

Research on the Construction of "Two Types Society" of Wuhan Urban Agglomerations

【作者】 李峻

【导师】 林木西;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 区域经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中国近几十年的经济社会发展走的是一条经济与生态非协调发展的道路。如今,日益尖锐的经济生态矛盾终于促使了“两型”社会的提出并付诸实践。迄今为止,距武汉城市圈“两型”社会试验区设立已历经6年时间,总结其建设过程中的经验、教训,对“两型”社会的后续建设和在全国范围的推广都具有十分重要的理论意义与现实意义。文章以可持续发展理论、资源环境经济学、制度经济学等为理论基础,结合武汉城市圈发展实际,对武汉城市圈“两型”社会建设状况进行了实证研究,以期对其建设成效作出客观评价,并深入探讨其背后的影响因素,为武汉城市圈“两型”社会建设提供参考。全文内容共分为8章,主要做了以下几个方面的工作:1.对国内外有关可持续发展的研究成果进行了详细的分类阐述。以资源环境经济学、可持续发展理论为理论基础,深入探讨了“两型”社会的内涵与本质。指出,理解“两型”社会的本质在于抓住经济、社会、环境三个子系统的协调发展这个关键。“两型”社会的最终目标是实现人类社会的永续生存和发展,经济系统为这种发展提供动力,而社会和环境则分别提供制度和生态承载阀限作为经济系统发展的约束条件,控制经济系统发展的速度和方向。“两型”社会建设的意义就是要实现三者的动态均衡。因此,考察“两型”社会建设成效的关键是要从经济发展与环境的协调性,以及经济、社会、环境三个子系统综合发展水平两个维度展开;2.对国外城市可持续发展模式进行了经验总结。分别介绍了以美国为代表的“精明增长”模式、以欧盟国家为代表的“绿色生态”模式、以德日为代表的“循环经济”模式。对三种模式的成功经验作了归纳总结,指出其启示意义;3.概括地介绍了武汉城市圈从概念提出到“两型”社会试验区成立的发展历程;陈列了武汉城市圈“两型”社会试验区的指导思想、原则和战略目标;描述了武汉城市圈“两型”社会建设的进展情况;4.为了尽可能客观地做出评价,在对武汉城市圈“两型”社会建设成效的综合评价中,引入了环境技术效率模型来测度城市圈经济与环境的协调程度。用综合发展指数法测度城市圈经济、社会、环境三个子系统的综合发展水平。采用两种方法相结合的评价技术,对武汉城市圈9个城市从2005到2012年“两型”社会成效进行了量化评价,并以同时期的北京、上海在相同的指标体系和评价模型中得出的结果作为参照。结果显示:(1)武汉城市圈呈现出“一城独大、众城皆弱”的发展格局;(2)9个城市的发展特征归纳为三种类型:其一,是中心城市武汉,其发展特征属于协调性、发展水平相对比较均衡的类型;其二,仙桃、潜江、天门、黄冈四个城市则属于协调性较高,但发展水平偏低的类型;其三,孝感、鄂州、黄石三个城市则属于协调性和发展水平都偏低的发展类型;(3)2005年以来城市圈的建设中,社会子系统的发展速度最快,说明了城市圈在近8年发展中对居民的社会福利和民生事业的重视;(4)武汉城市圈作为整体,其协调发展度指数与北京、上海等地的协调发展度指数存在不小的差距,“两型”社会试验区建设的优势没有充分体现出来;5.对武汉城市圈“两型”社会建设中的几个主要影响因素:制度、技术、结构、人口和生活水平作了理论上的探讨。以此为基础建立了面板数据模型,截取城市圈9个城市2005—2012年的面板数据,对几个主要影响因素进行了实证检验。以协调发展度指数作为被解释变量代理“两型”社会建设成效。解释变量分别为:用民营经济产值占GDP比、进出口占GDP比、“三废”利用产值占GDP比三个指标分别按0.7、0.2、0.1的权重合成为制度变量;规模以上企业R&D支出占GDP比代理技术进步;以第二产业占比代理产业结构变量;以人口自然增长率代理人口变化;以人均GDP增长率代理生活水平变化。检验结果显示:制度、技术、结构、生活水平变化对“两型”生活建设成效都具有显著正的促进作用。贡献大小分别为:制度0.35、技术0.16、结构0.15、生活水平0.11;6.最后,根据前文分析总结了武汉城市圈“两型”社会建设中的成功经验与不足。从城市圈的发展规划(多中心发展、产业整合与布局、交通基础设施建设)、制度创新、技术创新等几个方面提出可供参考的政策性建议。

【Abstract】 Economic and social development in China recent decades took a path that therelationship is non-coordinated between economic and ecology. Nowadays, thecontradiction between economy and ecology was becoming sharper day by day, whichled to proposition of “two types society” and been puts into practice. So far, it is six yearssince the two types society test area has been set up, summ up its experience and learnedlessons in the construction process of two types society is of very important theoreticaland practical significance in the subsequent construction and promotion in the country.By the guidance of sustainable development theory, resource and environment economics,system economics, etc. combining with the reality of two types society’s construction inWuhan urban agglomerations, and carry on the positive research, expect to build theeffect and make an objective appraisal to it. Then probe into its influence factorthoroughly, and offers reference for construction of two types society in Wuhan urbanagglomerations.The content of the full text is divided into8seals altogether, has mainly done the jobof the following several respects:1. Classify and summary detailed to the domestic and international research resultsabout sustainable development. Base on resource and environment economics,sustainable development theory, probed into the Intension and essence of the two typessociety. Point out that the key of understanding the essence of two types society is thecoordinated development of three subsystems of economy, society and environment. Thefinal goal of the two types society is to realize the surviving forever and developingcontinuously of the human society, and the economic system offers motive force for thiskind of development. Society and environment by offering system and the valve limit ofecology bearing capacity as the restraint terms of development of economy systemrespectively, control the pace and direction economical development. The meaning oftwo types society construction is to realize the dynamic equilibrium of three describedabove. So, for testing the effect of two types society’s construction, the key is taking intoaccount the harmony of economic development and environment, and the developmental level of economy, society.2. Summarized the experience to the city’s sustainable development model offoreign countries. Introduced separately about the “Smart growth” mode represented byU.S.A., the “Green ecology” mode represented by European Union, the “recycleeconomy” mode represented by Germany and Japan. Summarized the successfulexperience of the three kinds of modes, pointed out its enlightenments.3. Gave an overview of the process from the concept of Wuhan urbanagglomerations to establishment of trial zone. Displayed guidelines, principles, strategicobjective and the progress of the trial zone in Wuhan urban agglomerations.4. In order to appraise as objectively as possible, in the evaluation for theachievement of construction of two types society in Wuhan urban agglomerations, themodel of environmental technology efficiency was introduced to measure the degree ofharmony between economy and environment. Estimate the comprehensive developmentlevel of metropolitan’s three subsystems of economy, society, environment by the methodof development index. By combing two evaluation techniques, quantified theachievement of construction of two types society in Wuhan urban agglomerations fromthe year2005to2012. Take the evaluation results in the same period of Beijing,Shanghai as a reference. The results showed that (1) Wuhan urban agglomerationsshowing a development pattern of “big one city alone,and the else cities are week”.(2)Development of the9cities grouped into three categories: First, is the central city ofWuhan, which are characterized by the relatively balanced type between coordinationand developmental level. Second, the four cities of Xiantao, Qianjiang, Tianmen,Huanggang are the type of coordinated high, but the low level of development. Third, the3cities of Xiaogan, Ezhou,Huangshi belong to the type of low both coordination anddevelopment level.(3) Since the year2005, the subsystem of society has got the fastestpace, illustrates that Wuhan metropolitan paid great attention to improve social welfareand livelihood of the residents.(4) Wuhan urban agglomerations as a whole, the index ofcoordinated development behind Beijing’s and Shanghai’s by larger. The advantage oftwo types society is not fully reflected in construction.5. Several main factors for the construction of two types society in Wuhan urbanagglomerations: system, technology, structure, population and living standards were analyzed theoretically. Based on panel data model and the panel data of9cities form theyear2005to2012, the affecting of several key factors was empirical tested. The index ofcoordinate development as the dependent variable substitute the achievement of two typesociety. Explanatory variables were the ratio of private economic output to GDP, thesum of import and export ratio to GDP,"three wastes" reuse value-GDP ratio by0.7,0.2,0.1Weighted synthesis institutional variables.6. Finally, based on the foregoing analysis. This paper summarizes the successfulexperience and inadequate of "two types" society in Wuhan urban agglomerations. putforward policies for reference from aspects as development planning of urban circles(polycentric development, industry consolidation and distribution, transportationinfrastructure), institutional innovation, technological innovation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期