

A Comparative Study on Small Female Intellectuals’ Female Characters in Britain, America and Australia

【作者】 马石子

【导师】 刘建军;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 文艺学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 西方文学中的小知女性是具有最广泛代表性的西方知识女性。所谓小知,是“小知识分子”的简称。而“小知女性”,主要指的是西方文学作品中出现的一些小知识分子女性形象。女性的崛起首先表现为小知女性的崛起,因此,研究小知女性形象就抓住了西方女性文学研究的牛鼻子。小知女性的涵义是指接受过一定的知识教育、自由的人格塑造、具有良好的道德修养的小知识分子女性。她们具备了知识分子的一般特征,但因其女性的独特身份而产生了特殊女性知识分子的主体意识。本文通过对英美澳三国女性文学作品中的小知女性形象的探析,梳理了19世纪以来西方文学作品中的小知女性形象。笔者通过深入探析19世纪以来三个国家的女性作家的经典作品中的小知女性形象,对她们的爱情婚姻理想进行了跨文化的比较研究,发现了三国小知女性的四个基本特征:一是小知女性都具有中层以上的社会地位,相当的经济条件,不从事体力劳动;二是小知女性都受过良好的家庭教,有一定的情趣,爱好雅致;三是小知女性具有独立自主的人格,自由的反叛精神和主观批判意识;四是小知女性的生活过于理想化,沉寂于幻想,过于追求理想婚姻。小知女性的形成原因首先是中世纪以后小知女性受教育机会的增多,其次是革命性的社会环境与女性地位的提升,最后是现代主义思潮和女性解放运动的影响。笔者从女性知识分子的身份出发,同时借助女性主义的相关理论以及现代性、后现代性文学理论、女性身体写作理论,采用文本细读和话语批评分析的研究方法,梳理出19世纪以后女性文学中小知识分子女性的形象特征、性格特点和异化原因。本文共分为六个章节。第一章是绪论部分,主要是概括了英、美、澳三国女性文学发展的基本概况,梳理了国内外相关领域的研究文献,并对本文的理论框架进行了构建,总结了的本文选题范围和创新之处。第二章是论文的理论创新部分,主要是论证了小知识分子女性的理论,确立了小知女性的涵义,重点探讨了小知女性的基本形象特征。第三章主要论述了英国小知女性的文学表现。第四章主要论述了美国小知女性的文学表现第五章主要论述了澳大利亚小知女性的文学表现。第六章重点探析了英、美、澳三国小知女性形象差异性的原因,主要是探析了英美澳小知女性实践差异性的地缘因素、宗教因素和社会文化因素。本文对于小知女性文学的话语特征、创造性、风格、体裁、主题、形象等问题进行了重新定义,并对西方小知女性特征形成的原因进行到了探讨和总结。本文的研究范围并不是单纯对19世纪以来女性作家作品简单的文本分析研究,而是把重点放在了她们在文本中的话语特征、她们所处时代和各自国家的地理环境、社会历史中的跨文化的比较研究。本文把研究英、美、澳三个国家的小知女性所关注的问题作为切入点探索了小知女性独立自主的经验,并挖掘和定义了小知女性自己的文学传统,即具有独立的批判性、自由的写作空间和独特地话语方式。笔者认为小知女性的文学传统是一脉相承并与时俱进地,它既是小知女性对文学理想的一种目的和追求,也同时是她们的一种生活态度和婚姻理想。

【Abstract】 The small female intellectual in Western literature is the most extensive Westernwomen. The so-called “small intellectual” is the phrase “small intellectualsHierarchy” for short. The“small female intellectual”mainly refers to the Femaleintellectual characters appeared in Western literary works. Rise of Women was fromthe beginning the rise of the small female intellectual, thus, to research the smallfemale intellectual characters can grab a pivotal of the study of Western WomenLiterature.The small female intellectuals are the women who had received some knowledgeof education, had shaping the personality of freedom, and had a good knowledge ofmorality. They have general characteristics of intellectuals; however, because of theirunique identity of women they had a special consciousness of female intellectuals.Through Analysis the literary image of small female intellectual in the Britain,America and Australia, this paper also combed the basic features of small femaleintellectual in the Western literature since19th century. The author also analyzes theideal love and marriage of small female intellectual in-depth through a comparativecross-cultural study of the three countries’ literature since19th century.The author with the identity of female intellectual as a starting, meanwhile withthe theory of feminism both in modernity and post-modern theory, women’s writingbody theory, close reading and critical discourse analysis methods to tease out thesmall female literature since the19th century, knowledge molecular characteristics ofthe female image, personality characteristics and causes of alienation. This paper isdivided into six chapters. Chapter I is the introduction, mainly summarizes the basicoverview of female literary developments in Britain, America and Australia, combingthe relevant literature in China and abroad, the theoretical framework of this paper hasalso been constructed, then summarizes the scope, the topic and innovation place ofthis paper. Chapter II is the theoretical innovation, mainly demonstrates moleculartheory of small female intellectual, the definition of small female intellectual whichfocusing on the basic image features. Chapter III discusses British small femaleintellectual’s literary expression. Chapter IV discusses American small femaleintellectual’s literary expression. Chapter V discusses Australian small femaleintellectual’s literary expression. Chapter VI mainly explores small female intellectual’s literary expression alienation reasons of the three countries, the reasonsincluding practical difference geopolitical factors, religious factors and socio-culturalfactors.The scope of this paper is no simply to the text analysis of the women writers’works since19th century, but rather to focus on a comparative study of thecharacteristics of their words in the text, a period in their life, their countriesgeography, and their respective social history cross-cultural. This paper studied theissues of concern to the small female intellectual in Britain, America and Australia asa starting point to explore the experience of female independence, mining and defineof women’s own literary tradition, including those who are looking for oblivion,forgotten female writers and their works. In this paper, small female intellectualliterature had been redefined in discourse, creativity, style, genre, theme, image andother issues, and the Cause of formation of Western small female intellectual had alsobeen discussed and summarized.
