

Empirical Study on Learning Strategies Instruction to College English Poor Learners

【作者】 齐聪

【导师】 陈旭远;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪70年代初,外语教学法研究停滞不前以及认知心理学的迅速发展,促使外语教学研究的重点从研究教师如何“教”转向研究学生如何“学”。在此背景下,外语学习策略研究赫然登上了外语教学研究的历史舞台,一场世界范围内的外语学习策略研究从此拉开了帷幕。1984年,我国学者黄小华在香港中文大学完成了以‘Aninvestigation of learning strategies in oral communication that Chinese EFLlearners in China employ’为题的硕士论文,标志着中国的英语学习策略研究由此开始。三十年来,英语学习策略研究一直是我国教育领域长盛不衰的热门研究课题,学者们三十载的辛勤耕耘收获了丰硕的果实。然而在众多成果中,大学英语不善学者学习策略的相关研究却鲜见,以大学英语不善学者为研究对象的策略培训研究中,更有诸多问题亟待探讨并妥善解决。为此,本文以“大学英语不善学者学习策略培训的实证研究”为题,以建构主义、人本主义以及信息加工等相关理论为本研究的理论基石,采用实验研究的方法,并用文献研究、调查研究、访谈研究以及课堂观察等多种研究方法,对89名大学英语不善学者实施了为期一年的学习策略培训的实验研究。本研究旨在考查大学英语不善学者学习策略培训研究的必要性、可行性以及策略培训成效的基础上,为解决大学英语不善学者的英语学习问题找寻一条有效的途径,提供一个可行的方案,并以此对我国的大学英语教学改革,从理论与实践两个层面做出有益的探索。本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,不仅建构了共由八个步骤组成的大学英语不善学者学习策略培训模式,从而为策略培训的开展提供了清晰的实施框架,而且还勾勒出了一条以“课内与课外培训相结合、显性与隐性培训相结合、群体与个体培训相结合”为主要特征的策略培训实施路径,并通过研究者指导下的由实验教师负责策略培训的实验研究,对上述所建构的策略培训模式与实施路径的科学性及可行性进行了检验。研究中以历时与共时两个时间视角为切入点,在横向与纵向两个层面上,对本次策略培训研究的成效进行了定量与定性分析,最终形成了以下九个研究结论:一、大学英语不善学者策略使用水平一般但策略使用范围较广;二、大学英语善学者与不善学者的策略使用水平呈显著性差异;三、策略培训有效提高了被试的策略使用水平及英语学习水平;四、专题讲座与主题活动式的英语学习策略培训实效性非常高;五、小组互助与网络辅助式的英语学习策略培训几乎没有成效;六、基于大学英语课堂教学内容的学习策略培训成效非常显著;七、基于策略解释及策略推荐式的英语学习策略培训切实可行;八、认知策略是影响大学英语不善学者学习水平的最重要因素;九、教师是影响学生策略意识形成与策略使用水平的重要因素。最后,本文建议我国的大学英语课堂教学应积极探索基于策略培训的教学模式,紧紧抓住新生入学时这一关键期,使策略培训工作抓牢、落实,而条件成熟的高校则可尝试着建构一个基于网络平台的、新型的策略培训模式。此外,鉴于教师对学生策略意识形成及策略使用水平的重要影响,本文强烈建议将英语学习策略知识纳入到我国英语教师职前培养与职后教育的课程体系,着力培养一支策略专家型的师资队伍。同时,我们呼吁今后能有更多的专家和学者,对英语不善学者学习策略的研究给予足够的关注,并在实践层面上即刻付诸卓有成效的研究。

【Abstract】 At the beginning of1970s, a standstill of foreign language teaching methodologyresearch and the rapid development of cognitive psychology promoted the focus of foreignlanguage teaching research turned from the study about how teachers “teach” to the studyabout how students “learn”. Under this background, the study of foreign language learningstrategies boarded the historical stage of foreign language teaching research impressively, andfrom then on, a world-wide study of foreign language learning strategies was held. In1984, athesis named “An investigation of learning strategies in oral communication that Chinese EFLlearners in China employ” was finished by Chinese scholar Huang Xiaohua in The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, it marked the study of English learning strategies started in China.For three decades, the study of English learning strategies has always been a popular researchsubject in the educational field in China, and scholars have got fruitful achievements with30years’ hard work. In numerous achievements, however, the revelant learning strategiesresearch achievement which related to college English poor learners are rare, and manyproblems need to be discussed and settled in the field of English learning strategies instructionto college English poor learners. So, with a title of “Empirical Study on Learning StrategiesInstruction to College English Poor Learners”, the dissertation took constructivism theory,humanistic theory and information processing theory as the theoretical foundation, using theexperimental methodology, literature research method, survey research method, interviewresearch method, classroom observation research method and other research methods, carriedout a one-year experimental study of learning strategies instruction to89college English poorlearners. On the basis of examining the necessity, feasibility and effectiveness of Englishlearning strategies instruction to college English poor learners, the dissertation aims to find aneffective way, provide a feasible program to solve the problem of English learning for collegeEnglish poor learners, and from the aspects of theory and practice to make a beneficialexploration to the reform of college English teaching in China.On the basis of drawing lessons from predecessors’ research achievements, thisdissertation not only constructed a model of English learning strategies instruction whichconsisted of eight steps, providing a clear implementation framework to strategies instruction,but also outlined an implementation path of strategies instruction, which takes thecombination of “in-class and after-class instruction, explicitly and implicitly instruction,group and individual instruction, seminar and classroom teaching instruction, groupcooperation and network assistant instruction” as main characteristics. The scientificity andfeasibility of strategies instruction model and implementation path was tested in an experimental study. On the horizontal and vertical two levels, the dissertation took the timeperspective of synchronic research and diachronic research as a breakthrough point, giving aquantitative and qualitative analysis to the effectiveness of learning strategies instruction,finally formed following nine research conclusions:1. College English poor learners’ using level of English learning strategies is general, butthey use all kinds of strategies widely.2. College English poor learners’ using level of English learning strategies issignificantly different from good learners’.3. English learning strategies instruction improved poor learners’ strategies using leveland English learning achievement effectively.4. English learning strategies instruction with topic lectures and theme activities hasgreat effectiveness.5. English learning strategies instruction with group cooperation and network has noeffectiveness.6. English learning strategies instruction based on college English classroom teachinghas significant effectiveness.7. English learning strategies instruction based on explanation or recommending oflearning strategies is feasible.8. Cognitive strategy is the one that has got the most explanatory power to English poorlearners’ English achievement variation.9. Teachers are the important factors that affect poor learners’ using level of Englishlearning strategies.Finally, the dissertation suggested college English teaching in China should actively havean exploration to the new English teaching model which based on strategies instruction, andhold the critical period firmly, when new students enrolled in college. And for someuniversities which have the abilities can have a try to construct a model of English learningstrategies instruction based on network platform. In addition, in view of teachers’ importantinfluence on students’ strategies consciousness and strategies using level, the dissertationstrongly recommended to get the English learning strategies knowledge into the curriculumsystem of English teachers’ pre-service instruction and post-career education, constructing ateaching staff who are all experts in English learning strategies. Finally, we hope more andmore experts and scholars can pay more attention to the English learning strategies study forpoor learners, and immediately act on a practical level.
