现为稳定区间内变化,说明了非充分照明环境下,眨眼时间对多数驾驶员的心生理变化表现不明显;在低速状态的瞳孔直径均值小于高速状态;低速(60km/h)行车条件下,扫视幅度多表现出间歇性的连续上升和下降变化,这种变化说明了驾驶员在隧道内行车时产生了一定的生理压力,且在面对压力的自我调节过程有明显的阶段性状态调整表现,结合HRV分析结果,得出阶段性状态调整与交感神经活性增强有关;高速(80km/h)行车条件下,驾驶员的扫视幅度的范围和幅度变化规律与瞳孔直径变化一致,阶段性状态调整表现变弱,迷走神经活性增强。因此,秦岭终南山隧道内的非充分照明环境在低速行车状态下对驾驶员的生理影响不大,而在高速行车状态下则产生了一定的影响,基于此,提出以下几点建议:(1)在非充分照明环境下,进一步加大出入口段的照明长度,缩小照明缓和的梯度差,确保驾驶员在进出隧道过程中有足够的生理适应时间;(2)在保证驾驶员具有充足生理适应时间的基础上,中间段照明可以维系目前的非充分照明条件。

【Abstract】 Our country is mountainous, and about75percent of the land is mountain region. Tunnel engineering is gained extensive attention in the process of road construction, because of short transit time, all-weather and little influence on ecological environment. What is more, highway tunnel has gradually become an integral and essential component of the highway construction in the mountains or heavy hill terrain environment.Highway tunnel is a special traffic structure, and form a relatively closed space environment because of limited space height, long depth and shorter width than conventional highway. In such a closed space, the lighting environment setting theoretically must conform to standardized requirements. If according to specification requirements completely, the enormous energy consumption of tunnel illumination brings great pressure to the tunnel operation management during the actual operation management, non-sufficient lighting below design lighting requirements is often used for cost savings and maintaining daily operations in the process daily route. The investigation shows that most of tunnel lighting is in the state of non-sufficient lighting because of the huge pressure. The non-sufficient lighting is the main reason that traffic accidents in the high grade highway mainly happened in the tunnel. Therefore, the research on the effect of non-sufficient lighting in the long tunnel on driver’s psychology and physiology, can clarity the necessary condition of tunnel traffic lighting environment. Thus it plays positive role in improving the driving safety, developing the validity of highway traffic man-machine environment system and reducing the operation management costs of tunnel lighting.In this paper, based on real-time dynamic lighting distribution experiment in the extra-long tunnel, the tunnel lighting environment condition is analyzed, and the basic characteristic of non-sufficient lighting in the extra-long tunnel is conformed. The effect of non-sufficient lighting on driver’s physiology is analyzed preliminarily based on real experiment. And electrocatdiogram (ECG) and eye movement index is confirmed based on the sensitivity analysis of the collected ECG and eye movement signal by the real experiment. The effect of non-sufficient lighting in the extra-long tunnel on driver’s physiological reaction is studied further using heart rate variability analysis method. Every tested driver is analyzed based on physiology, driver’s eye movement characteristic is discussed in the non-sufficient lighting environment of extra-long tunnel. The generality law that non-sufficient lighting effect on driver’s physiology is determined on the basis of the common changes and analysis of ECG and eye movement in the extra-long tunnel, and the specific ideas of luminous environment construction is put forward in the tunnel.The results show that there are some differences in effect of non-sufficient lighting in the extra-long tunnel on driver’s physiological reaction under different speed, which mainly manifested in the following aspects:(1) According to the measurement and analysis of tunnel lighting condition in Qinling Mountain Zhongnan tunnel, it is concluded that there are some differences between the actual lighting environment and the "norms" and the tunnel lighting design requirements of two direction of the tunnel. The lighting gap ratio of entrance section is1/7.425(bidirectional mean), the middle section is1/8.8(bidirectional mean), and the export section is1/4.205(bidirectional mean), and the tunnel’s characteristics of non-sufficient lighting environment are significant.(2) In the non-sufficient lighting environment, the comprehensive analysis of HRV index shows that in the low speed (60km/h) condition, most of the drivers’ psychological and physiological pressure rise in steady range, getting physiological tension in different degree. And the higher the driver’s driving age, driving experience, the degree of the familiarity of environment is, the smaller the difference of the performance of its physiological stress shows. In the high speed (80km/h) condition, the drivers’psychological and physiological pressure fluctuates dramatically in steady range. There are more obvious individual differences in comprehensive control abilities of themselves’physiological changes. In different speeds, physiological adaptability of drivers is different with the effect of the comprehensive control abilities of themselves number. The influence of external factors, such as driver’s driving age, driving experience and the familiarity with the environment, is weak.(3) In the non-sufficient lighting environment, the comprehensive analysis of driver’s eye movement shows that in the tunnel entrance and export section, there are the differences in the effects of black holes and white holes on driver’s physiological reaction. The dark adaptation time in the entrance is shorter than in the export, and the higher the speed, the smaller the difference. The change and conclusion of blink duration is no difference in low speed and high speed, and there are80percent of drivers characterized by stable range change, which shows that physiological change is not obvious on blink duration of most drivers in the non-sufficient lighting environment. In the low speed (60km/h) condition, pupil diameter is smaller than the one in the high speed (80km/h) condition. In the low speed (60km/h) condition, saccade amplitude shows continuous rising and falling change intermittent, and the changes explain that the driver produces physiological stress in tunnel, and self-regulating process has obvious intermittent state adjustment in the face of the pressure. HRV analysis results show that intermittent state adjustment is relate to the sympathetic nervous activity. In the high speed (80km/h) condition, the change and law of saccade amplitude is coincident with pupil diameter, and intermittent state adjustment shows weaken and the pneumogastric nerve activity is enhanced.Therefore, physiological effect of the non-sufficient lighting environment on driver is low by the low speed in Qin Ling Mountains Zhong Nanshan tunnel, but there is some effect by high speed. Above, the following suggestions are proposed:(1) In the non-sufficient lighting environment, lighting length in entrance section is lengthened further, moderate lighting gradient difference is reduced, and the sufficient physiological adaptation time is insured in tunnel.(2) Based on sufficient physiological adaptation time, the lighting in the middle section can keep the non-sufficient lighting condition at present.

  • 【分类号】U453.7;U491.25
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】168
  • 攻读期成果