

The Formation of the Literature in Northern Dynasties and the Interaction of Literature between South and North

【作者】 于涌

【导师】 曹胜高;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 以往南北朝文学互动的研究,多关注南朝文学在北朝的流传,而对北朝文学之南传,关注不够。本文以北朝文学为立足点,以南北朝文学、文化交流互动为视角,从历史、社会、文化、制度等多角度、多层面入手,立体描述北朝文学区别于南朝文学风格特质的形成、发展、演化进程,以及在此过程中,北朝文学对南朝文学在文学创作、文学观念、文人心态上所产生的影响。通过研究,试图达到扩展北朝文学、文化研究;深化南朝文学研究;补充南北文学交融研究中某些缺失环节的目的。全文共分六章:第一章,南北分立与北朝文学的形成。永嘉南渡后,南北朝士人在社会环境、发展条件、士人心态等多方面存在的差别,是南北文学分化产生的基础。在此后的发展中,北朝文学经历了早期的困顿,到自觉继承汉魏风骨精神的过程,并逐渐形成了以“气质”为主要特质的文学风貌。而南朝文学在走向日益柔靡的同时,也自觉地寻求刚健气息。第二章,以北魏汉化及其与南朝正统之争为切入点,探讨其对北朝文学发展之影响。北魏早期汉化经历了被动汉化到主动汉化的曲折过程,在此过程中,北魏拓跋氏认识到政权的稳固需要得到汉族士人的支持,而汉族士人认识到,汉化并不是朝夕而至之事。因此,北朝文学在汉化的曲折徘徊中,缓慢发展。汉化之目的一在于得到辖内士人认可,一在于与南朝一争正统。以此看来,北魏孝文帝的汉化改革、礼制建设、以及对文学的推进,无不充斥与南朝一争正统的诉求。第三章,以聘使为中心,探讨聘使往来对南北文学交流的影响。在对聘使选拔、聘使具体职责等问题进行细致考论的基础上,以李彪使南为典型案例,探讨北朝出使南朝时,从上层到使者对南朝文化抱持的态度,以及南朝士人对北朝使者的评价等问题。南北朝交聘因历史条件不同,与先秦两汉的外交形态有明显差别,其对南北文学的交流,亦产生不容忽视的影响。第四章,以胡乐南传及其对南朝文学的影响为主要内容。作为胡乐代表,“羌胡伎”与鼓角横吹曲同属于横吹曲系统,其哀、响、俗的主要特征,深刻影响了南朝后期的文学风格。北朝民歌《敕勒歌》的南传,与六镇一带武人文化南下的历史背景有密切关系。南朝文学对北方“陇首”意象的接受与改造,可从侧面反映南朝文学对北方意象的态度,及其在文学中应用的方式。第五章,以北僧南下与南北文化交流为主要研究对象。对晋宋之际北僧南下之表现形态进行细致梳理,对其南下原因及文化意义进行探讨。北僧南下对南朝山水意识的演进关系密切,以会稽僧团、庐山僧团为代表的群体,对晋宋间山水诗的形成,有促进作用。北僧南下过程中,南北僧人之间的论难,不仅对南北宗教交流、文化交流意义重大,其论难思维方式,对南朝论难文之发展,亦有间接影响。第六章,以北朝文人及作品南传,以及南朝文人入北后的改造为中心,讨论文人流动所产生的南北文学碰撞及其文学意义。其中,温子升在孝庄朝诸多政治事件中“柔顺文明,志存讨贼”,具有光辉的政治人格,其作品南传至梁朝,受到梁武帝的高度评价,得力于陈庆之北伐时期将其作品引入南朝一事。北周李昶文学风格的几次转变,能够清晰地展现西魏北周文学的发展轨迹,其与南朝文宗徐陵的交往,能够从侧面反映南朝文学对待北朝文学的态度。颜之推进入北朝后,因为经济条件、政治环境、文学环境发生了巨大变化,其生活状况、为政态度、文学观念也发生了明显变化。与颜之推类似,入隋陈人因受到来自山东、关陇、南朝梁人集团的排挤,其文学多以奉和为主,间以表达仕宦不畅的苦闷。

【Abstract】 In previous studies on the Northern and Southern Dynasties literature interaction,the literature spread from the Southern Dynasties to the Northern Dynasties was paidmuch more attention than the southward spread of Northern Dynastyliterature.Focusing on the Northern Dynasty literature, from the perspective ofliterature interaction and cultural exchange between Northern Dynasties and SouthernDynasties, this paper makes a complete description of the formation, development andevolution of the Northern Dynasty literature’s style characteristic, which is quitedifferent from the Southern Dynasty literature, considering from many angles andmultiple layers such as history, society, culture and system, and also in this processthe effect of the Northern Dynasty literature on the literary creation, literary conceptsand scholars’ mentality of the Southern Dynasty literature.Three goals are supposed tobe achieved in this research: an extension of the study on Northern Dynasty literatureand culture, a deepening of the research of Southern Dynasty literature and asupplement to the study on the integration of the Northern and Southern Dynastiesliterature.The full text is divided into six chapters:The first chapter is written about the Northern and Southern Dynasties divisionand the formation of the Northern Dynasties literature.After the mass migration to thesouth, which is associated with Yongjia rebellion, there exist some differences ofmany aspects such as the social environment, development conditions and thementality of intellectuals between Northern Dynasty and South Dynasty, whichprovides a foundation for the differentiation of Northern and Southern Dynastiesliterature.Having experienced the perplexity in the early period, the Northern Dynastyliterature consciously inherits strength of character in Han and Wei Dynasty andgradually forms a main kind of literary stylistic feature that is “qizhi”.The literarystyle characteristic of the Southern Dynasty becomes softer and softer, of whichvigorous style feature also develops consciously at the same time.The second chapter considers the reform of North Wei and the orthodox battlewith Southern Dynasty as the starting point, and studies the influence it has on thedevelopment of the Northern Dynasty literature.The early North Wei accepts Hancivilization from passively to actively, in whose process the Northern Wei Tuoba realizes that political stability needs support from Han scholars while the Han scholarsrecognize that the reform can’t be accomplished overnight. Therefore, the NorthernDynasty literature develops slowly with the tortuous process of the reform of NorthWei.One purpose of the Northern Wei reform is to be recognized by scholars fromruled region while the other is to struggle for the orthodox with the SouthernDynasty.In this sense, Northern Wei’s appeal for orthodox seems extremely strong asthe Northern Wei Emperor Xiaowen makes endeavor on reform, system constructionand the development of literature.Concentrating on envoys, the third chapter investigates the influence of envoys’activity on the literary communication between Northern and SouthernDynasties.Based on the concrete investigation on the selection of envoys and theirspecific responsibilities, taking it as a typical case that Li Biao was sent on a missionto the Southern Dynasties by the authorities, these issues are discussed that are theattitudes towards South Dynasty culture from the upper to the envoys and theevaluation of the South Dynasty scholars on the envoys from the North Dynasty.Dueto different historical background and significant differences with the diplomacy ofpre-Qin period and Han Dynasties, the effect, which the Northern and SouthernDynasties diplomatic activities make on the communication of the literature betweenthe Northern and Southern Dynasties, can’t be ignored.The fourth chapter mainly covers the southward spread of minority music and itsinfluence on the Southern Dynasty literature. As a representative of minority music,the main characteristics of “Qiang Hu Ji” that are sad, loud, vulgar have a profoundinfluence on the literature in the Southern Dynasty, which belongs to “Heng Chui Qu”system the same as “Gu Jiao Heng Chui Qu”.The southward spread of “Chi Le Ge”,which is a folk song of the Northern Dynasty, is closely associated with thebackground, in which the army-man culture of six town area spreads to the south.TheSouthern Dynasty literature accepts and reforms the “Long Shou” image, which canreflect the attitude of the Southern Dynasty literary scholars towards the NorthernLiterary images from the side, and the application in literature.The subjects of the fifth chapter are the Buddhist moving from the North to theSouth and the north-south culture interaction, mainly studying on the form of thebehavior that Buddhist moves southward in the period between Jin and SongDynasties and commenting on the reason and the meaning.The Buddhist, especiallyrepresented by Buddhist groups of “KuaiJi” and “LuShan”, move to the South, whichhas such a close connection with the landscape images of the South Dynasty and plays a significant role in the development of poetry of landscape between Jin and SongDynasties. Besides, while the North Buddhist moves to the South, the debate betweenBuddhist from North and South is not only vital to the communication of religion andculture between the North and South, but also has an indirect meaning to theformation and development of the type of the articles related to the debate.The sixth chapter focuses on the issues that the literati and literary works of theNorth Dynasty spread southward and the reform after the literati of the South move tothe North, and also have a discussion on the meaningfulness of the communicationbetween the Northern and Southern Dynasties literature in a literary sense.Amongliterati, WenZisheng shows glorious political personality in plenty of the politicalevents happened in XiaoZhuang Dynasty, whose works spread to the south and arehighly praised by Emperor LiangWu due to the period of ChenQingzhi’s northernexpedition when the works of WenZisheng are brought to the South.LiChang fromNorth Zhou has experienced several changes on his personal literary style, which canclearly show the development track from West Wei to North Zhou, and hiscommunication with XuLing, who is the master of literature in Southern Dynasty, canalso reflect the attitude of the Southern Dynasty literature to the Northern Dynastyliterature.After YanZhitui moved to the North, as the great changes happened on theeconomic condition, the political and literature environment, his attitude towards life,politics and literature has obviously converted.Similar to YanZhitui, the literati of SuiDynasty, who are from Chen Dynasty, are pushed aside by the groups of literati fromShandong, Guanlong and the Liang Dynasty. Thus, most of their literary works areabout flattery, and sometimes they also express their dejected feeling in the works.
