

The Theoretical Studies of China’s Regional Cooperation since the Reform and Opening up

【作者】 王在亮

【导师】 高英彤;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,中国依托大缓和、大发展的国际政治经济环境,逐渐取得了自身综合国力的持续性快速提升。在这种发展进程中,区域合作发挥了不可替代的重要作用。不过,需要强调的是,国内外学者对改革开放以来中国区域合作缺少一个完整的、系统的理论研究。面对这种研究弱点,本文期望在对区域合作一般理论进行抽象总结的基础上,对改革开放以来中国区域合作的理论渊源、西方理论借鉴以及理论演进过程进行了深入分析和论证,在坚持马克思主义基本立场的基础上,充分运用历史分析法、比较分析法以及案例分析法等多种研究方法,对面向未来的中国区域合作理论进行了富有前瞻性的思考,主要是对中国区域合作的指导思想、基本原则、目标体系设定以及手段选择等四个方面进行了全面、深刻剖析,希望能够对未来一段时间内的中国区域合作理论和实践发展有所帮助。本文围绕着引言和五章正文展开分析:引言,是论文的导入部分,主要阐述研究问题的提出、理论和现实意义、国内外研究现状、研究思路、研究框架、研究方法以及创新之处等多方面,对论文整体进行一个总体概述。第一章,着重对区域合作的一般理论进行分析,主要对区域合作的理论起点、衍生概念、影响要素以及主要内容等四个方面进行系统分析。其中,区域合作的理论起点是区域、合作以及区域合作,区域合作的衍生概念包括区域化、区域性、区域主义、区域间主义,区域合作的影响要素主要包括全球化、国际体系、国内政治、文化因素、国家利益、重大事件以及生产力发展水平,区域合作的基本内容主要分为区域经济合作、区域政治合作、区域安全合作以及区域文化合作。第二章,主要从马克思主义基本理论角度,对改革开放以来中国区域合作的理论渊源进行分析,主要对马克思的世界交往理论、列宁的世界历史理论以及以毛泽东为核心的第一代中央领导集体关于区域合作的主要观点进行系统梳理,并总结出它们对改革开放以来中国区域合作的基本启示。第三章,对西方国际社会上那些相对成熟的、具有很强认可度和现实执行力的区域合作理论进行系统总结,并对那些能够对中国区域合作理论产生借鉴意义的一些理论进行归纳,主要包括欧洲视角下的区域合作理论和美国视角下的区域合作理论两个部分。第四章,从历史角度对改革开放以来的中国区域合作的理论演进过程进行梳理。以邓小平为核心的第二代中央领导集体有关区域合作理论的主要观点为改革开放30多年来的中国区域合作总体理论与实践提供了理论指导,而以江泽民为核心的第三代中央领导集体是对以邓小平为核心的第二代中央领导集体有关区域合作理论的丰富和发展,以胡锦涛为总书记的中央领导集体的区域合作理论则是对前二者的进一步完善,三者之间环环相扣,构成一个相对完整的、全面的中国区域合作理论体系。第五章,运用马克思主义观点、立场和方法,对面向未来的中国区域合作理论体系进行前瞻性思考,主要包括中国区域合作的指导思想、基本原则、目标设定以及手段选择四个方面,希望建构一个符合中国自身发展实际的、能够指导中国未来区域合作实践的区域合作理论体系。

【Abstract】 Relying on international political and economic environment of the great moderation andgreat development,China sustainly and rapidly achieved comprehensive national strengthsince the reform and opening up. In this development process,regional cooperation hasplayed an irreplaceable role. However,Scholars at home and abroad are not pay moreattention to regional cooperation of China,especially lack of “metaphysical”theoricalspeculative of regional cooperation theory of China since the reform and opening.Face withweakness of this study,this paper first summary general theory of regional cooperation,onthe basis of this, this paper then in-depth analysis the theoretical origins,theoretical reference,theoretical evolution of China’s regional cooperation since the reformand opening up. Adhering to the basic position of Marxism,this paper take full useof research methods of historical-analysis, comparative-analysis and case-analysis, thenconduct a forward-looking thinking to regional cooperation theory of China for the future,including guiding ideology,basic principles,goal-setting and means selection.This paper focuses on the introduction and five chapters to analyze:Introduction,is the introductory part of this paper,mainly on research questionsproposed,theoretical and practical significance,research status,research ideas,researchframework,research methods,and innovations,for a general overview of the whole thesis.The first chapter,focuses on the general theory of regional cooperation,includingstarting point,derivative concepts,influential elements and main content. Among them,Thestarting point is region,cooperation and regional cooperation;the derivative concepts includeregionalize,regionness,regionalism,inter-regionalism;the influential elements includeglobalization,the international system,domestic politics,cultural factors,national interest,major events and development of productive forces;the basic content include regionaleconomical cooperation,regional political cooperation,regional security cooperation andregional cultural cooperation.The second chapter,mainly from the perspective of basic theory of Marxism,analyze thetheoretical origins of China’s regional cooperation since reform and opening up,includingworld communication theory of Marx,world history theory of Lenin and the main point ofregional cooperation of the first generation of central collective leadership with the core ofMao Zedong. In this basis, this chapter summarize up their basic implications forChina’regional cooperation since the reform and opening up.The third chapter,have a selective summary of regional cooperation theory withthe characteristic of relatively mature and strong acceptability from Western internationalcommunity. Some of those have reference significance to China’s regional cooperation theory,including regional cooperation theory from European perspective and regionalcooperation theory from American perspective.The fourth chapter, sort out historically the theoretical evolution process ofChina’regional cooperation since the reform and opening. The main point of regionalcooperation of the second generation of central collective leadership with the core of DengXiaoping provide theoretical guidance to the overall theory and practice of China’regionalcooperation since the reform and opening. The main point of regional cooperation of the thirdgeneration of central collective leadership with the core of Jiang Zemin enrich and developthe main point of regional cooperation of the second generation of central collectiveleadership with the core of Deng Xiaoping. The main point of regional cooperation of thegeneral secretary of the central collective leadership with Comrade Hu Jintao further improveChina’regional cooperation theory. The three are interlocking,and form a relatively completeand comprehensive China’regional cooperation theory.The fifth chapter,take full use of scientific views,positions and methods of Marxism,through active construction of theoretical consciousness and concrete implementation of thetop-level design.In this basis,we will conduct a forward-looking thinking to regionalcooperation theory of China for the future,including guiding ideology,basic principles,goal-setting and means selection,and so on. Finally,we hope construct a theoretical system ofregional cooperation,which could consistent with China’s actual development and guide thepractice of China’s regional cooperation in the future.
