

A Study of the Relations of Egypt and the Foreign Countries in Dynasty26

【作者】 马一舟

【导师】 郭丹彤;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 历史文献学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 埃及新王朝后期,阿蒙神祭司集团获得了极大的权力,同时由于战争而兴起的新兴军事贵族拥兵自重,独霸一方,他们的存在极大的削弱了埃及的中央政权。公元前1069年,斯门德斯一世宣布自己为埃及国王,建立了埃及第二十一王朝。但是南方底比斯祭司集团并不服从他的统治,地方贵族也各自为政,因此,斯门德斯仅仅只是名义上的埃及国王。从第二十一王朝建立直到公元前664年,埃及政治分裂、经济衰退、文化凋敝。不仅如此,外来民族也先后入侵埃及,埃及出现了前所未有的低谷。在这种内忧外患的局面下,普撒美提克一世建立了第二十六王朝。他继位之后,首先统一埃及,然后趁亚述忙于内战,摆脱属国身份,从此使埃及走上一条复兴道路。第二十六王朝时期,埃及积极融入东地中海世界,不仅谋求政治上的大国地位,同时也追求最大化的经济利益。纵观埃及第二十六王朝的历史,埃及的政治决策、经济发展,文化复兴,无一不打上了东地中海世界的烙印。可以说,埃及第二十六王朝的历史就是一部埃及对外交往史。特别是瑙克拉提斯城的创立,更是浓缩了埃及与希腊之间的政治、经济、文化等多个方面的往来,是埃及对外交往历史上最为成功的范例。本文收集并整理了第二十六王朝时期对外交往的原始文献资料,并透过文献重构第二十六王朝时期的军事外交、经济交往以及文化交往的过程与内容,进而构建起公元前八世纪—六世纪整个东地中海世界的交往体系。本文拟从以下几个方面来阐述埃及第二十六王朝时期的对外交往:第一部分主要论述第二十六王朝建立的历史背景以及第二十六王朝的建立。第二部分主要论述埃及的外交与战争。这一时期,埃及对外战争频繁,与亚述、新巴比伦、犹太王国、腓尼基人以及叙巴地区的城邦都发生过战争,埃及的对外交往史就是一部战争史。第三部分主要论述埃及的经济和文化往来。这一时期埃及同亚述、叙巴地区、希腊等地都有频繁的贸易往来。贸易往来带来了频繁的人员流动,在这一过程中也带来了他国文化。但是文化上的交往较之战争和经济往来并不明显,是一种长时期的潜移默化的过程。前三个部分是对第二十六王朝时期埃及对外交往的宏观阐释,为了更好的将这一时期埃及的对外交往揭示出来,本论文接下来将以这一时期埃及对外交往的一个成功范例对第二十六王朝的对外关系进行微观阐释,于是便有了本论文的第四部分对瑙克拉提斯城的创立以及其功能的讨论。总之,第二十六王朝是埃及的第二次对外交往,它全面开启了埃及文明融入整个地中海世界的大门,由此给希腊文化以深刻影响。

【Abstract】 During the late New Kingdom Egypt, the Amun priests Group received a great deal ofpower, and because of the war, the military general Group rose in the war, which controlledthe military and dominate themselves. Their presence greatly weakened Egypt’s centralgovernment.1069BC, Smends I declared himself king of Egypt, and established theTwenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt. But the priests of Thebes Southern Group did not obey hisrule, where the military generals also fragmented and ruled in their own way, and therefore,Adams Mendes was merely nominal king of Egypt. After the Twenty-First dynastyestablished until664BC, between which Egypt political division, economic recession, culturedepressed, not only that, the foreign national has also invaded Egypt, Egypt was in anunprecedented lows.With such internal and external problems, Psamtik I established the Twenty-SixthDynasty. He first unified Egypt, then took advantage of Assyria fighting a civil war to get ridof vassal status, from then on Egypt embarked on a road to recovery. During the Twenty-Sixthdynasty, the Egypt actively integrated into the eastern Mediterranean world, not only to seekpolitical power status, but also to pursuit to maximize the economic interests. Throughout theTwenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt history, Egypt’s political decision-making, economicdevelopment, cultural revival, all marked by the stigma of the eastern Mediterranean world. Itcan be said twenty-sixth dynasty of Egypt’s history is a history of the Egyptian foreignexchanges. Especially the found of Naukratis, is a concentrated history of exchanges betweenEgypt and Greece, in various aspects of the political, economic, cultural, etc., which is themost successful foreign relations paradigm in the history of the Egyptian.In this paper, through the collection and collating of firsthand literature of the foreignrelations during the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty, and with the help of these literature, the authorattains to reconstruct the process and content of the military and diplomatic, economic andcultural exchanges in the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty and ultimately builds the exchanges’ systemthroughout the eastern Mediterranean world from the eighth century BC to six century BC.This paper describes the following aspects of foreign exchanges during the period ofTwenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt: The first part describes the replacement of Twenty-Fifth toTwenty-Sixth Dynasties, and the establishment of the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty. The second partdescribes the Egyptian foreign diplomacy and war. During this period, the Egyptian foreignwars broke out frequently with Assyria, Neo-Babylon, the Jewish kingdom, the Phoeniciansand the Syria-Palestinian’s city-states, which shows the history of Egypt’s foreign relations isalso a history of war. The third part describes the Egyptian foreign economic and culturalexchanges. Egypt and Assyria, Syria and the Palestinian areas, Greece and other places havefrequent trade during this period. Trade brings frequent movement of persons, in the processalso brought him national culture. However, cultural and economic exchanges than war is not obvious, are a prolonged imperceptible influences process. The fourth part the Naukratis ismainly introduced.Finally, the conclusion points out that, the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty is the second period offoreign relations of Egypt, which brings great influence to the Greek culture.
