

The Spatio-temporal Evolution of the Geopolitical Relations in the Ryukyu Islands and the Regional Influence

【作者】 刘绍峰

【导师】 袁家冬;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 城市与区域规划, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 琉球群岛与我国有着特殊的地缘关系。历史上,明、清王朝与琉球群岛上存在的琉球王国之间建立的宗藩关系持续了五百多年。近代,琉球群岛被日本强行吞并。二战结束后,琉球群岛被置于联合国的托管制度下,由美国实行军事占领。冷战时期,美国将琉球群岛“归还”给日本。琉球群岛具有重要地缘战略意义。历史上,琉球群岛的“分岛改约”涉及到我国的切身利益,今天,琉球群岛不但是围堵中国的“第一岛链”的重要组成部分,更是日本在钓鱼岛和东海制造争端的地理依据。近年来,有中国学者提出了琉球问题再议的主张。因此,加强以区域研究为特色的地理学关于琉球群岛的基础研究符合我国的国家利益,正确认识琉球群岛地缘战略意义的重要性,对于我国国民经济和社会发展过程中必然面对的开发利用海洋资源,维护钓鱼岛主权和东海海洋权益具有重要的理论和现实意义。本论文以琉球群岛为研究对象,从琉球群岛自然地理环境、地域构成及空间特征、历史与地域文化的传承及其演变过程的分析入手,科学划定琉球群岛的地理单元;解释琉球群岛地理单元的特殊性及其与中国大陆和日本列岛的相似性与差异性问题;通过各重要时期琉球群岛地缘关系要素相互作用的研究,揭示琉球群岛地缘关系格局的时空演变的特征与机理。在此基础上,对与琉球群岛地缘关系密切相关的琉球群岛的法律地位问题、我国钓鱼岛主权、东海大陆架划界和油气田开发等涉及我国领土主权和海洋权益问题进行深入探讨。本论文的主要研究内容如下:第一章主要对论文选题的背景、研究意义、国内外研究现状进行论述与评价。通过对国内外研究进展的总结,确定本论文研究的目标、研究内容、研究方法、拟解决的关键科学问题等,建立本论文研究的框架。第二章主要对本论文涉及到的地缘关系相关理论和基本概念进行梳理和总结。为本论文研究进行必要的理论准备。第三章主要研究琉球群岛的地理环境与空间特征。其中包括:琉球群岛自然地理环境分析与自然条件评价;琉球群岛的行政区划、产业类型与产业结构、人口构成与迁移、城市化进程;琉球群岛地域构成的历史地理学考证;琉球群岛相关称谓的地理意义与政治属性辨析;琉球群岛人类起源的研究综述;琉球群岛诸方言的分类与分布等。第四章主要研究琉球群岛地缘关系时空演变的过程。其中包括:琉球王国的形成与中琉宗藩关系的建立;近代日本对琉球群岛的强行吞并;二战结束后美国对琉球群岛的军事占领以及琉球群岛“归还”日本的历史过程和地缘关系背景。第五章主要研究琉球群岛地缘关系要素的影响机理和区域影响。其中包括:琉球群岛地缘关系要素的构成与影响机理分析;琉球群岛地缘关系格局变化与琉球群岛未来法律地位问题研究;琉球群岛地缘关系格局变化与我国钓鱼岛主权问题研究;琉球群岛地缘关系格局变化与我国东海海洋权益问题研究等。第六章对论文研究的主要结论、研究启示进行归纳总结,并对琉球群岛地缘关系研究的前景进行展望。

【Abstract】 The Ryukyu Islands have special geopolitical relations with China. Ming Dynasty andQing Dynasty established vassal relations lasted for500years with the Ryukyu Kingdomexisted on the Ryukyu Islands in history. The Ryukyu Islands were annexed forcibly by Japanin modern times. The Ryukyu Islands were occupied by the US military under the trusteeshipsystem of United Nations after World War II and were “escheated” to Japan by US during theCold War. The Ryukyu Islands have important geostrategic significance. The so-called“convention of island-division” of Ryukyu Islands in history is closely related to the interestsof China. The Ryukyu Islands are not only an important part of the so-called “the first islandchain” aimed to restrain China, but also the geographical foundation of Japan to make issuesof the Diaoyu Islands and issues in East China Sea. Chinese scholars proposed claim ofreconsideration to the Ryukyu Islands problems in recent years. Strengthen basic research ofthe Ryukyu Islands from the geography which characterized with regional research is in linewith Chinese national interest. The accurate comprehend importance of strategic significanceto the Ryukyu Islands have important theoretical and practical significance for theexploitation of marine resources confronted inevitably in the economic and socialdevelopment process and the preservation of the marine interests to the Diaoyu Islands andEast China Sea to our country.The article delimits geographical units of Ryukyu Islands scientifically to the RyukyuIslands form natural geographical environment, geographic composition, spatialcharacteristics, the heritage and evolution of history and regional cultural of the RyukyuIslands. The article explains the specificity of geographical units, the similarity and differenceof China Mainland and Japanese Archipelago, reveals characteristics and mechanism ofgeographical relationship of the Ryukyu Islands by the interaction research of thegeographical relationship elements of major periods. On this basis, the article discussesquestions of territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests to the legal status andattribution closely related to geopolitical relations of the Ryukyu Islands, the sovereignty ofthe Diaoyu Islands of China, the delimitation of the East China Sea and the oil and gasdevelopment to China.The main contents of this thesis are as follows:The first chapter discusses and evaluates the background of the choosed topic,thesignificance of the research and the current research situation at home and abroad to the thesis.Through summarizing the research progress of the thesis at home and abroad,this part determines the objectives of the study,the contents of the study,the methods of the study andthe key scientific problems to be solved and establishes a framework for this thesis research.The second chapter systematical reviews and summarizes the related theory ofgeopolitical relations and the basic concepts in this pater involved and makes the necessarytheoretical preparations for the research of this thesisThe third chapter mainly studies the geographical environments and spatialcharacteristics of the Ryukyu Islands including the analysis of natural geographicalenvironment and the evaluation of natural conditions of the Ryukyu Islands,the administrativedivisions, industry type and the industrial structure, population structure and migration, theurbanization process of the Ryukyu Islands,the historical geography research of geographiccomposition of the Ryukyu Islands,the discrimination of geographic significance and politicalattributes related appellation of the Ryukyu Islands,the research overview of human origins ofthe Ryukyu Islands and the classification and distribution of dialect of the Ryukyu IslandsThe fourth chapter mainly studies the Spatio-temporal evolution process geopoliticalrelations of the Ryukyu Islands including the formation of the Ryukyu Kingdom and establishvassal relations between China and the Ryukyu Kingdom,the Japan’s forcible annexation ofthe Ryukyu Islands in modern times,the American’s military occupation of the RyukyuIslands after World War II and the historical process of the Ryukyu Islands "return" to Japanand the background of geopolitical relations of the Ryukyu Islands.The fifth chapter mainly studies the influence mechanism of the geopolitical factors andregional influence of the Ryukyu Islands including the analysis of the geopolitical relationsfactors composition and influence mechanism of the Ryukyu Islands,the geopolitical relationspattern change of the Ryukyu Islands and the research on the issue of sovereignty of theDiaoyu Islands, the geopolitical relations pattern change of the Ryukyu Islands and the theresearch on the issue of maritime rights and interests of the east China sea Etc.The sixth chapter summarizes main conclusions and research implications for the thesisand outlooks the prospects of the geopolitical relations research of the Ryukyu Islands.

  • 【分类号】K901.4;D823
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1542
  • 攻读期成果