

Researches of Theories in the "Pseudo-li ’s Commentary of Novels" Created by Ye Zhou Et Al

【作者】 何毅

【导师】 张恩普;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 明代之前,中国古代小说理论一直处于比较粗糙和原始的状态中,表现在:关于小说的论说只是零散地出现在一些序跋、书信、笔记中,而且深入探讨小说理论问题的文字极少,对小说的评说基本上停留在讨论某部小说是否符合历史真实、某部小说是否具有道德教化意义等。明代之后,中国古代小说理论才逐渐进入了“正式”的理论探讨阶段。中国古代小说理论之所以能在明代取得这样的进展,主要有两方面的因素。一方面,小说的创作进入了一个空前繁荣时期。在文言小说继续发展的同时,以宋元话本为渊源的白话小说大量涌现,并产生了如《三国演义》、《水浒传》、《西游记》这样优秀的长篇小说。另一方面,白话小说的崛起引起一些文人的关注,并开始对其进行鉴赏与批评。小说评点的出现与兴盛,是小说理论发展史上一个重要的里程碑。从此,小说理论才逐步细密、全面、丰富、系统化。后来一些最重要的小说理论论述就都是以评点的形式出现,尤其是“四大评点”(金圣叹、毛宗岗、张竹坡、脂砚斋),其理论价值更是历来为人们所公认。关于“四大评点”的研究已有相当多的成果。而在“四大评点”之前,叶昼等人伪托“李贽”之名对《水浒》、《三国》、《西游记》等小说所作的评点应视为这一文学批评形式的早期成果,其意义不容忽视。它们是中国历史上最早出现的、具备形式上与内容上真正完整特征的小说评点之作,对后世包括“四大评点”在内的诸多小说评点都产生了不容忽视的影响。这样一批在中国古代小说评点史上具有开创性意义的作品,自然具备值得深入研究的价值。然而以往学界对叶昼等人小说评点研究的还不是很充分,尤其是对其文学理论价值及在中国古代小说理论发展史上的地位认识不足。一个明显的证明就是关于这一批小说评点的研究总量偏少,且多集中在思想内涵等方面,间或有少数文章涉及个别理论话题。但讫今为止,还没有人将全部评点文字进行概括、总结并探求其内在的小说理论体系。这里存在着一个较大的空白,本论文试图在这一点上有所突破、有所开创。本论文便是以叶昼等人伪托李贽名义评点的数部小说评点本为研究对象,通过研读这些评点本(《李卓吾先生批评忠义水浒传》、《李贽评忠义水浒全传》、《李卓吾先生批评三国志》、《李卓吾先生批评西游记》)中的全部评点文字(包括卷首评、回评和夹评——这些形式也是叶昼等人首创),对评语内容进行全面考察,厘清其基本思想、核心价值,特别是文学理论方面的独到见解等,最终以之归纳概括成较为成型的小说理论系统,并对其在中国古代小说理论发展史上的重要意义做出公允的评价。

【Abstract】 Before the Ming Dynasty, the novel theory of ancient China has been in arough and primitive state, in: discourse about fiction only sporadically appeared ina number of prefaces and postscripts, letters, notes, and further explore noveltheoretical issues rarely text of the novel the comment is basically just discusswhether the unit of historical fiction is true, whether the unit of fiction significanceof moral education.After the Ming Dynasty, the novel theory of ancient China gradually into the"official" theory exploratory stage. Theory of Ancient China has been able toachieve such progress in the Ming Dynasty, there are two factors. On the one hand,the creation of the novel into an unprecedented period of prosperity. While classicalnovels continue to develop in order for the origins of the Song and Yuan Dynastiesvernacular fiction in large numbers, and produced such as "Three Kingdoms","Outlaws of the Marsh","Journey to the West" this excellent novel. On the otherhand, the rise of vernacular fiction writers of some concern, and began itsappreciation and criticism.Comment novel appearance and flourished in the history of the noveltheoretical development is an important milestone. Since then, the novel theory wasgradually fine, full, rich and systematic. Later, some of the most important novelsare in the form of theoretical discourse on the emergence of commentaries,especially the "four commentaries"(Jin Shengtan, Mao Zonggang, Zhang Zhupoand Zhi Yanzhai), its theoretical value is always accepted by the people.About "four commentaries " has been quite a bit of research results. Andbefore the "four commentaries ", Ye Zhou and some others’ comments of " Outlawsof the Marsh "," Three Kingdoms "," Journey to the West " and other tribesdisguised to be Li Zhi’s works made the novel results of this should be regarded asan early form of literary criticism, its significance can not be ignored. They firstappeared in Chinese history, with a truly complete the form and content of thenovel features as commentaries, the commentaries on many later novels include"four commentaries" were produced, including the impact can not be ignored. Sucha number of groundbreaking novels in the history of ancient Chinese commentariesworks naturally with the value worthy of further study.However, for the past academic novels Comment Ye Zhou et al study is not very good, especially the lack of understanding of the theoretical value of theposition in the history of literature and the development of Chinese ancient noveltheory to its. A clear proof is the total number of novels Comment on this study lessthan normal, and more focused on other aspects of the ideological content,sometimes there are a few articles related to the topic of individual theories.However, payment date, no one has to generalize the entire text commentaries,summarize and explore their inner novel theoretical system. Here there is a largegap, this paper attempts to achieve a breakthrough in this regard, has been created.This thesis is based Ye Zhou et al on behalf of several novel comments on thisas the research object disguised to be Li Zhi’s works, by reading, analyzing,sorting these Annotated (" Master Li Zhuowu’s criticism of loyalty Outlaws of theMarsh "," Li Zhi’s criticism of loyalty Outlaws of the Marsh "," Master LiZhuowu’s criticism of the Three Kingdoms "," Master Li Zhuowu’s criticism ofJourney to the West ") in all the commentaries of text (including frontispieceassessment, evaluation and back clip assessment-these forms also pioneered YeZhou et al), to conduct a comprehensive study review and clarify the basic idea,core values, especially the theory of literary insights, and ultimately to the inductivegeneralization into a relatively novel theory forming system, and make fairevaluation of its significance in the history of the development of China’s ancientnovel theory.
