

Comparative Study on Bidding System of Domestic and Abroad

【作者】 郭培勋

【导师】 李秀敏;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界经济, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 招标投标活动是市场经济体制下合理配置资源的一种方式。这种方式不仅有利于保护国家、集体和社会公共利益,维护招标投标当事人的合法权益,而且有利于充分调动社会资源,提高经济效益。但是,为了确保能够达到上述目标,招标投标活动需要遵守一定的规则,即招标投标制度。世界许多国家和地区通过出台招标投标专项法律并成立专门机构来规范工程项目建设的招标投标行为。中国招标投标实践起步较晚,2000年《中华人民共和国招标投标法》顺利通过并依法实施,这标志着中国招标投标行为进入法制化轨道。但是,不同国家和地区的招标投标制度在业务内容、行为准则及法律规范等方面存在较大差异,不利于招标投标业务的国际化发展。因此,招标投标法律制度的国内外比较研究不仅是当今时代发展对招标投标制度建设提出的任务,也是招标投标业务国际化发展的需要。本文对比了国内外招标投标法律制度,总结了我国的不足之处和国外值得借鉴之处,并在此基础上提出完善我国招标投标制度的对策。第一章阐述本论文的研究背景及意义,梳理与本研究有关的国内外文献,把握招投标理论演进、招投标法律制度以及该领域的研究进展,在充分把握该领域最新研究方向及不足之处的基础上,确定本文的研究方向并构建本论文的架构第二章主要分析招标投标的基本理论。首先对招标投标的概念进行了界定,分析了招投标与拍卖的关系,主要是在理清二者差异的基础上进一步明晰招标投标的概念;然后介绍了招投标的适用范围及适用条件;最后阐述了招投标制度设计的相关理论,包括博弈论交易成本理论和委托代理理论。第三章主要介绍了中国的招标投标制度。首先回顾了中国招标投标制度从初步建立到不断完善的演进历程;然后概述了中国招标投标制度的基本框架,介绍了《招标投标法》与《政府采购法》,并主要总结了二者的区别与联系;该章最后说明了中国招标投标制度在实践中的作用。第四章对中国与国际组织的招投标制度进行了比较。该部分详细阐述了联合国、WTO和世界银行的招标投标制度的主要内容和特点,在此基础上,着重分析中国与这三个国际组织在招标投标制度上的相同和不同之处。第五章对中国与发达国家的招投标制度进行比较。该部分首先分析美国、欧盟和日本的招标投标制度,具体包括:美国采购管理的基本制度、相关机构、主要法规状况、公共职责等;欧盟采购指令的形成过程、性质和目的,欧盟采购指令中供应、工程和服务的操作规范,公共事业指令的纠偏机制;日本工程建设招标投标制度的立法情况、政府监督管理机制、半官方机构协助管理机制、评价企业的标准和指明原则。在此基础上,侧重分析中国的招标投标制度与这三个发达国家的差异。第六章对国内外招标投标制度进行综合比较。主要比较了国内外招标投标制度的建构内容、法定程序、应用实践基础以及法律规范等。这些比较有助于深入了解招投标制度的内涵、意义和作用。再结合中国与国际组织招标投标制度的对比分析,以及中国与发达国家招投标制度的对比分析,指出我国招投标制度存在的问题以及国外招标投标制度的设计对我国的启示。第七章在前文的基础上提出完善我国招投标制度的对策。完善并协调已有法律规范,实施招标人终身负责制和竞标者信用制,推行无标底招标制度和网上招投标,完善招投标行业自律机制,发挥政府的监督和管理职能。文章最后归纳总结了不足之处,也指出了进一步需要完善的内容.

【Abstract】 Bidding activity is a way to make rational allocation of resources under the market economy system. This approach not only helps protect the state, collective and public interests, protects the legitimate rights and interests of the parties bidding but also a good way to fully mobilize social resources and improve economic efficiency. However in order to reach the objectives, the bidding activities should comply with bidding regulations.Many countries and regions have introduced special laws and set specialized agencies to regulate the bidding activities in construction projects. However large differences exist in contents, conduct codes and legal norms of the bidding regulations, which is not good for the development of international bidding business. As a result, the comparative study of domestic and international bidding law system is not only to finish the task of developing the modern era of the construction bidding system, but also to meet the requirements of international bidding business development.The paper compares the bidding law system of home and abroad and summarizes the shortcomings. It also advances the suggestions to perfect our country’s bidding system. The paper will be divided into the following parts:The first chapter illustrates the research background and significance, combs the home and abroad literatures relevant to this research and introduces the evolution of the legal system, bidding theory and research progress in the field. In the full understanding of the latest research and basic inadequacies on the field, we set the research direction and build the basic framework.The second chapter is the basic theory of bidding. Firstly, this chapter defines the concept of bidding, analyzes the relationship between bidding and auction and clarifies the differences between the two for a further understanding of the concept of bidding. Then it describes the scope and application conditions for bidding. Finally this chapter illustrates the theory of bidding system, including game theory, transaction cost theory and agency theory. The third chapter presents the bidding system in China. This chapter reviews the process from initiation to continuously improvement of bidding system. Then it illustrates the basic framework of China’s bidding system and introduces the "Tendering and Bidding Law" and "Government Procurement Law" and summarizes the linkage and difference between the two laws. The last part of this chapter describes the role of China bidding system in practice.Chapter four compares the bidding system between China and international organizations. This chapter elaborates the main content and features of the UN, WTO and the World Bank bidding system. On that basis, the analysis focuses on the similarities and differences in bidding system between China and the three international organizations.The fifth chapter compares the bidding system between China and developed countries. This chapter firstly analyzes bidding system in the U.S, EU and Japan, including American basic procurement management system, relevant agencies, major regulatory conditions, public responsibilities. The paper introduces the formation process nature and purpose of the EU procurement directives, supply, work and service in standard operating and the corrective mechanism in public utilities directive mechanism. Also this paper points out the legislative situation in Japan construction bidding system, government supervision and management mechanism, the semi-official agencies to assist management mechanisms, criteria for evaluating companies and specified principle. On this basis, this paper focuses on analysis differences between China’s bidding system and the system of these three countries.Chapter six makes a comprehensive comparison of domestic and international bidding system. It makes a comparison of the main contents construction, the application of legal norms and practical basis of bidding system. This paper makes a contrast analysis between China and international’organizations bidding system, Chinese and foreign bidding system, finally this paper points out the main problems and the enlightenment to China.On the basis of former analysis, chapter seven advances the policy suggestions to perfect the bidding system of our country. The suggestions are:improve and coordinate existing laws and regulations, implement the tender and bidder lifelong responsibility and credit system, promote the implementation of the lowest online bidding system, improve industry self-regulation mechanism and make the government play a supervisory and management function.The final part makes conclusion and summarizes the shortcomings of the paper. It also points out the main problems that should be further studied.
