

A Research on the Optimal Allocation of Competitive Sports Resources in China’s Universities

【作者】 张玉国

【导师】 姜立嘉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在中共十八届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》中明确指出:紧紧围绕使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用深化经济体制改革,推动经济更有效率、更加公平、更可持续发展。核心问题是处理好政府和市场的关系,使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用。随着我国市场经济体制的建立、竞技体育的强势发展、体育产业的不断拓展、学校体育的不断深入,我国高校竞技体育呈现出新的发展态势,促进高校竞技体育的发展已成为我国体育事业发展的重要战略之一。我国高校竞技体育赛事是否健康发展,其外部表现在是否能在世界大学生大赛上与国际学校体育强国相抗衡,在运动成绩能保持世界前列;内部表现则是能否遵循竞技体育人才和教育人才培养和发展规律,发挥优势,整合有效资源,促使我国高校竞技体育的有力迈进。如何充分发挥高校竞技体育赛事资源中各项资源的作用、如何处理高校竞技体育赛事中政府、中国大学生体育协会、市场和高校的关系,已经成为政府、中国大学生体育协会、市场、高校发展高校竞技体育的内在动力和价值追求。这就催生了一种新思维方式——资源优化配置理论,本论文将研究触角伸向高校竞技体育赛事资源之中,以资源配置理论、系统理论、科学发展观理论和管理学理论为基础,采用文献资料法、调查访问法、比较分析法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等方法,以“我国高校竞技体育赛事资源主客体系统和优化配置方式”为主要研究对象,研究我国高校竞技体育赛事资源存在的问题以及优化配置的对策建议,研究内容及结论主要包括:论文分为7章,每一章具体内容如下:第1章,为引言部分,简述了本论文研究的目的和意义、问题的提出、选题的背景、文献综述、研究方法以及论文结构安排等。第2章,对高校竞技体育赛事资源和优化配置的相关概念进行了界定,并阐述了本论文写作的理论基础——资源配置理论、系统理论、科学发展观理论和管理学理论等。第3章,阐述了我国高校竞技体育赛事产生的社会背景、演变的过程、高校竞技体育价值定位、赛事开展现状、高校竞技体育赛事资源系统属性进行简要概述,力图对高校竞技体育赛事现状宏观上总体把握。第4章,对高校竞技体育赛事资源的主体进行分析。第5章,我国高校竞技体育赛事资源客体分析。阐述了高校竞技体育赛事资源配置中客体资源现状以及优化配置。第6章,高校竞技体育赛事资源配置方式分析。本章重点对高校竞技体育赛事资源的计划配置和市场配置方式的优势和劣势进行分析,提出了优化高校竞技体育赛事配置方式的建议。第7章,提出我国高校竞技体育赛事资源优化配置建议。主要结论:一、我国高校竞技体育赛事资源配置系统包含资源配置的主体系统、资源配置的客体系统、资源配置方式和资源配置效益四个子系统。二、我国高校竞技体育赛事资源存在主体失衡、系统指令不能得到有效执行的现象,提出政府转变职能、完善宏观调控;完善大体协组织管理职能;提升高校在资源配置中的地位;突出市场在高校竞技体育赛事资源配置中的作用的对策。三、我国高校竞技体育赛事资源客体系统存在配比失衡现象,结合高校实际情况,提出完善制度资源;加强物力、财力资源的持续投入和人才资源的定期培训计划;加强赛事资源开发,完善竞赛时间和场次的对策。四、我国高校竞技体育赛事资源配置方式存在边界模糊和配置方式不规范的现象,提出市场化程度高的项目,以市场配置为主、政府为辅的配置方式;市场化程度低的项目,坚持由计划为主,市场为辅的配置方式。五、针对高校竞技体育赛事资源配置中的失衡现象,从影响高校竞技体育赛事资源的配置的两个方面,即有外生性变量和内生性变量、宏观和微观方面进行了市场化可行性分析,认为高校竞技体育赛事资源的优化配置是促进我国高校竞技体育健康发展的有效途径。

【Abstract】 As is pointed out in the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party ofChina on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reform adoptedin the Third Plenary Session of the18thCommittee of the Communist Party of China, wemust deepen economic system reform by focusing on the defining role of the market inallocating resources, stick to and improve the basic economic system, accelerate theimprovement of the modern market system, macro-control system and open economicsystem. We must promote economic development in a more efficient, equal and sustainablefashion. The underlying concern is to make a balance between the role of government andthat of the market, and give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocatingresources and let the government function well.With the establishment of China’s market economic system, the strong momentum ofcompetitive sports, the constant development of sports industry as well as the deepening ofschool sports education, new development situation of competitive sports has emerged inChina’s colleges and universities and to promote the development of competitive sports incolleges and universities has become one of the main strategies of China’s sports cause.The sound development of China’s sports cause lies in that exteriorly whether the athletescan compete with their counterparts from other sports power around the globe and take thelead in terms of their results in world sports events for university students, and in thatinteriorly whether they can follow the law for the training and development for sportsathletes, make full use of their advantages and integrate efficient resources to promote thedevelopment of China’s competitive sports in colleges and universities.It has become the internal motivation and pursuit of value for the government, schoolsand market in their efforts to advance competitive sports as to how to give full paly to allthe resources available in the competitive sports events, how to strike a balance betweenthe government, school and the market in the competition and how to do more things withless money. All of these factors give rise to a new way of thinking----the theory of optimalallocation. This dissertation is intended to reach out to the discussion of resources availablein competitive sports events in colleges and universities. Based on resources allocation,system theory, the outlook on scientific development and management theory and byutilizing such methods as documentary, investigation method, contrast-analysis,mathematical statistics and logical analysis and so on the dissertation will be focusing on “the optimal allocation of resources available in competitive sports events in Chinesecolleges and universities” and gain insight into the existing issues in the resources as wellas the strategies and suggestions for the optimal allocation of the resources. The contentsand the conclusions of the study are as follows:This dissertation is consisted of seven chapters. Chapter one is the introductionmainly dealing with the purpose and significance of this subject, the raising of thequestions, the background of choosing the subject, the literature review, study methods andthe structure of this dissertation. In chapter two, the related definitions of the resources forthe competitive sports events of Chinese colleges and universities and the optimalallocation are introduced to the readers and the theoretical foundation, namely, theresources allocation, system theory, the outlook on scientific development andmanagement theory are also discussed in this part. Chapter three will be on the briefintroduction to the social context, the evolvement and the value orientation of competitivesports in Chinese colleges and universities, the development of the sports events and thesystem property of the resources, which will present a general picture of the currentsituation of competitive sports events in Chinese colleges and universities. Chapter four,the analysis on the subject of the resources of competitive sports events of colleges anduniversities. Chapter five, the analysis on the object of the resources of competitive sportsevents of colleges and universities. It depicts the status quo and its optimal allocation of theresources for the competitive sports events in Chinese colleges and universities. Chaptersix is the analysis on the allocating method of the resources mainly focusing on theadvantages and disadvantages of planning and market allocation of the sports resources.Suggestions are given as well on the allocating methods of the resources. Chapter sevenputs forward many suggestions on the resources allocation.Main conclusions:1. The resources allocation of the competitive sports in China’s universities includesthe subjective and objective system, the modes and the profits of resources allocation.2. There exists imbalance of the main body and failure to carry out the systematicorders in the resources allocation. Thus, we should come up with corresponding strategiessuch as the transformation of government functions, the improvement of macro-control;the improvement of the organizational and management capabilities of the Federation ofUniversity Sports of China; to highlight the key role of universities in the resourcesallocation; to give full play of the role of the market in the resources allocation.3. There exists the allocating imbalance in the objective system of the resourcesallocation. We should proceed from the actual conditions of China’s universities to improve the system and resources, to strengthen the investment of relative facilities andfinance and the regular training for the personnel; to deepen the development, the time andthe sessions of the sports events.4. During the resources allocation process, we’re still faced with such issues as theblur boundary and the non-standard allocating mode. As a result, we should carry outprograms that are highly marketization and an allocating mode where the market leads theallocation while the government serves as the assistance. As for the low marketizationprograms, we should stick to the dominant role of the planned way of allocation while themarket acts as the assistance.5. In terms of the imbalance in the resources allocation, a feasibility analysis has beenconducted from two perspectives, the exogenous variables and endogenous source, macroand micro aspects. The resource optimal methods for the sports events are also given. It’sthought that the optimal allocation of the resources of competitive sports in China’suniversities is set to be the best means that can promote the sound development ofcompetitive sports in China’s universities.
